The Hartshorne Sun from Hartshorne, Oklahoma (2024)

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The Hartshorne Suni

Hartshorne, Oklahoma

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THE HARTSHORNE SUN 1 raj i Thursday July ff PAfiB SOCIETY EVENTST daughter Margaret The groom hag a A degree I from Southeastern college and Is 8 lb Carton Bliss 4 '5 Pound ii AND OTHERS 11 i AND SERVICE BILL SAYS: "TT GRIIN'S have New with 10 90 so on the 'Coffee Lb 30c Salad Bowl or Sand wich plate forr10c with Gertrude Thursday had been while at Waffle 38c PAPER TOWELS 1 ROLL ARCH NEWS By MATTIE MASON Mias Lota Mason of Crowder is here visiting her cousins Ella and Mattie Mason Mr and Mrs Cooke of Craig spent Sunday with Mrs parents Mr and Mrs Sim Mason Mr and Mrs Lecil Bruton and son of Craig spent Sunday with Mrs mother Mrs Mae Cooke Mrand Mrs Robert Simmons and two daughters Linnie Peart and Margie of Kiowa spent Sun Electrical Repairs Phone 23 for re pairs on any of your electrical appliances zU SWITCH 4 ELECTRIC HIX LAKES Sma11 size 9c LUA iLAAlo Large Size 23c LOUR 24 lb Bag 49c ILUUH 48 1b Bag 85c Brer Rabbit SYRUP I GALLON SUGAR 10 LB BAG No 2 Size Can TOMATOES 4 CANS AND OTHERS SAY: family Will het food taUtS SO MANY HOUSEKEEPERS SAY 1 It no dm Io in Electric ft mvm of Okmulgee were guests here see Mrs Edward Cheatham who had been in St hospital but who is home now Miss Inez Morris will be home Tuesday from the Veterans hos pital Sulphur where she is a nurse to spend her vacation here with her parents Mr and Mrs William Morris Mrs Patterson and son Billy Bob came Tuesday for her sister Mrs Blanton Woodward and daughter Zo Ann for a va cation in the Patterson home in Greenwood Ark Miss Alta Holland in training at St Edwards1 hospital ort Smith Ark will be here this week to spend her two weeks' va cation in the home of Mayor and Mrs Martin Miss lorence Elizabeth Lyle of Memphis Tenn a registered nurse is visiting in the home of her aunt Mrs Sarnes and helping to nurse Mildred Sames who is recuperating from a major operation Mr and Mrs Bill Spears Mr and Mrs Nathan Hale Jr and family Mrs' Angelo Carlomango and family and Mr and Mrs Now is the time to buy your winter blan kets Prices have been reduced for early buyingPay 25c pay a little every time you can and your blankets will be PAID for when win i ter PIGGLV WIGGLY HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES Reg 25c Size Dairy Maid BAKING POWDER Silver Dust WASHING POWDER 1 Towel ree A I Ha tl vil 1 ews Phone MrecJE jTjRirower or 1W6 Silk loss CAKE LOUR BUX Hi Lo 1 IScSB ASTOR TEA SALAD DRESSING No 2 Size Can Red Pitted CHERRIES 2 CANS PRUNE JUICE Qt JAR TOMATO JUICE 1 GAL Mrs Paul Salyers spent last week with her "sister Mrs Lee 41AUj Ui A Miss Ora Tucker of Dow is spending a few' days with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Charlie' Salyers Wesley Rudisill of Hartshorne spent Sunday night with Sim Mason Mr and Mrs Cleon Winslow and three sons of' Hartshorne spent Saturday night with her motner airs Maud Watson Mrs Belle Miller and Mrs reeman the latter of San Ange lo Texas went to Rudy Ark Tuesday for a short visit with relatives Mrs Cart Volturo end two daughters Anne and Joyce plan to visit in Tulsa with Mrs Vol mother Mrs Alice Cor nelius for two weeks 1 Miss Jean Hudson is home with her parents Mr and Mrs Cortez Hudson from Central" Teachers' college Edmond where she has i summer Mr and Mrs Gray Phillips and ue snent week In Galveston and Mineral Wells Texas Mrs Steve Landon was in Ok lahoma City Tuesday looking for a home since the family ia mov ing there Mrs Sam Wood went to 5 St Mary's hospiui in McAlester Wed morning for treatment for "vvw A Mr and Mrs oster Green and' son George Walter dubbed Hank by hie father who says there are too many George Greens now vis ited in the home 'of Mr' and Mrs George Green over the week end from their home "in Muskogee 7 4 Mrs 'Spear will go to Ok lahoma City Saturday to visit her daughter until Wednes day Miss 'Spear will sing at the Terrace Boulevard Christian church in Oklahoma City Sunday Jeff Evelyn Heath Weds ieaa Sandlie The wedding of Miss Jeff Evelyn Heath daughter of Mrs Winnie Heath Madill' and Mr ines Sandlin son of MreVir gmte Ann Sandlin Hartshorne took place Wednesday evening July 19 at 7:50 o'clock in the home of the officiating minister Rev Willmoore Kendall 'in Still water The only attendants were Mr and Mr Clyde Allan Bower of Seminole The bride graduated from Mur ray Junior college Tishomingo and Southeastern col lege Durant Last year she taught home economies at Mannford" working on his at Still water He will teach i next year at Jenks Okla where he will be di dav viAstnv nt frltzt vvvma euc UJIU IMS VUV lULUgJU last year in Mannford until fttjirttt AaMv I September Mr and Mrs Sand lin will be at home in Hartshorne Midway Sewing Club' Meet With Mrs Martindale The Midway Sewing club met Thursday of last week with Mrs Belle Martindale when plans were made for an ice cream supper Refreshments were served to Mrs Annie Hankins Mrs Willie BoWPrs Mrs InnisA 'Parrv Mvc Lizzie Martindale Mrs Daisy Mil ler Mrs Belle Martindale Mrs Cora Lance Mrs Cora Hubbard and Ruth Martindale The next meeting will be with Mrs Annie Hankins ra Mrs red Martindale Has Dinner or Niece Mrs red Martindale entertain ed Sunday with a birthday din ner for her niece Mrs Lewis Abernathy of Quinton Oovers were laid for Mr and AflQ Tkxino rr aim uii Ronnie of Quinton Mr and Mrs Abernathy and daughter Norma Jean and Mr and Mrs McCaslin and family of Harts home Mrs Acord and daughter lo Dorothy Lee Mor row mr ana Mrs Karl tsaoier and i 'AMucai uaiiruin irriii a burton Mrs Sadler and grandson Preston Morrow Ed Sadler and children Euleen and Buddy i of Limestone Miss Lois Holms of Bonner Springs Kansas Mrs Emma Sadler of Greenwood Ark and son Charles Sadler of resno Calif Afternoon guests were Mr and Mrs Gus Sadler of Hartshorne Christian Church Women Have Picnic riday Under the tall oak trees the spacious lawn of the Thrower home nverlnAkino city lake a bountiful picnic lunch was spread on the rock table ri were members of the Hartshorne i bnnsuan Aia and their children ried chicken snlnds alnno sandwiches punch and cake were MarzolaWM? sM ne Mrs served After he hmrh heart etc Mrs Mae Dobbs Mrs ter gifts were exchanged and the meeting was adjourned with the Mizpah benediction since outdoor games planned by Mri Gooding were omitteod because of the extreme heat Guests included Mrs Garrett Price Mrs Sam Willis Mrs Landon Mrs Gooding Mrs Elmer Minyard Mrs Spear Mrs George Tiner Mrs Kitchell Mrs Earl Yates Mrs Trueblood Mrs Wesley Woods Mrs William Russell Mrs Thrower Miss Altaclair Kitchell Kaye and Sonny Yates Dorothy Rose and Nelma Ann Trueblood Norma Rae Price Janice Betty Carolyn Buddy and ranklin Thrower It Golden Rule Club Sponsors Tacky Party The Golden Rule club sponsored a tacky party held Thursday night July 20 in the home of Miss Vera Palmer Games were played and delicious refreshments were served Prize for the tackiest costumes was won by reda Rudisill jp Circle 3 of Baptist To Meet Only Onee in August At the meeting of Circle 3 of the Baptist Tuesday in the home of Mrs A Byme it was decided to have no meet ings in August except' the busi ness meeting at the church next Tuesday The next meeting of Circle 3 after next meeting will be the first Tuesday in September Six members Mrs Byrne to hear a lesson on "am ous Women of the Bible "which was presented by Clara Samples Sa Methodist Women Meet With Mrs Olin Lewis The Methodist Missionary so ciety met Tuesday afternoon in the home of Mrs Olin Lewis when Mrs sister was co hostess The meeting oparech'with the song "Onward Christian Mrs Young led the lesson on National Horizons and International riendships" Mrs I Gunning zand Mrs T'J Stal lings had parts on 'the program Scripture was from Ephesians 2:13 20 The devotionals twera closed' with the hymn? Be the Tie That Binds" 4 A During social hour Padgett won a prize in a contest and showers brought for Mrs Boatright and Mrs Bert Lorince The latter hav ing moved to McAlester was not' present fj ls Members present were PadgettMrs' Stalliriga Mrs John Swinney Mrs M' Surry 7 Mrs A Claycomb Mrs' Gunning Mrs Young MrsLewis and Mrs Boatright Guests were Miss Dean Carpenter Mrs Kitchell and Mrs Laura Wells 1 Catholic Young People Plan vh 1T0 Go To Pittsburg Sunday The Catholic Young 0 club plans to go to Pittsburg Sun day to 'attend a Catholic carni val The young people1 will meet at the "church A At the" regular meeting the club Monday evening Pete Bullett and ather SrfTWhVWe Shmild Pray" A'jfe Mrs: Vetoe Bentz Is Honored' With Miscellaneous Shower aMrsD Venters Mrs Preston Hubble and Mrs Cart Volturo en tertained Monday night in fhe home of Mrs' Volturo for Vetoe' Hentz whose wedding of July 1 1938 hai been recently an Radio Service PHONE 23 until Tuesday before returning to Oklahoma Ctfy 1 iM A note to editor's wife from Mrs Willis Bradley Toronto Ohio enclosing renewal subscrip tion to The bun says: "Couldn't do without The Sun a grand paper" (Thanks!) Mrs Bradleykie wretet '4'm leaving for Kan sas soon to see my niece (the daughter of Anne Blaek Decker) Of course I want to see the other too But I think the real ob ject of my visit She is a darling (aunt speaking) 'Has black curly hair and dark Mrs'" Mary Grady is in St hospital McAlester in a serious condition Her gall bladder has ruptured: and peritonitis has set in but the phyaidaa ears the peritonitis has trailed itself up She is being treated with glucose Her children were all home Satur day and Sunday Mrs Grady was taken ill in the night Thursday and on riday a daughter: Mrs Rex Cowan and Mr Cowan came from Tulsa The two' sons Nelson Grady of Shawnee and John Wil liam Grady of Blanchard were here in four hours Saturday after their sister Mrs Cortez Hudson called them about their illness Mrs Ralph Messer anoth er daughter came from Oklahoma City The children have returned home now for funeral notices Newspaper Clerk "Thirty cents an Mike: robbery Me brother was six feet' Bap tist Observer Be brief for it Is with words as with sunbeams the more they are condensed the deeper they burn5 SftVINGS OR SATURDAY Scientifically conditioned air provides cool comforting relief from the oppressive heat to all who attend services in our mortuary Every possible provision is made for the comfort and convenience of family and friends T0Se atLenc funerals here feel that they are visiting a friendly home where Service To The Living is an actual accom plishment They are served as we would be served Mrs red Carletti have been va cationing this week in Dallas and ort Worth "Texas Miss Elsie Alice Martin came home Saturday from Tulsa where she had been attending the sum mer session of Tulsa University zMiss Lila Mae of To neka Kansas arrlvpd TimaHnv ax anu hub can oaaier ana daughter Barbara Jean of Wil "gi the home of her Anai wih Mrs Vernon Loveall of Tulsa visited Saturday night and Sun day here with her parents Mr and Mrs Long Hentz was Miss Daisy Lozano The evening was spent inform ally in games and contests Mrs Hentz received many lovely gifts and after they were displayed re freshments were served to the following gusts: Mrs Mike Goldberg Miss Rosa lind Goldberg Mrs Garrett Price Mrs Roy Martin Miss Ruth Hub' ble Miss Mildred Terrell Mrs Luro ivirs sam Willis Mrs Ven ters and Mrs Hubble titra worn ooh kr iiia OVMV uy lUlSS luUlLH elix Donatelli and Mrs annie Rhodes PARTWOOL DOUBLE BLANKET Pio KfivRO ull JI 4 eight' Last IL Ulf $2 wa'S Uv BLUE NEWS By GERALDEAN McCULLAR Raymond Cline is in Albert Pike hospital recuperating from an ap pendix operation While visiting her grandparents Mary Ellen Clemons was bit by a snake She is improving Jimmie Cline had his leg brok en in two places early Thursday hospital where he was taken for Colleen Smith has been ill in bed all week Geraldine and Lola Maye Mc Cullar vjsited their brother in Dow Tuesday Jerrv Alton Smith has been sick 'parents Mr anil Mrs this week with a rash Ajiauu ee nas uurcnaseu ine iaileyville has been discontinued Draper property recently vacated the Vog ts do not know yet by the Sharp family who moved 'here1 they will be located per to the old Guyton place on Savage lanently They are leaving their highway The Young fam ousehold furniture until they get ily who were living in the Guyton ffarts recently twitched to elec trie usIfLfl hot installed electric ran UNERAL ROME McAlester Oklahoma Mu Mary Knuik ht the irnme of her parents Mr and Mrs Joe Knapik 1 Ed and Charlie Evans of Jersey City N' JM and their mother Mr Mary Evans of Chicago HL visited here for a with rela tives and friends Mr and Mrs King AntonelU and Mr: and Mrs Victor Staeh mua are home from' Chicago I1L where they spent a vaes vSlirpd BACON 1 LB ROIL iPIGiSOyBELB BEACON 5 LB BOX 45 1 2 orwhoje CURED HAMS iff White Laundry 'J Ob Our ull Time radio service department is in charge of Will Parkinson radio techni cian When your radio needs servicing just call 23 New and Used Radios Baker Riedt Merc Co HARTSHORNE The following gem of is taken from Clip it rst asd put it whare'y0esii' read it every day "A good citi creed" MY TOWN My town is the place where my home is founded where my buei ness i situated and where my vote is cast where my children ere educated where mv neighbors dwell and where my life is chief ly lived It is my home spot for me toy wwn nas me ngnt to my civic loyalty It supports me and I should support it My town wants my citizenship not my par tisanship my friendliness not my dissention my sympathy not my criticismmy intelligence not my indifference My town supplies me with protection trade' friends' education schools churches land the right to free moral 'citizen ship It has done things that are better than others the best things I should seek to make better the worst uuags i snouia nelp to sup press Take it all in all this is my town and it is entitled to the best tnere me AU circles of the Baptist church met Jit the church Tuesday for a business meeting A girls had charge of th devotions Jlefresh merits were served 1 I iThe Haileyville Gardea club will meet Thursday August 8 withMrs Amelia Stark when the roll call will be flower is a weed somewhere" of will be the subject of Mrs Curtis Lambert and Mrs Roy Stevenson will speak on "Away With Mrs Maud Schwenk her daughter Catherine with' party on her 15th birthday Thurs day night The evening was spent tn playing games after which the honoree opened her "many lovely and useful gifts III Refreshments were served to the Daniel Jewel Parkinson Henry Oklahoma orferid Oliva Richard Brown Juanita k2 Mre £1 Sexton Lincoln Wallaee Marie ic rt Mr8' sPr and Selena Walken Avis Sexton Paul Sartin Mrs? John Miller and daughter Peart Baxter Mr and Mrs Ralph Jlyra left Monday evening for Hughes and son Billy Jimmie their home in Chicago after vis Lrabtree Adolphus Smith Geneva itlng friends here Parks rances Scott Daver Mary Catherine Cook I Miss Gertrude Cartlidge is Bertha Oliva Juanita Oliva Les home from Lawton where she haserCurbowv Minnie Blackbird been her sister enroute lack Mackey Bill VanMeter Roy home from lagstaff Arizona utuuw uiiva rioya Schwenk Lois Schwenk Catherine Schwenk 7Mfsr CurboW and nia( puiwcila( Miss Elnora Barnes and herrother Carl Barnes have gone Oklahoma City to visit a sis er Mrs Olin Conners They will ilsd visit another sister Miss Barnes in Guthrie Mrs A Newsom is home rom Oklahoma City where she lad gone for of her hroat She is rejoicing over the rood news that her throat is in rood conidtion Mrs Lizzie Howard of Long leach Calif arrived Monday night or a long visit with her daugh Mrs Miller and Mr tiller Mrs Ernest Strange and randchildren of the Sulnhur com uinity are guests this week in He is home now from Albert Pike ne Miner nome Vovt lineman for th0 treatment ock Island has been temporarily ssigned to Shawnee and he and Its Vogt and Mrs Guy Davis Tuesday evening Mrs Vogt nd Mrs Davis will visit in Shaw ee and in Ponci City with Mrs i hisholm 'The job in ailevvil la the Vog ts do not know yet by the Sharp family who moved 'here1 they will be located per to the old Guyton place on Savags lanently They are leaving their highway The Young fam nuseno 1 efinite instructions 1 home have gone to California PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of Olcohbmo Pure LARD 65 BIG WOOL DOUBLE BLANKET This blanket is'fiill 3 1 2 nound 4 jh 41 and satin bound I jr COnON DOUBLEBLANKET Bigsize 70x80 TA $L49jOh A EXTRASPECIAL blanket: 0'0 'h 66 X8O Special Saturday QvU only Wt 1 "'r iw ni ei nn triik ipAvy 17 'v ') itr GRAND LEADER zivui? AAuiu ittKbLan where she attended summer school Pete' Vmzetta and daughterr Marguerite and Letty Jo Culley are nome irom vmcago Mr and Mrs Wilder are home from a trip to California Mrs Wilder will tell of her ex periences in next issue of The Sun turned hom*o Wednesday from college Edmond Shawnee where they had visited been studying this relatives since riday 1 4 Mrs Cuzalina and daugh nltCA KorfV I VftZAf wU ina Are ww vvaw vsMvirii oiiu iiirtiimi rents Mrs Charles Crane of Ponca City are visiting in the home of their parents Mr and MrsT Whit ing Mrs Eddie Simonosky went to Savanna this week" to visit her mother Mm ffAAWn Iinkati lire aunt Mrs Richard Pinching is re cuperating from a major opera tion Mr? May Watson is home from Galena Park Texas where she had visited with her daughter Mrs Joe Sivil She made the trip backwith Mr and Mrs Buster Chan who arA visitincr in VAiiyAH uenme umunerg ana Mrana Mr and Mrs iJoft Jnhn Plnvd Sandere whn of Okmulgee were guests here had been visiting here went back Sunday Theyxamo esneciallvta tO SundayMrs Sanders 1 re re wno came oaiuraay irom luiaa day afternoon in the home of Mr and her little son Jerry stayed and Mrs Sim Mason and family Dagta Angell Kid daughter a jeyM'an outing and swim at Lak Carleton Sxturday evening Mist Elizabeth' Staley Oklahoma sister of Mrs Thrower be presented a de gree at Oklahoma University Norman on Tuesday evening August A toseher in the air fax schools she majored in Latin Miss Paulin enton of Tulsa will be riday to visit her cousin Miss Joan Stallings in the home of Mr and Mrs David Stal lings Miss Nancy Belle Nolan of McAlester will be a guest in the Stallings home next week Mrs Bob McCuteheon end son James returned home Tuesday from San Antonio Texas where she had been visiting and she plans to move there as soon as she can dispose of some of her property and rent her country home near Dow lake Miss Irene Wynn of Eldorado Ark visited Rothbaum this week enroute from Wilburton where she is visiting relatives to McAlester where she was to be a houseguest in the home of Mr and Mrs Pat Jones "Miss Wynn at one time worked for Mr Roth baum in Wilburton Misses Edythe and Richards came home from Ada where they spending the summer tending school Later in August klll 8 re wvlUUUC 1VIV11C11US AVA1QO Belle Goldberg Miss Ruth Nelson and Miss Kathryn Royce will go to the air in New York City Mr and Mrs Ernest Bookout and Mr and Mrs Henry Cogle shot and son Junior of Oklahoma City came Saturday 'and visited until Sunday afternoon with Mr parents Mr and Mrs John Bookoutloyd Sanders who nrsre rerere 1 lAa UwU VlDLUlliK Jlx3IC VvtfllU UaCK the city bunday who came Saturaa Pure Pork AUSAGE i Ufge' RANKURTERS LB 12 Longhmn 1 SALT HEAT Veal or BEE ROAST iLB HotDer HaCey 1 a patient in Hines hospital Chicago HL 'Lfttl Angelo Cariomango spent the week end with Sonny Hate Mrs Rothbaum is visiting relative in Durent JacktiRuminer of Greenville Texas was visiting here this week Janice Thrower has been 'con fined to her home with sprain ed ankle Joe Rudisill and loyd razier made a business trip to Muskogee Monday Mr and Mrs Joe Parker" of Wilburton spent Sunday with their mother Mrs Sarah Parker Mr and Mrs Dante Angeli left last' Tuesday moraine for their home in Highsplint Ky Olivio Cariomango and father made business trip to Oklahoma City Monday returning the same I I Mr and Mrs Davmnn Tobar fa in tiuucu uviuu wvuuvsua relatives since riday Miss Betty Lue Yates returned ters Carolyn and Marian mid neunesuay irom UKmuigee wnere sne spent WO weexs wivn Mr and Mrs Miller Mr and Mrs Steve Simonosky have gone to Chloride Arizona where Mr Simonosky will look for worn Mr and Mrs Bud Titus returned to their home in Mexico after visiting here Mr and Mrs Bert Titus Mr and Mrs Sam Goldberg of Wilburton visited here Sunday night with Mr mother Mrs Mike Goldberg SOCIETY EVENTS IL' entire ir On Sultry pays I I I Bi il a an I 1' if 3 Tf I Mbe IBhB I 1 I 1 1 1 iblW i 10 IT50 i msM 19 MflSEJtt Rm a IM 1b 4 4 I a 1 WV Krai 1 Sr E9 a 1 BmffigTOflft 'jS ip Efr9 rerewrearerereMrerewrererejrerereirererea rr4 4 iii SV re mB 9 3 I rere 4 la wt 4 nXre w' i tU KM EQ nth rA LI Dm mU rr EffijjE jl Mlj IMP A 4' 'U Ki ia I 1 Kdr 1 Mb 1 1 III aMW 2 ea 1 sass yH pvc 1 trtUCfl t5vk 4 JW Aft if to1 wWnrv 4 A JK to Essisfl t'r T4 x' SMI IWwi much mHh nca I 8V cA tR 4WX6Mi iwvEr oauny ui wma Tli do your cooking fot you on the new low electric rate lor thwo who use electric gM 1 ranMMv urirtrfi east aniv a 4w rental 1 dav Paw tit a call in au now ul 1 how beautiful it AT 4 KM A in 3 JfW B' IB 91 i Me Aft i wat 3 re a I A I re rTror7yWlWT'l wnr re Uf I i ft f'x fr MRHD '2 'r 1 Blanket Sale 1 wsiiii 98 CHEESE 0 yMisB 4 rere re re.

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The Hartshorne Sun from Hartshorne, Oklahoma (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.