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Title Effects of alternating current voltage amplitude and oxide capacitance onmid-gap interface state defect density extractions in In0.53Ga 0.47Ascapacitors

Author(s) Monaghan, Scott; O'Connor, Éamon; Povey, Ian M.; Sheehan, BrendanJ.; Cherkaoui, Karim; Hutchinson, Barry J. A.; Hurley, Paul K.;Ferdousi, Fahmida; Rios, Rafael; Kuhn, Kelin J.; Rahman, Anisur

Publication date 2013-01-09

Original citation MONAGHAN, S., APOS, CONNOR, É., POVEY, I. M., SHEEHAN, B.J., CHERKAOUI, K., HUTCHINSON, B. J. A., HURLEY, P. K.,FERDOUSI, F., RIOS, R., KUHN, K. J. & RAHMAN, A. 2013. Effectsof alternating current voltage amplitude and oxide capacitance on mid-gap interface state defect density extractions in In0.53Ga0.47Ascapacitors. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 31, 01A119.doi: 10.1116/1.4774109

Type of publication Article (peer-reviewed)

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Effects of alternating current voltage amplitude and oxide capacitanceon mid-gap interface state defect density extractions in In0.53Ga0.47Ascapacitors

Scott Monaghan,a) �Eamon O’Connor, Ian M. Povey, Brendan J. Sheehan, Karim Cherkaoui,Barry J. A. Hutchinson, and Paul K. HurleyTyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Lee Maltings, Cork, County Cork, Ireland

Fahmida Ferdousi, Rafael Rios, and Kelin J. KuhnComponents Research, Intel Corporation, 2501 NW 229th Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon 97124

Anisur RahmanLogic Technology Development Quality and Reliability, Intel Corporation, 2501 NW 229th Avenue,Hillsboro, Oregon 97124

(Received 15 August 2012; accepted 19 December 2012; published 9 January 2013)

This work looks at the effect on mid-gap interface state defect density estimates for In0.53Ga0.47As

semiconductor capacitors when different AC voltage amplitudes are selected for a fixed voltage

bias step size (100 mV) during room temperature only electrical characterization. Results

are presented for Au/Ni/Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP metal–oxide–semiconductor capacitors with (1)

n-type and p-type semiconductors, (2) different Al2O3 thicknesses, (3) different In0.53Ga0.47As

surface passivation concentrations of ammonium sulphide, and (4) different transfer times to the

atomic layer deposition chamber after passivation treatment on the semiconductor surface—

thereby demonstrating a cross-section of device characteristics. The authors set out to determine

the importance of the AC voltage amplitude selection on the interface state defect density

extractions and whether this selection has a combined effect with the oxide capacitance. These

capacitors are prototypical of the type of gate oxide material stacks that could form equivalent

metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors beyond the 32 nm technology node. The authors

do not attempt to achieve the best scaled equivalent oxide thickness in this work, as our focus is on

accurately extracting device properties that will allow the investigation and reduction of interface

state defect densities at the high-k/III–V semiconductor interface. The operating voltage for future

devices will be reduced, potentially leading to an associated reduction in the AC voltage amplitude,

which will force a decrease in the signal-to-noise ratio of electrical responses and could therefore

result in less accurate impedance measurements. A concern thus arises regarding the accuracy of

the electrical property extractions using such impedance measurements for future devices,

particularly in relation to the mid-gap interface state defect density estimated from the conductance

method and from the combined high–low frequency capacitance–voltage method. The authors

apply a fixed voltage step of 100 mV for all voltage sweep measurements at each AC frequency.

Each of these measurements is repeated 15 times for the equidistant AC voltage amplitudes

between 10 mV and 150 mV. This provides the desired AC voltage amplitude to step size ratios

from 1:10 to 3:2. Our results indicate that, although the selection of the oxide capacitance is

important both to the success and accuracy of the extraction method, the mid-gap interface state

defect density extractions are not overly sensitive to the AC voltage amplitude employed regardless

of what oxide capacitance is used in the extractions, particularly in the range from 50% below the

voltage sweep step size to 50% above it. Therefore, the use of larger AC voltage amplitudes in this

range to achieve a better signal-to-noise ratio during impedance measurements for future low

operating voltage devices will not distort the extracted interface state defect density. VC 2013American Vacuum Society. []


The scaling of metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect

transistors (MOSFETs) has been advanced in recent years

with the introduction and optimization of high dielectric con-

stant (high-k) gate oxide materials on silicon in conjunction

with the metal replacement of doped polysilicon gate elec-

trodes,1,2 As scaling progresses beyond the 45 and 32 nm

nodes, replacement of the silicon semiconductor channel

material for an advanced gate stack is likely to improve the

performance in future planar and nonplanar MOSFET archi-

tectures.3 Compound semiconductor material systems such

as In0.53Ga0.47As are under investigation for their suitability

to replace the silicon semiconductor as a result of their high

electron mobility.4 Detrimental scattering of electrons due to

the presence of a high interface state defect density (Dit) ata)Electronic mail: [emailprotected]

01A119-1 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 31(1), Jan/Feb 2013 2166-2746/2013/31(1)/01A119/8/$30.00 VC 2013 American Vacuum Society 01A119-1

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the high-k/In0.53Ga0.47As interface is a major issue.5,6 Signif-

icant advances have been made in recent times7–9 at reduc-

ing the large and dominant mid-gap Dit in In0.53Ga0.47As

semiconductor MOS capacitors10 (MOSCAPs) with suffi-

cient effect to achieve band-to-band (unpinned) Fermi level

movement, and this progress has been successfully trans-

ferred to equivalent material MOSFET devices.11

As further development and optimization of the high-k/

In0.53Ga0.47As interface continues, an accurate estimate of Dit

is important to ensure performance enhancements can be pre-

dicted and achieved in resulting MOSFETs. An as yet open

issue for these systems is the influence of the AC voltage

amplitude parameter selection on the Dit extraction for AC

impedance-based capacitance–voltage (CV) and conduct-

ance–voltage (GV) measurements at AC frequencies ranging

from 20 Hz to 2 MHz.12 The conductance method (CM),13,14

and the combined high–low frequency capacitance-voltage

method (HL),14 manipulate some or all of the CV/GV data to

obtain the Dit estimates and we assess these two methods in

this work for selected oxide/In0.53Ga0.47As systems.

Such admittance spectroscopy applied carefully to both

Si (Ref. 15) and In0.53Ga0.47As (Ref. 10) MOS devices has

been effective to the present day in different material

systems for extracting greater understanding of interface

defects. Maximizing the AC voltage amplitude improves the

signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), but continued transistor scaling

reduces the operating voltage which necessitates a smaller

voltage step size during electrical characterization. It would

be reasonable to expect increased error and/or variability in

the measurements as the voltage step size becomes compara-

ble to, and less than, the AC voltage amplitude since this

could reduce the SNR significantly. Therefore, we assess the

effect of such changes on devices that are both the basis for,

and the prelude to, functional III–V semiconductor MOS-



This work looks at six samples in total, S1–S6, which are

summarized in Table I. The full experimental details of (i)

S1, S2, and S4 are provided in Ref. 16, (ii) S3 in Ref. 9, and

(iii) S5 and S6 are identical to S3 with the exception of the

oxide thickness (�12 nm instead of �8 nm) and the fact that

S6 is p-type.

All epitaxial In0.53Ga0.47As semiconductor layers were

grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) on

heavily doped (�2� 1018 cm�3) InP(100) substrates. Samples

S1, S2, and S4 had back contacts of Ti/Au (for the p-type

sample) and Au/Ge/Au/Ni/Au (for the n-type samples),

followed by a 30 s rapid thermal anneal (RTA) at 623 K in

N2. Samples S3, S5, and S6 had no back contact formation as

series resistance effects were deemed to be negligible.

All In0.53Ga0.47As surfaces were initially rinsed for 1 min

each in acetone, methanol, and isopropanol, prior to immersion

in (NH4)2 S diluted in deionized H2O (20 min, 295 K). The

Al2O3 layers were grown by atomic layer deposition, using

alternating pulses of trimethylaluminum (Al2(CH3)6) and H2O.

Samples were loaded into the atomic layer deposition reactor

within either 3 or 7 min exposure to ambient after removal

from the (NH4)2 S solution. Top metal depositions were either

by shadow mask (SM) or by a lithography lift-off (LO) pro-

cess. Metal–oxide–semiconductor capacitors were formed

with a variety of areas and shapes. A short summary of the ma-

terial system details is provided in Table I, and further details

can be found in Refs. 9 and 16.


First, we must consider the estimation of the oxide capaci-

tance. The oxide capacitance (Cox) is derived from Eq. (1),14

where a dielectric constant (k) of �8.6 is used for the Al2O3

oxide deposited by ALD,17 and e0 is the permittivity of free


We assess only Al2O3 in this study because of its poten-

tial use as an intermediate k-value oxide to form a stable

interface control layer between other high-k oxides (e.g.,

HfO2) and In0.53Ga0.47As that exhibit poor interfaces with

high interface state defect densities.18–20 A SiOx interlayer is

generally found for transition metal binary high-k oxides

(e.g., HfO2) on silicon.21

Cox is directly inversely proportional to the oxide thick-

ness (t)

Cox ¼ke0

t¼ 8:6� 8:85� 10�12

tfF=m2g: (1)

The oxide capacitance values derived from Eq. (1) using

nominal ALD thicknesses approximately correspond to those

obtained from the estimated thicknesses from physical char-

acterization techniques, such as spectroscopic ellipsometry

and high resolution transmission electron microscopy.16 The

oxide capacitance values estimated through different direct

measurement techniques generally agree with the values

obtained using Eq. (1), although variations can occur since

there is always some error inherent in the k-value and

TABLE I. Summary of sample details for S1–S6. SM¼ shadow mask and LO¼ lift-off.






element Doping in cm�3 (NH4)2 S % conc. Transfer time (min) Oxide thickness (nm) Ni/Au thickness (nm)



S1 N S 4� 1017 10 �7 �8 60/40 SM

S2 P Zn 4� 1017 10 �7 �8 60/40 SM

S3 N S 4� 1017 10 �3 �8 70/90 LO

S4 N S 4� 1017 5 �7 �8 60/40 SM

S5 N S 4� 1017 10 �3 �12 70/90 LO

S6 P Zn 4� 1017 10 �3 �12 70/90 LO

01A119-2 Monaghan et al.: Effects of AC voltage amplitude and oxide capacitance 01A119-2

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 31, No. 1, Jan/Feb 2013

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thickness estimates. In addition, techniques used for estimat-

ing the oxide capacitance can often produce results different

to those obtained when measuring the capacitance observed

in strong accumulation.

We employed two methods for evaluating the interface state

defect density for each sample: the CM13,14 and the HL.14

In the case of some samples, we have also used secondary

estimates of the oxide capacitance mainly to illustrate two

points: (1) it is well known that using a different oxide capac-

itance will give a different extraction of Dit employing the

CM and HL, but the effect on the Dit extractions for different

values of oxide capacitance and for different values of

AC voltage amplitude is unknown. Quantification would be

informative; (2) if the estimated and employed oxide capaci-

tance is slightly inaccurate (as discussed previously) and falls

very close to or lower than the measured capacitance, how do

the Dit extraction techniques handle these conditions?

The essence of the CM is contained in Eq. (2). When

sweeping the applied voltage for fixed AC frequency

values (x¼ 2p�AC frequency), we assume a zero devia-

tion in the semiconductor band bending (rs¼ 0). Under this

condition, fD(rs)¼ 0.4, and q is the electronic charge

(�1.602� 10�19 eV).

Dit ¼hGp=xifDðrsÞq

� 2:5



G2m þ x2ðCox � CmÞ2


fcm�2eV�1g: (2)

The measured capacitance (Cm) and conductance (Gm) in

Eq. (2) are from the CpG parallel circuit mode CV/GV meas-

urements after checks for series resistance effects are com-

plete and corrected if necessary.14 As a comparative check,

we also carried out equivalent measurements with no

assumptions regarding the deviation in the semiconductor

band bending and by sweeping the frequency at fixed voltage

bias values. Similar Dit results were obtained and therefore

we maintain focus here on results using Eq. (2) in order to

compare with the HL extractions.

The HL,14 unlike the conductance method, uses only the

measured capacitance and not the conductance, as repre-

sented by Eq. (3).

Dit ¼Cit

q¼ 1



CLF� 1


� ��1

� 1

CHF� 1


� ��1" #

fcm�2eV�1g: (3)

The measured low and high frequency capacitance is CLF

and CHF, respectively. The capacitance assigned to the inter-

face state defect response to the AC frequency is Cit. The

extracted Dit using the HL is very sensitive to the low and

high frequencies employed and can underestimate Dit signifi-

cantly as a result.15 Ideally, a quasistatic capacitance should be

used for CLF to maximize the interface state defect response,

and an extremely high frequency should be used for CHF to

ensure the interface defects cannot respond to the applied AC

frequency. In practice, compromises must be made. For this

study, we focus on CLF¼ 20 Hz and CHF¼ 2 MHz, which we

will show give reasonably accurate results.

Equation (3) and thus the HL is very sensitive to the

selection of Cox, and when Cox is approximately equal to or

less than CLF especially and/or CHF, the method either fails

entirely or gives anomalous results. In contrast, Eq. (2) and

thus the CM relies on the square of the capacitance subtrac-

tion term and therefore is more robust when Cox�Cm.

In estimating the energy position of interface state defect

traps, we use the methods of Ref. 14 by taking room tempera-

ture high frequency 2 MHz CV data and assuming a negligi-

ble Cit response so that 1/C¼ 1/Coxþ 1/Cs. We cross-check

with other measurements at lower temperature and for differ-

ence device areas to see the effect of these on Cit. We then

calculate Cs and the depletion width W. We also determine

the Fermi level position with respect to uB and the surface

potential at each gate voltage bias ws, and from these, we

determine the trap position in the energy gap. The trap energy

position estimate is very sensitive to the semiconductor dop-

ing concentration and the estimated oxide capacitance. We

know that such estimates have a resolution of 60.05 eV for

silicon,22 and at least the same for In0.53Ga0.47As.16 Based on

these assumptions, the trap energy position resolution with

respect to maximum AC voltage amplitude change employed

in this work is negligible at 60.006 eV.

The electrical measurements presented here were carried

out using an Agilent Technologies E4980A Precision

LCR meter and employed methods and techniques to

achieve accurate CV/GV measurements over the entire AC

frequency range of the meter. The quasistatic capacitance–

voltage measurements were carried out using an AgilentTechnologies B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer.

The on-wafer measurements were performed at room tem-

perature in a microchamber probe station (Cascade Micro-

tech, model Summit 12971B) in a dry air, dark environment

(dew point� 203 K). Extreme care was taken to remove

parasitic capacitances from the measurements using robust

calibration techniques that remained valid throughout the

measurement process.

TABLE II. Main electrical measurement parameters for the CV/GV data used

in this work. The 25 frequencies swept were 20 Hz, 40 Hz, 100 Hz, 350 Hz,

700 Hz, 1 kHz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 4 kHz, 6 kHz, 8 kHz, 10 kHz, 20 kHz, 40 kHz,

60 kHz, 80 kHz, 100 kHz, 200 kHz, 400 kHz, 600 kHz, 800 kHz, 1 MHz,

1.34 MHz, 1.67 MHz, and 2 MHz. All measurements were carried out at

each of the following 15 AC voltage amplitudes at a fixed step size of

100 mV (amplitude/step ratio in parenthesis): 10 mV (1:10), 20 mV (1:5),

30 mV (3:10), 40 mV (2:5), 50 mV (1:2), 60 mV (3:5), 70 mV (7:10), 80 mV

(4:5), 90 mV (9:10), 100 mV (1:1), 110 mV (11:10), 120 mV (6:5), 130 mV

(13:10), 140 mV (7:5), and 150 mV (3:2).


Vg step



start (V)

Vg stop

(V) # ff start


f end

(MHz) #AC

AC start


AC end


S1 100 �2 1.5 25 20 2 15 10 150

S2 100 2 �1.5 25 20 2 15 10 150

S3 100 �2 1.5 25 20 2 15 10 150

S4 100 �2 1.5 25 20 2 15 10 150

S5 100 �4 4 25 20 2 15 10 150

S6 100 4 �4 25 20 2 15 10 150

01A119-3 Monaghan et al.: Effects of AC voltage amplitude and oxide capacitance 01A119-3

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We apply a fixed voltage step size of 100 mV for all volt-

age sweep CV/GV measurements at each AC frequency

between 20 Hz and 2 MHz. We repeat each of these meas-

urements 15 times for the equidistant AC voltage amplitudes

between 10 and 150 mV. This provides the desired AC volt-

age amplitude to step size ratios from 1:10 to 3:2. This is

done for all samples S1–S6. See Table II for more details.


Figures 1–4 illustrate the experimental CV and GV

responses as a function of AC frequency and AC voltage

amplitude (Fig. 1), the extracted interface state density val-

ues (Figs. 2 and 3), and a comparison of the low frequency

(20Hz) and quasistatic (QS) CV responses (Fig. 4). Table

III provides a summary of the main results of this work,

which are also described individually in Figs. 5–10. Figure

1 shows sample S1 (a) CV and (b) GV responses for 15 dif-

ferent AC voltage amplitudes for each of the 25 frequencies

selected between 20 Hz and 2 MHz, as described in Table

II. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) illustrates the type of CV/GV

measurements carried out for all samples S1–S6. Dit extrac-

tions are performed on this type of data set for all samples

S1–S6. In order to differentiate between the frequency dis-

persion at a single AC voltage amplitude and the dispersive

effects of the changing AC voltage amplitude on the CV

and GV characteristics, we show 25 frequency CV/GV

results in Fig. 1(c) CV and in Fig. 1(d) GV for a single AC

FIG. 1. (Color online) Sample S1 (a) CV and (b) GV responses for 15 different AC voltage amplitudes (10–150 mV) for each of the 25 AC frequencies selected

between 20 Hz and 2 MHz (see Table II). This illustrates the type of CV/GV measurements carried out for all samples S1–S6 and Dit extractions are performed

on this type of data set for all samples S1–S6. In order to differentiate between the AC frequency dispersion and the dispersive effects of the changing AC

voltage amplitude on the CV and GV characteristics, we show 25 AC frequency (c) CV and (d) GV results for a single AC voltage amplitude of 50 mV as com-

parisons to (a) and (b), respectively.

FIG. 2. (Color online) Sample S1 Dit extractions using the CM [Eq. (2)] for a

Cox of (a) 0.00951 F/m2 and (b) 0.011 F/m2 for 15 different AC voltage

amplitudes (10–150 mV) for each of the 25 AC frequencies between 20 Hz

and 2 MHz (see Table II). This illustrates the CM analysis technique carried

out for all samples S1–S6.

01A119-4 Monaghan et al.: Effects of AC voltage amplitude and oxide capacitance 01A119-4

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 31, No. 1, Jan/Feb 2013

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voltage amplitude of 50 mV for comparison with Figs. 1(a)

and 1(b), respectively.

Figure 2 shows sample S1 Dit extractions using the CM

[Eq. (2)] for a Cox of (a) 0.00951 F/m2 and (b) 0.011 F/m2 for

15 different AC voltage amplitudes for each of the 25 fre-

quencies selected between 20 Hz and 2 MHz, as described in

Table II. The maximum Dit peaks for a clustered distribution

can be observed at 350 Hz for (a) and 100 Hz for (b) at

Vg¼�1.3 V. Notice that the CM technique is robust to lower

values of Cox. Figure 2 illustrates the CM analysis technique

carried out for all samples S1–S6.

Figure 3 shows sample S1 Dit extractions using the HL

[Eq. (3)] for a Cox of (a) 0.00951 F/m2 and (b) 0.011 F/m2 for

15 different AC voltage amplitudes for CLF¼ 20 Hz and

CHF¼ 2 MHz, as described in Table II. The Dit peaks for

each AC voltage amplitude plot can be observed in (b) but

not in (a) at Vg¼�1.5 V. The anomalous behavior in (a) is

due to Cox being approximately equal to or less than CLF

and/or CHF. An increased Cox in (b) rectifies the anomalous

behavior. Hence, the HL is not robust to lower values of Cox.

Figure 3 illustrates the HL analysis technique carried out for

all samples S1–S6.

Figure 4 shows the accuracy of using a 20 Hz CV sweep

to approximate to a QSCV sweep. The latter is generally

not possible below a high-k oxide thickness of �10 nm

because the quasistatic CV extraction method necessitates

a very low leakage current density which should have a

value much less than the displacement current derived

from the integral of displacement charge with respect to

time resulting from the incremental applied voltage step on

the MOS device. The derived capacitance is this incremen-

tal charge divided by the incremental voltage change. In

Fig. 4, we see that there is little difference between the

20 Hz CV and the QSCV for both n-type S5 (a) and p-type

S6 (b), indicating that for the In0.53Ga0.47As MOS system a

frequency of 20 Hz appears to be a reasonable approxima-

tion to a low frequency response and can be used in cases

where gate leakage precludes the use of a full QSCV


Figures 5–10 show the extracted Dit for the most appro-

priate gate voltages and AC frequencies for each of the

15 different AC voltage amplitudes (10–150 mV). Figure 5

shows sample S1 scatter plots for Dit extracted using the

FIG. 3. (Color online) Sample S1 Dit extractions using the HL [Eq. (3)] for a

Cox of (a) 0.00951 F/m2 and (b) 0.011 F/m2 for CLF¼ 20 Hz and

CHF¼ 2 MHz at 15 different AC voltage amplitudes (see Table II). The Dit

peaks for each AC voltage amplitude plot can be observed in (b) but not in

(a) at Vg¼�1.5 V. The anomalous behavior in (a) is due to Cox being

approximately equal to or less than CLF and/or CHF. An increased Cox in (b)

rectifies the anomalous behavior. Hence, the HL is not robust to lower val-

ues of Cox. This illustrates the HL analysis technique carried out for all sam-

ples S1–S6.

FIG. 4. (Color online) Illustration of how closely the 20 Hz CV approximates

the quasistatic CV for samples (a) S5 and (b) S6. Also shown are the appro-

priate 2 MHz CVs. This example shows that the 20 Hz CV can be used in

the HL to give reasonable Dit estimates, and this is particularly useful for

scaled devices with oxides <10 nm where a quasistatic measurement is not

possible due to leakage effects.

01A119-5 Monaghan et al.: Effects of AC voltage amplitude and oxide capacitance 01A119-5

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TABLE III. Summary of results in this work and how they change with Cox selection and the AC voltage amplitude from 50% below the voltage sweep step size

to 50% above it.

CM Dit (cm�2 eV�1)� 1013 HL Dit (cm�2 eV�1)� 1013

Name Cox (1) Cox (2) Cox (1) Cox (2) Cox (1) F/m2 Cox (2) F/m2 Figure

S1 4.8 6 0.3 3.3 6 0.2 Void 4.4 6 1.0 0.00951 0.011 5

S2 6.0 6 1.5 3.0 6 0.8 Void 1.5 6 0.3 0.00951 0.0155 6

S3 0.6 6 0.1 N/A 0.9 6 0.05 N/A 0.00951 N/A 7

S4 2.5 6 0.1 2.25 6 0.05 Void Void 0.00951 0.011 8

S5 0.27 6 0.03 N/A 0.24 6 0.05 N/A 0.00634 N/A 9

S6 0.23 6 0.05 N/A 0.23 6 0.05 N/A 0.00634 N/A 10

FIG. 5. Sample S1 extracted Dit for the most appropriate gate voltage and AC

frequency for each of the 15 different AC voltage amplitudes (10–150 mV).

Results are summarized in Table III. CM extractions carried out for Cox

¼ 0.00951 F/m2, Vg¼�1.3 V (E�Ev� 0.36 eV), and at an AC frequency of

350 Hz; CM extractions carried out for Cox¼ 0.011 F/m2, Vg¼�1.3 V

(E�Ev� 0.37 eV), and at an AC frequency of 100 Hz; and HL extractions

carried out for Cox¼ 0.011 F/m2, Vg¼�1.5 V (E�Ev� 0.36 eV), and AC

frequencies of 20 Hz (LF) and 2 MHz (HF).

FIG. 6. (Color online) Sample S2 extracted Dit for the most appropriate gate

voltage and AC frequency for each of the 15 different AC voltage ampli-

tudes (10–150 mV). Results are summarized in Table III. CM extractions

carried out for Cox¼ 0.00951 F/m2, Vg¼ 0.7 V (E�Ev� 0.36 eV), and at an

AC frequency of 40 Hz; CM extractions carried out for Cox¼ 0.0155 F/m2,

Vg¼ 0.9 V (E�Ev� 0.42 eV), and at an AC frequency of 20 Hz; and HL

extractions carried out for Cox¼ 0.0155 F/m2, Vg¼ 0.9 V (E�Ev� 0.42 eV),

and AC frequencies of 20 Hz (LF) and 2 MHz (HF).

FIG. 7. (Color online) Sample S3 extracted Dit for the most appropriate gate

voltage and AC frequency for each of the 15 different AC voltage amplitudes

(10–150 mV). Results are summarized in Table III. CM extractions carried

out for Cox¼ 0.00951 F/m2, Vg¼�1.4 V (E�Ev� 0.33 eV), and at an AC

frequency of 20 Hz; and HL extractions carried out for Cox¼ 0.00951 F/m2,

Vg¼�1.4 V (E�Ev� 0.33 eV), and AC frequencies of 20 Hz (LF) and

2 MHz (HF).

FIG. 8. (Color online) Sample S4 extracted Dit for the most appropriate gate

voltage and AC frequency for each of the 15 different AC voltage ampli-

tudes (10–150 mV). Results are summarized in Table III. CM extractions

carried out for Cox¼ 0.00951 F/m2, Vg¼�1.2 V (E�Ev� 0.41 eV), and at

an AC frequency of 700 Hz; and CM extractions carried out for

Cox¼ 0.011 F/m2, Vg¼�1.2 V (E�Ev� 0.38 eV), and at an AC frequency

of 350 Hz.

01A119-6 Monaghan et al.: Effects of AC voltage amplitude and oxide capacitance 01A119-6

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 31, No. 1, Jan/Feb 2013

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CM and HL with the specified Cox values. As discussed pre-

viously, the HL technique failed for Cox¼ 0.00951 F/m2 but

was sufficiently remedied for Cox¼ 0.011 F/m2.

Figure 6 shows sample S2 scatter plots for Dit extracted

using the CM and HL with the specified Cox values. The HL

technique failed for Cox¼ 0.00951 F/m2 but was sufficiently

remedied for Cox¼ 0.0155 F/m2. Figure 7 shows sample S3

scatter plots for Dit extracted using the CM and HL with

Cox¼ 0.00951 F/m2 (no further extractions were necessary

with an increased Cox).

Figure 8 shows sample S4 scatter plots for Dit extracted

using the CM only with the two specified Cox values. The HL

technique gave anomalous results for both values of Cox. Fig-

ure 9 shows sample S5 scatter plots for Dit extracted using

the CM and HL with the specified Cox¼ 0.00634 F/m2 (no

further extractions were necessary with an increased Cox).

Figure 10 shows sample S6 scatter plots for Dit extracted

using the CM and HL with the specified Cox¼ 0.00634 F/m2

(no further extractions were necessary with an increased


From Table III, we see that for the most part, the AC

voltage amplitude selected has little effect on the extracted

Dit provided care is taken in the selection of Cox, as overesti-

mation of the oxide capacitance can lead to a reduced magni-

tude and shift of the peak mid-gap interface state defect

density alongside a smoothing out of the response versus

applied frequency and voltage (see Fig. 2), and underestima-

tion of the oxide capacitance can lead to either complete

failure of the extraction method or anomalous behavior (see

Fig. 3).

It is worth highlighting the differences in the extracted Dit

using both the CM and HL techniques for samples with and

without the optimized passivation process and transfer time.

Samples S3, S5, and S6 were prepared by the optimized pro-

cess and transfer time and therefore show Dit values an order

of magnitude or more lower than samples S1, S2, and S4

that were prepared using nonoptimized processes and trans-

fer times.


Significant progress has been made in recent years to ana-

lyze and reduce the interface state defect density levels at

the high-k/In0.53Ga0.47As interface of metal–oxide–semicon-

ductor capacitors for application as the gate stack in future

field-effect transistors. The conductance method and the

combined high–low frequency capacitance–voltage method

are used extensively to investigate the interface state defect

density levels in these and similar systems. While the

selected oxide capacitance used in these extraction methods

is known to have a significant effect on the interface state

defect density level extracted—and we confirm that fact in

this work—the effect of the selected AC voltage amplitude

was unknown. It was also unknown whether changes to the

selection of both these parameters would have a compound-

ing effect on the extracted interface state defect density

level. Overall we find that the selection of the AC voltage

amplitude, especially for selected ratios from 1:2 to 3:2 with

respect to the voltage sweep step size, has no significant

effect on the level of interface state defect density extracted,

and that it does not compound any error arising from the

selection of the oxide capacitance regardless of whether you

use the conductance method or the combined high–low fre-

quency capacitance–voltage method. We also find that the

conductance method is more robust to oxide capacitance

selection. Therefore, an increased AC voltage amplitude up

to a 3:2 ratio with respect to the voltage step size can be

used in capacitance–voltage and conductance–voltage meas-

urements for either the conductance method or the combined

high–low frequency capacitance–voltage method to provide

accurate interface state defect density estimates for the

high-k/In0.53Ga0.47As interface of metal–oxide–semiconductor

capacitor gate stacks in future reduced voltage field-effect

FIG. 9. (Color online) Sample S5 extracted Dit for the most appropriate gate

voltage and AC frequency for each of the 15 different AC voltage ampli-

tudes (10–150 mV). Results are summarized in Table III. CM extractions

carried out for Cox¼ 0.00634 F/m2, Vg¼�1.7 V (E�Ev� 0.37 eV), and at

an AC frequency of 20 Hz; and HL extractions carried out for

Cox¼ 0.00634 F/m2, Vg¼�1.7 V (E�Ev� 0.37 eV), and AC frequencies of

20 Hz (LF) and 2 MHz (HF).

FIG. 10. (Color online) Sample S6 extracted Dit for the most appropriate

gate voltage and AC frequency for each of the 15 different AC voltage

amplitudes (10–150 mV). Results are summarized in Table III. CM extrac-

tions carried out for Cox¼ 0.00634 F/m2, Vg¼�0.6 V (E�Ev� 0.35 eV),

and at an AC frequency of 20 Hz; and HL extractions carried out for

Cox¼ 0.00634 F/m2, Vg¼�0.6 V (E�Ev� 0.35 eV), and AC frequencies of

20 Hz (LF) and 2 MHz (HF).

01A119-7 Monaghan et al.: Effects of AC voltage amplitude and oxide capacitance 01A119-7

JVST B - Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures

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transistors. From a metrology perspective, this finding is

significant, as the AC voltage amplitude can be increased

without having a major impact on the extracted interface state

defect density, and the increase in the AC voltage amplitude

results in an improved signal-to-noise for impedance



The authors acknowledge the support of Intel Compo-

nents Research, Intel Ireland (particularly R. E. Nagle) and

Science Foundation Ireland through the INVENT project

(Grant No. SFI/09/IN.1/I2633).

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01A119-8 Monaghan et al.: Effects of AC voltage amplitude and oxide capacitance 01A119-8

J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, Vol. 31, No. 1, Jan/Feb 2013

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