The Smoothie Diet Reviews: 21 Day Recipe Program That Works? (2024)

Who Designed The Smoothie Diet?

The Smoothie Diet program is the brainchild of Drew Sgoutas, a certified health coach and nutrition expert. Through his years of working as a nutrition expert and health coach, Drew figured out the best diets to lose weight. He put all his experiences and research together in the form of The Smoothie Diet ebook program.

How Does The Smoothie Diet work?

The Smoothie Diet is an ebook program that consists of a complete set of recipes and diet plans that will not only boost weight loss but can improve your whole life. There are numerous health benefits that come with this program.

Before you start, you have to do a three-day detox; this detox also involves the use of the “3-day Smoothie Detox Program”; a bonus that you get with The Smoothie Diet program. The detox preps your body for the actual 21-day program.

The Smoothie Diet program involves replacing two of your daily meals with green smoothies. The smoothies that you replace your meals with are rich in all the vital nutrients that your body requires, and they satisfy all the needs of the body. This results in little to no food cravings and a significantly reduced appetite.

By reducing your appetite, The Smoothie Diet cuts your daily calories in half, resulting in rapid weight loss without you having to experience extreme hunger or uncontrollable urges to eat something.

Detoxifies The Body

The smoothies that you’ll be asked to take contain ingredients rich in antioxidants and detoxifying agents, which remove all the harmful toxins from your body. The removal of these toxins allows for better absorption of nutrients, which leads to a further reduced appetite and boosts weight loss.

Boosts The Breakdown Of Fats

When you cut your calories, your body resorts to its secondary source of energy; fats. When your body is low on glucose, it starts breaking down fats. The program boosts your metabolism and allows you to lose weight rapidly. The fat that was so hard to get rid of starts to go away right in front of your eyes; within days you start to see notable differences in your physique.

Improves Nutrient Absorption

Taking the smoothies on a daily basis improves the bioavailability of the body and allows for better absorption of nutrients; this results in better health and increased energy.

You are allowed to take one meal per day, but this meal must be low in carbohydrates and high in nutritional value so that your body doesn’t experience any deficiencies.

Cuts Unhealthy Meals Out of Your Diet

The program requires you to avoid junk food and other processed foods that might have any harmful effects on the body. It encourages the user to focus more on meals rich in proteins and fibers.

What Does The Smoothie Diet Ebook Contain?

The Smoothie Diet program consists of various sections; some are dedicated to your education of the program while others list down the steps you should follow in order to see rapid weight loss.

The Main Guide

The main guide is divided into three sections:

  • Fat Burning 101

  • Smoothie Basics

  • What To Eat

The main guide is dedicated to the education of the user. It outlines the workings of The Smoothie Diet and how maximum fat can be burnt.

The Main Program

The Main Program is what The Smoothie Diet is all about. The program is divided into three weeks; the first week incorporates vegetables and fruits into your diet, the second week reduces your appetite, the third week boosts your metabolism. In this way, the program ensures the most effective results without harming your body at all. The components of the main program are listed below:

  • Smoothie Schedule

  • Recipe Cards

  • The Daily Journal

  • Healthy Eating Guide

  • Diabetes-Friendly Smoothies

  • Gluten-Free Smoothies

  • Smoothies For Kids

Benefits of The Smoothie Diet

The Smoothie Diet is full of benefits for anyone who wants to take it; its benefits are way too many to list them all down. Nevertheless, some of its major benefits are listed below:

  • Provides rapid weight loss

  • Provides vital nutrients to the body

  • Detoxifies the body

  • A healthy meal replacement

  • Boosts metabolism

  • Higher energy levels

  • Improves gut health

  • Improves immunity

  • Provides fibers to the body

Customer Reviews

The Smoothie Diet has produced results the customers themselves have been finding hard to believe. Thousands of customers have used the program and have turned their whole lives around. Danielle, a customer from Houston, lost 8 pounds in a single week. She had this to say about the program:

“Getting into this diet was so easy, and the results were so fast. After only 1 week on the Smoothie Diet, I weighed myself and realized I had lost 8 pounds! I feel better and more confident than I have in a very long time, I don’t have to suck in my stomach to button my pants anymore, and I still have to stop doing a double-take every time I walk in front of a mirror.”

The Smoothie Diet Reviews: 21 Day Recipe Program That Works? (2024)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.