The San Antonio Light (2024)

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The San Antonio Light (1) Next item

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X $600000
The Light Wishes A Merry Christmas For All Its Readers
Statement Today Is Practical
Abdication of Venezuelan
Presidency—Dutch Minister
on Way to Effect Settlement
Berlin Dec. 24. —Cipriano Castro to-
day gave a statement to the Associated
Press which amounts virtually to an
abandonment of his present claims to
the presidency of the Venezuelan re-
public The statement follows:
"After taking? cognizance of every-
thing printed in the newspapers from
Venezuela I doubt the attitude there-
in attributed to the present govern-
ment at Caracas. But I will have
more to say on this subject when I am
in better health and when I have full
knowledge of what has occurred. In
any event I will place no difficulties
in the way of the present administra-
tion of eVnezuela pending a settling
of the controversies with foreign gov-
ernments even if this involves my
own withdrawal from activity in the
affairs of the nation.”
Goes to Seek Settlement.
The Hague Dec. 24—The foreign
office has been advised that Jose de
Paul until recently Venezuelan min-
ister of foreign affairs left La Guayra
today for Paris and The Hague on a
special mission from the new Venezue-
lan government to open negotiations
for a settlement of the existing dis-
putes between Venezuela and France
and Holland.
Special to The Light
Seguin Tex. Dec. 24.—Mrs. W. R.
Neal was seriously hurt and her hus-
band who is a leading lawyer here
was painfully bruised last night by
being knocked down on the street by
a horse. Mrs. Neal’s hip is broken and
her condition is very grave.
In company with their niece Miss
Ddlly Martin who is a granddaughter
of the late Rev. Buckner Harris of
San Antonio the couple were on their
way home from the opera house. A
horse restive from standing long in
front of the opera house and driven
carelessly dashed down the street
and before Mr. and Mrs. Neal were
aware of Its approach they were
knocked to the ground. Happily the
young lady escaped.
Mr. Neal was only slightly bruised
but Mrs. Neal’s hip was broken.
Officers are making an effort to dis-
cover the identity of the driver of the
horse but so far have not succeeded.
W. H. Keilmann proprietor of the
Beauty saloon 401 South Concho
street was taken into custody by Sher-
iff Lindsey last night on an indict-
ment returned by the grand jury
charging him with keeping a disorder-
'y house. ।
The indictment against Keilniann
was returned Tuesday but was not
made public until the arrest-had been
made. Bond in the sum of $5OO was
J. H. Ketchum aged 38 years died
this afternoon at 12:30 at his resi-
dence. 922 Nolan street He was a
member of Milam lodge No. 2. A. O. U.
W.. and was also a member of the
painters’ union. He is survived by a
vzife and two children. His mother
who lives in Missouri has been com-
municated with. No funeral arrange-
ments have been made pending her
LOCAL weather forecast for Pan An-
tonio and vicinity:
Tonight: Partly cloudy weather; wann-
er. Friday: Fair.
The minimum temperature for the 24
hours ending at 8 o'clock In the morning
was 44 and the'maximum 62.
!»<>< 1908
4 a. m 49 45
6 a. m 46 46
8 a. m 43 46 ■
10 a. m 49 50
12 noon .. 57 58
Police Take Negro Man and
Woman Pending Investiga-
tion of Death of Louis Na-
poleon( a Negro.
Two persons a negro man and wom-
an are held by the police in connec-
tion with the death of Louis Napoleon
a negro whose body was found stretch-
ed on the floor of a room in his house
1104 North Mesquite street by a po-
pliceman about 7 o'clock last night.
The man had evidently been dead
two or three days and a murder is sus-
R. W. Gold a special deputy sheriff
arrested this morning at 118 Sherman
street a negro man and a negress
whose name is unknown and turned
them over to the police. Both are
held pending an investigation of Na-
poleon's death.
The pair held in connection with
tho'case had been friendly with the
dead man. The man is reported to
have been seen with him Monday
night the last time he was seen alive.
Tuesday the suspected man displayed
several’bills and paid up an account at
a saloon for about $lO.
Murder Is Police Theory.
The police believe that the negro
was murdered in his. home. They car-
ried on an all night Jstigation and
as a result a and woman
arc now rigid ex-
Acting Chief of Pq Ie McCabe be-
lieves startling developments will
come within the next few hours. Just
what evidence the officers have is
not disclosed.
A post mortem examhiation of the
body was begun this forenoon by Dr.
Berrey the county physician.
Tho theory of the police is that
Napoleon w r as killed with a bulleft
about the size of a 38 caliber. The
22 caliber rifle they are inclined to
believe was placed beside the corpse
to create the impression that the ne-
gro had committed suicide. The ques-
♦ ion hinges on the finding of the bul-
let which lodged in the brain.
Even in the event that the ball in
the head is found to be a 22 caliber
the police do not think that the negro
shot himself. Napoleon recently had
trouble w’ith another man regarding
tho theft ol Tin and this feature
the police sa: figure prominently
in the case U providing the inves-
tigation is rs®r7ctive of sufficient evi-
dence to further action.
Napoleon jAjJ chickens and sausage
for a liveliDbod and lived alone.
A team 01 horses belonging to him
were found by the police to be al-
most starved having evidently not
been fed since the death .of the negro
last Monday.
Robbery may have been the motive
of the killing. It is said by those who
knew Napoleon that he was invariably
possessed of considerable ready mon-
ey. When the body and the premises
were searched last night the officials
were unable to find a cent.
Sheriff Lindsey today received a
letter from the secretary of the Texas
Bankers’ association at Austin warn-
ing him that two dangerous crooks
whose special line is the passing of
worthless checks have been operat-
ing at various race meets in Texas.
Descriptions of the men have been
received and will be given to the
banks of the city. Crowds at the race
tracks will be scanned also bj- the
special deputies in charge there.
Will Swann the carpenter who was
picked up early this morning at tho
corner of South Flores and Dolorosa
streets with both arms broken and
protruding through the Hesh was tak-
en to his home 115 Hicks street about
11 o'clock this morning after having
the bones in his arms set. He was
found this morning by the motorman
of the last car to West End and was
later coqveyed to the city hospital
where he received medical attention.
It is thought he fell from a window at
the Cosmopolitan rooming house while
asleep. His condition is serious but
his injuries are not considered fatal.
Will Instruct Attorney General
to Bring Suits to Forfeit
Charters of All Such Organ-
izations. *
Special to The Light
Austin Tex. Dec. 24.—’Che Rov-
ernor is planning within a few days
to instruct Attorney General David-
son to bring suits for the forfeiture
of the charters of all social literary
or charitable clubs which are selling
liquor on the ground that the charter
is being violated.
It has been arranged that these
suits will be brought by each county
and district attorney in the name of
the state. Test cases will be pushed
rapidly. The governor intends to seek
a legislative measure prohibiting the
sale of liquor even to the members
of any organization not chartered for
that direct purpose. It is believed som e
of the lodges in the larger cities will
first come under the ban.
Special to The Light.
Austin. Tex. Dec. 24. —Assistant
Adjutant. General Phelps today denied
that General Newton stopped in New
Braunfels yesterday and held a con-
ference regarding Comal county re-
fusing to obey the Baskin-McGregor
law. Phelps declared Newton went to
San Antonio only. Newton so far has
.not returned. County Attorney Henne
of Comal county is here today but
has not conferred with Governor
Campbell. Henne declares he was not
summoned here but came merely to
do Christmas shopping. The governor
smilingly declared today he is still de-
termined to force New Braunfels to
close the lid at all hazards.
"Good old-fashioned Christmas
weatheW*’ is Maj. Buell’s Christmas
present to San Antonio.
“Many San Antonians have called
up the weather bureau" said the ma-
jor this morning “to ask what kind
of weather we are to have tomorrow
and I want The Light to answer all
questions by saying that as near as
it can be figured out from the dope-
sheet tbe weather will be fine —real
San Antonio Christmas weather it
will be moderately cool and fair. Of
course there is no accounting for ac-
cidents but I think this tip can t be
depended on.”
The appearance of a few clouds this
morning led many to fear that bad
weather was coming but the major
looks farther than mere clouds and
his promise of fair weather is reas-
Mrs. Catherine Mills.
Mrs. Catherine E Mills age 64
years wife of J. C. Mills of this city
died Wednesday at the family resi-
dence 123 Diaz street after a short
illness. Mrs. Mills has been a resident
of San Antonio for the past 26 years.
Besides her husband Mrs. Mills is
survived by an only daughter Mrs.
T. A. Bunn of Laerdo and thive sons
Sedonia James and Forester all of
this city. Interment takes place this
afternoon at 4 o’clock In the/ Confed-
erate cemetery.
Disrobe Command
Dazes Bluecoats
Declaring that Inez Parker. IS and
Lillian Taylor 23 whom Officer Gold-
en had in custody werewearing her
clothes Nellie Moore a white woman
409 Matamoros street dreated a rip-
ple at police headquarters last eve-
ning when she demanded that the of-
ficers compel the wearew of her gar-
ments to “shed” them <1 the spot.
Tho officers on duty 1 the station
at the time were some'tat dazed by
the demand and finall y decided to
await the arrival of offi< Lis higher in
command. The matter l?nded in an
affidavit being preferrtf I against each
of the women charghgJ theft
the value of sso.' Tje claim-
ing to have lost yhes left and
Two Hold-ups and Dozen Burg-
laries in Fashionable Dis-
trict Net Crooks Plenty of
Special to The Light.
Fort Worth Tex. Dec. 24.—Two
holdups and a dozen burglaries were
perpetrated here early this morning.
The robbers invaded the fashionable
district getting a large amount in val-
uables including Christmas presents.
L. M. McKinley of Greenville was
attacked and robbed by negroes los-
ing $BO and a gold watch. He was
badly Injured and was taken to the
C. E. Oakler of Big Springs was al-
so attacked by negroes and robbed of
$165. He was severely beaten. No ar-
rests have been made but the police
have strong clues.
4- — 4*
4. On account of it being 4*
4. Christmas The Light will not A
4. issue a paper tomorrow. The 4.
4- I Jght hopes that Santa Claus A
4* will be good to all its readers A
4« and wishes them a happy 4*
* Christmas. A
Thanks to the generosity of many
kind hearted people in San Antonio
the orphans in the four institutions
in San Antonio will tomorrow enjoy
a real Christmas feast such as will
make the day one long to be remem-
bered and they will forget for a time
that they are homeless and friend-
less and dependent upon the charity
of the world for the necessaries
Through The Light at the sugges-
tion of Judge Phil H. Shook $33460
was collected to furnish these unfor-
tunate little ones with a Thanksgiv-
ing feast. A committee consisting of
Mrs. Eli Hertzberg Mrs. Frank Pas-
chal Mrs. G. D. Robbins Mrs. Ed
Dwyer and Mrs. W. A. Wurzbach
were appointed by Judge Shook to do
the purchasing for the Thanksgiving
repast. They accomplished their task
with such good judgment a-sd thrift
that enough money was left to fur-
nish the Christmas dinner.
The orders for the Thanksgiving
dinner were duplicated and sent to
the four orphanages the Protestant
Orphans' Home at Wiest End St. Jos-
eph’s and St. John's orphanages and
the colored orphan asylum and to-
morrow a feast which will delight the
palates of the little ones will be pre-
pared and served in the various Insti-
tutions. The menu will consist of tur-
key. potatoes both sweet and Irish
besides other vegetables celery cran-
berries cakes fruit and candy. Milk
was also provided for the little ones
who are too young to eat solids and
all the goodies.
P. P. McManus has returned from
Houston to spend the holidays where
he is building a warehouse for the
Pittsburg Steel company.
the two whom she accused were led
away still wearing the disputed clothes
and locked up in the female apart-
ments of the city jail. Both were later
transferred to the county officials.
According to Nellie Moore the
clothes had been taken from her home.
She recognized them when she met
the women on the street and imme-
diately called upon Officer Golden to
place them under arrest.
The two women vigorously denied
that they had stolen the clothes and
declared that they had purchased them
from the accuser.
Today an affidavit was made against
the .women in the county court
Says Jailing of Labor
Leaders Will Help Cause
Pres. American Federation of La&or.
Denver Col. Dec. 24. —In discussing
the decision of the supreme court of
the District of Columbia yesterday
whereby Samuel Gompers John
Mitchell and Frank Morrison Were
sentenced to imprisonment for alleged
violation of the court’s injunction.
Wm. D. Haywood former secretary of
Jail Doors Open
For 30 Prisoners
A Christmas present of their liberty
was made to 30 city prisoners today.
They have been serving terms in the
city jail and were released from cus-
tody at 3 o'clock this afternoon by
Jailer Valdez upon the receipt of an
order signed by Mayor Callaghan.
The note authorizing the release of
the prisoners which was received by
Acting Marshal McCabe this forenoon
announced that it was for the purpose
of allowing the unfortunates to ob-
serve Christmas.
Mayor Callaghan followed his usual
custom. Always at Christmas time
he has given orders releasing the
prisoners serving sentences on minor
charges and it was this class that
gained their liberty today.
There was unbounded joy when the
order was given the prisoners to pack
their belongings and prepare to make
their exit instanter this afternoon.
Those to whom this order did not
apply were marched into a single
cell by the jail guards and then the
doors of the jail thrown open and the
octupants ordered to vacate.
Those who had personal effects
taken from them at the time of their
arrest lost no time in signing the
receipt book at headquarters and
Sergeant Joe Knaus was kept busy
for more than an hour. Every pris-
oner who gained his liberty through
the order expressed his appreciation
and wished the mayor of San Antonio
a merry Christmas and future success
in his politcal career.
Church Services Tomorrow.
The Christmas season will ba ob-
served in some way bv nearly all of
the churches in Saa Antonio. The
favored manner of observance is the
Christmas celebration for Um chil-
dren. At San Fernaa io cathedral how-
ever this will take thj form of a «ol-
emn service the first mass being
held at 4 o'clock Christmas morning
when the orphans will sing and tho
second at 10 o'clock when Zang'.ins
approved St. Cecilian mass fill be
rendered by 25 voicas.
Entertainments Last Night.
The Utica Strait Presbyterian
church held their ‘Christmas enter-
tainment last night wher. Santa Clans
appeared with fruit and candies and
a musical and literary program was
rendered with pantomimes. The
Christmas tree of the First Presby-
terian church was also held last night
in the auditorium of th© Y. M. C. A.
A splendid program was render 1 and
fruit and candies were presented to
the children.
St. Mark's Episcopal church held
their Christmas entertainment this
afternoon at 4 o'clock in the base-
ment of the rectory. Santa Claus ap-
peared and presented goodies to the
children of the Sunday school.
The Madison Square Presbyterian
church celebrated Christmas with a
Christmas cantata last night for the
members of the Sunday school. Fruit
and candies were Santa Claus’ gifts
to the children.
The First Baptist church held its
Christmas entertainment Tuesday
evening. This took th© form of a giv-
ing party. Each member brought gifts
for the poor and the platform was
heaped with donations. Santa Claus
made his appearance and gave the
members of the Sunday school bags
of goodies. The Ladies' Aid Society
presented Rev. and Mrs. Colemau
with $5O as a Christmas gift
On account of the size of the Sun-
day school the Travis Park Method-
ist church will hold two Christmas
entertainments Tuesday one m the
Sec. American Federation of Labor.
the Federation of Western Miners
but now lecturing in the cause of so-
cialism expressed the opinion that
‘‘it would bo one of the strongest fac-
tors in amalgamating the forces of or-
ganized labor.”
He said further that he believed
the decision would surely be reversed
by the court of appeals.
afternoon and one in the evening for
the larger members. A program has
been arranged.
St. Mary's church Sunday school
will hold its Christmas tree Wednes-
day at St. Joseph’s hall when Santa
Claus will contribute to the pleasure
of the children and a program will be
First race six furlongl: Lithosia
6 to 1 won; Too Blue 25 to 1. second;
Lith March third. Time: 1:16.
Best bet of the day Friday: Fuller
First race: Staunch and True Lord
Dixon Adesso.
Second race: Mascoral Bonnie
Stratford Louise F.
Third race: Hanco*ck Cooney K
Hadur. *_
Fburth race: Fuller Entry No Quar-
ter O'Malley Entry.
Fifth race: Regards Tiflis'General
Sixth race: Una Vohoome Conveni-
Seventh race: Nettie Carlta.
Smithy Kane. Fallen Leaf.
Following are the entries for to-
morrow :
First race mile selling (10):
Lithmarch 91 Deshion 100 Asso-
ciate 100. Ruiloba 100 Adesso 108.
.Bill Bramble 99 Staunch and True
LOO Lord Dixon 100 My Love 106
Conjurer 108. •
Second race three-fourths of a mile
selling (9): „
Louise F 102 Cuban Boy 10a Bon-
nie Stratford 109 Wander 111
Sipeight 102 Galita 107 Mascoral 109.
Third race seven-eighths of a mile
selling (7):
Balshot 102 Hadur 106. Ed Tracey
107 Cooney K 113 Calita 702 Percy
Fairfax 107. Hanco*ck 113.
Fourth race Xmas handicap five
furlongs (11):
Hank 87 Horace H 90 Hattie Gar-1
rett 100. Itan 107 No Quarter 112. I
First Premium 120» Calita 87. Minno-1
lette 94. Transform 100 Ida D 110.
Toy Bov 118.
Couple. Itan and Calta as G’Malley
Couple Itan and Calita as O'Malley
Couple. Hank and Minnolette as
Burtcheli entry.
Kifth race three-fourths of a mile
selling (9): •
Regards 96. - Flume 96. General
Marchmonet 102 Red Rebel 104.
Swing 107. Coat Cutter 96 Miss
Snack 96 Tiflis 102 Restitution 106.
Sixth race five-eighths o. a mile
selling (9):
Una 99 Queen Brigade 104. Lykers
104. Lidwina 109. Vohoome 109. Lith-
osia 99 Convenient 104 Lukesthrush
104 Blaze Veil 109.
Seventh race five-eighths of a mile
selling (10):
Pat Ornus 99. Wenola 99. Ben
Walmsley 104. Smithy Kane 109.
Gardner Tyler 109 Bellflower 99. Ells-
mere 104 Virginia Beach 109 Nettie
Carita 109. Fallen Leaf 10f.
Clear fasL
X $600000
Auditor Ramsey Refuses to
Pay Custodians of Prisoners
on Requisition Made by
the Sheriff.
In pursuance of his avowed policy
not to issne warrants in favor of any
county officer who is unable to show
his commission from the governor.
County Auditor Ramsey held up the
warrants of the four guards at the
county jail because they were made
in the name of Sheriff Lindsey.
It has always been the custom for
the warrants for the services of the
jail guards to be made out to the sher-
iff who in turn settles with the guards.
The four present guards are Modesto
Torres Will Ingle George Beigel and
Simon Herrera.
All of the six county and district of-
ficers who first came under the gov-
ernor's disapproval are still without
commissions and consequently with-
out recent compensation. Warrants
were issued yesterday by Mr. Ram-
sey to the four commissioners on re-
ceipt of their commissions and that in-
cident is closed.
Sheriff Lindsey states that he will
go to Austin on private business on
Monday and while there Intends to vis-
it the governor and have a conference
with him regarding fhe withheld com-
Word is being passed about in the
court house that Governor Campbell
is still dissatisfied with conditions
here with respect to law enforcement.
It is .stated that he declared to a San
Antonio man who visited him this
week that he had heard one saloon was *
running last Sunday and that unitl
winking at the law was stopped and
enforcement begud in real earnest the
commissions would stay in a pigeon-
hole of his desk.
“If a saloon was open Sunday I
didn’t know it” said Sheriff Lindsey.
“The rounds of the city were made
thoroughly a number of times during
the day and if any had been open I
think I would have heard of It.”
Assistant County Attorney Dan Lew.
is yesterday informed the sheriff and
constable that he had heard a gamb-
ling room was being conducted on East
Commerce street. A visit was made
to the place but it was found vacant.
“I merely heard in conversation that
such a place was running” said Mr.
Lewis today. “I was told that it was
a policy game and the book was kept
tn a saloon on Alamo plaza. I inform-
ed the sheriff and constable at once.”
Mr. Lewis is confident that all gamb-
ling in the city has been stopped.
Santa Claus did not forget the citirij
chief executive and the mayor
kept busy all morning acknowledi«-g
gifts from admiring friends.
Mayor Callaghan got all kinds oi
Christmas presents and messengers
kept up a constant stream into his
office bearing testimonials of esteem
and affection. With them came many
citizens to wish him a Merry Christ-
mas and extend tneir congr»tula<
tions. /
Notwithstanding these
however the mayor found titue/ o dte-
pos“ of a great deal of busfyss. He
was in fine humor and gf/ted all
who called with a hearty
ar.d cheery words. /
State Ranger Sam McKenzie who
with Ranger C. Mars/en has been n*
the citv for the past few days today
denied’absolutely that either of the
officials were hers on business con-
nected with law enforcement.
Mr. McKenz/e stated that they wore
on their wav home for the holidays
and stopped off here en route. Mr.
Marsten left last night and Mr. Mc-
Kenzie this morning.
The holiday rush of mail at th*
postoffice this morning was the heav-
iest of the season and many of too
carriers had to leave a part of theW
mail being unable to carry all oi it
at one time. The majority of the metU
will be unable to make more than any
delivery today.

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Johns, Shirley W.The San Antonio Light (San Antonio, Tex.), Ed. 1 Thursday, December 24, 1908,newspaper, December 24, 1908; San Antonio, Texas. ( June 15, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,;.

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The San Antonio Light (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.