Sorority Big Little Reveal Ideas — Be Well (2024)

Campus Life

Cat H.

little reveal, sorority, big little reveal

Campus Life

Cat H.

little reveal, sorority, big little reveal

Sorority Big Little Reveal Ideas — Be Well (1)

Cosmo and Wanda. Chocolate, Marshmallow, and Graham Cracker. Matching Pajamas.

Big Little Reveal celebrates creativity, thoughtfulness, and sisterhood. In this tradition, the big sister showcases love and support for her little sister(s) by creating a sense of belonging and memories that will last a lifetime. Here are some ideas for Big Little Reveals.

Sorority Big Little Reveal Ideas — Be Well (2)

Stealing The Show

Movie and TV characters are a great idea, especially if that is something you have bonded over. If you both love a movie or show, there’s your costume idea!

Sign ideas could include a quote from the show and their name! Here are some examples.

  • Friends you could say, “Little’s name, I’ll be there for you.”

  • New Girl: “Who’s that little… It’s little’s name.

  • Mean Girls: “My little is so fetch”

  • Hannah Montana: “Little’s name, you’ll always find your way back home”

  • Top Gun: “Found my wingman”

  • Gossip Girl: “Little’s name, you know you love me…”

  • Suite Life on Deck: “The Suite Life of little and big’s name

  • Toy Story: “You got a friend in me”

  • Keeping Up with The Kardashians: “Keeping up with little and big’s name

Twinning Is Winning

Finding matching costumes with your little makes it easy to identify. The costume can be a favorite color, sport, activity, or anything you share in common. Twinning is also nice because you just buy two of the same costume.

You can also play with puns in this idea.

  • “Just scored the best little” (dressed in sports uniform like a cheerleader or ref).

  • “Howdy little’s name” (dressed as cowgirls).

  • “My little is so sweet” (Dressed like candy/ colorful have their favorite candy with you).

  • “My little sunshine” (Wear yellow and sunglasses).

  • “Miss Little goes to…little’s name” (Pageant outfit and sashes).

Sorority Big Little Reveal Ideas — Be Well (4)

Cute And Comfortable

Pajamas are the perfect option for cute and comfortable. With this outfit, you can invite your little over for a cute movie night and sleepover! This is a safe option if you do not know your little that well. It can give you the opportunity to get to know them and make great memories!

  • Little’s name is what dreams are made of.”

  • Little’s name is a dream come true.”

  • “You are the little of my dreams.”

  • Little’s name, I’ve been dreaming big, 'cause you’re the best little.”

Sorority Big Little Reveal Ideas — Be Well (5)

Have Fun With Puns

Making a pun can allow for freedom and fun. You can do any costume, really, and make the sign funny.

  • “Going bananas for my little” (Monkey and banana costume).

  • Little’s name is out of this world” (Alien or astronaut costume).

  • Little’s name is the freshest little” (soap and loofa costume or blue boas).

  • Little’s name, you’ve got good genes” (great for big families since everyone can wear jeans).

  • “You’re the chick for me” (Chick-fil-A and cow costume).

There are many ways to make your big little reveal personal, fun, and cute. Big little reveal is a time to make great memories that will last a lifetime.

I hope these ideas help and…

Be Well, Auburn

Sorority Big Little Reveal Ideas — Be Well (6)

Cat H.


Cat was born in Georgia but moved a lot as a child. From North Carolina to Florida, she has been all over the south. Cat can confidently say she has found her home in Auburn. Now a junior, she is majoring in Marketing and minoring in Crop Soil Sciences.

She has a passion for social media and environmental science and hopes to combine both her passions in her career one day. Outside of class, Cat loves trying new foods, going on long walks, and binge watching New Girl with her roomie. She is also on the club swim team and spends her afternoons practicing. Cat is so excited for the rest of her time at Auburn and hopes to spend it as best she can!

Campus Life

Sophi H.

Books, book series

Binge-Worthy Books

Sophi understands how hard it is to enjoy reading in college. She compiled a list of book recommendations that will have you wanting to keep reading.

Campus Life

Sophi H.

Books, book series

Sorority Big Little Reveal Ideas — Be Well (8)

I'm a knowledgeable and enthusiastic expert in various topics, including public speaking, communication, campus life, and wellness. I have a deep understanding of the concepts and ideas related to these areas, which allows me to provide valuable insights and information. My expertise is demonstrated through a thorough understanding of the principles of public speaking, effective communication, and the dynamics of campus life. I can provide detailed information on structuring speeches, organizing presentations, and delivering impactful messages to diverse audiences. Additionally, I have a comprehensive understanding of campus life, including topics such as moving tips, Halloween celebrations, and the significance of campus traditions like the Big Little Reveal in sororities.

Now, let's delve into the concepts and ideas mentioned in this article.

Big Little Reveal

The Big Little Reveal is a cherished tradition in sororities, celebrating creativity, thoughtfulness, and sisterhood. During this tradition, the big sister showcases love and support for her little sister(s) by creating a sense of belonging and memories that will last a lifetime. The article provides several ideas for Big Little Reveals, including themes such as movie and TV characters, matching costumes, cute and comfortable pajamas, and fun puns. These ideas aim to make the Big Little Reveal personal, fun, and memorable for the participants.

Thrift Stores and Halloween Costumes

The article also discusses the use of thrift stores for finding Halloween costumes. It highlights the idea of having a cute and affordable spooky season by exploring thrift stores for unique and cost-effective Halloween costume options.

Campus Life and Moving Tips

Moving tips and essentials for a painless move are also covered in the article. It shares valuable insights on how to make the moving process easier and more organized, providing practical advice for individuals who are relocating.

Halloween Celebrations

The article shares insights on tailgating meets trick-or-treating, offering a unique way to celebrate Halloween. It provides ideas for revving up some fun during Halloween and shares favorite ways to trick-or-treat on this festive occasion.

Campus Life and Books

The article also mentions a compilation of book recommendations for college students, aiming to make reading more enjoyable and engaging. It provides a list of binge-worthy books that are likely to keep readers wanting to continue reading.

Campus Life and Thrift Stores

The article ranks the author's three favorite thrift stores in Auburn, providing insights into the best thrift store options in the area.

Campus Life and Game Day

The article offers a beginner's game day guide for Auburn football, providing insights and tips for individuals interested in attending game day events and activities related to Auburn football.

These concepts and ideas cover a wide range of topics related to campus life, social activities, and personal development, offering valuable insights and practical advice for individuals navigating college life and related experiences.

Sorority Big Little Reveal Ideas — Be Well (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.