Reno Gazette-Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)

RENO EVENING GAZETTE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1940 PAGE EIGHTEEN ITALIAN BOMBER DOWN IN ENGLAND 1:30 P. RL KOH Club Matinee KGO Club Matinee. KPO Comedy: 1:45 Drama. TOK YORK RADIO PROGRAMS The radio programs published In thl column are furnished by the respectlT radio stations and are corrected up to tea a sa. of the date of publication.

rytg w' NEW YORK STOCKS REPORT MORE LOSSES KFRC 810 KC KNX 1050 KC KSIj 1130 KC j' J- it -J "tN nag i-, British sources described this as a "crashed Italian Bomber under guard somewhere in England." British announced that IS Italian planes were among 26 Axis raiders downed during a raid on the British Isles. This photo was cabled to New York from London. fXs IU' Wk 'frY? 0 lAA ifflA lII Jim FVl Vf 4 'y? NEW YORK. Nov. 16 UP) Steels, motors and other prominent industrials bore the brunt of further selling in today's stock market.

Sliding tendencies were in evidence at the start. A few isolated issues managed to cling to modest advances but losses of fractions to 2 or more points were widespread at the close. Dealings were exceptionally light throughout, transfer for the two hours approximating 500,000 shares against better than last Saturday. The let-down In volume came after nine consecutive million-share days. While bearishness was not particularly pronounced in Wall Street, brokers found many of their customers inclined to lighten accounts for the weekend because of the renewal of intensified air bombings of England and fears fresh Axis blows between now and Monday, might prove unsettling to speculative sentiment.

At that, some cheer was derived from the slackness of offerings on the decline. This, from the standpoint of bullish analysts, indicated stocks still were in fairly strong hands. Liquidating reluctance also was attributed to the maintenance of highly optimistic business news. U. S.

Steel opened ten minutes late on a block of 6000 shares, off a point. It extended the retreat before mild support arrived. Well down the greate part of the time were Bethlehem, Republic, Crucible Steel, Youngstown Sheet, General Motors, Chrysler, West-inghouse, Allied Chemical, Anaconda, Kennecott, U. S. Rubber, Sears Roebuck, Douglas Aircraft, Lockheed, United Aircraft, Boeing, Texas Corp.

and American Smelting. Occasional resistance was shown by Johns-Manville, DuPont, Union Carbide, Sperry and American Telephone. Utilities and rails were narrowly lower. Bonds and commodities were irregular. In the curb backsliding tendencies were exhibited by Aluminum of America, Bell Aircraft, Gulf Oil, Republic Aviation and American Gas.

Steels were soft in the face of predictions next week's mill operating rate would touch a new record peak. Rising backlogs, however, led observers to believe heavy forward orders by private consumers might eventually bring a relapse. A bolstering influence was seen in prognostications from financial quarters that an increase of about $6,000,000,000 in the national defense program might be requested at the next session of congress. This would lift the sum to be spent on rearmament to about 000,000. BAY LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Nov.

16 (U. S. Dept. Agr.) HOGS For five days: Salable 2500. For week: Butchers generally 20 cents lower; week's closing top 6.90, sorts at 6.40; week's top 7.20 on 230 lb.

Oregons. Week's bulk butchers 6.90-7.10. CATTLE For five days: Salable 875. All classes fully steady. Week's steer top 10.00 on 927-978 'A NEW WORLD ORDER 'Historic was this Sept.

27 meeting: in Berlin chancellery where a 10-year economic and military pact between Germany. Italy and Japan, and a so-called new world order" claiming Europe as a sphere for axis powers and Asia as a sphere for Japan, were announced. Left to right: Japanese Ambassador Saturo Kurusu; Ciano of Italy; Hitler of Germany. mm VITAL STATISTICS KFRC Duet; 1:45 Studio. KNX Hilltop; 1:45 Step Mother.

KSL Hilltop; 1:45 Step Mother. 2:00 P. RI. KOH Corned 2:15 Rodeo. KGO Bulletins; 2:15 Strings.

KPO Serial. 2:15 Journey. KFRC Concert Encores. KNX School of the Air. KSL News; 2:15 Abbott.

2:30 P. RL KOH String: 2:45 Grandma. KOO Strings; 2:45 Tenor. KPO Drama; 2:45 Life. KFRC Orchestra; 2:45 Home.

KNX News: 2:45 Scattergood. KSL Music; 2:45 Scattergood. 3:00 P. RL KOH Maddox Famllv. KGO Linda Dale; 3:15 Stories.

KPO Treat; 3:15 Reveries. KFRC A P. News: 3:05 Orchestra. KNX Dr. Malone; 3 :15 Living.

KSL Dr Malone: 3:15 Hollywood. 3:30 P. RI. KOH Neighbors: 3 45 C. Lelghton.

KGO Drama: 3:45 Hoosler Hop. KPO Tempos lor Moderns. KFRC Vocal 3:45 Music. KNX Joyce Jordan; 3:45 Kitty Keen. KSL Joyce Jordan; 3:45 World.

4:00 P. RI. KOH Elwyn Cross: 4:15 News. KGO Worid; 4:15 Orchestra, KPO Organ: 4:15 News. KFRC Piano; 4:15 Morgan.

KNX Second Wife: 4:15 Abbotts. KSL Story; 4:15 Armstrong. 4:30 P. RL KOH Miller's Orchestra. KGO Miller Orch.

KPO Not So Long Ago. KFRC News: 4:45 Helen Baker. KNX News: 4:35 Fletcher Wiley. KSL Organ; 4 :45 News. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO.

Nov. 16. (USDA) Salable HOGS 1000; total 6000; dependable action on all available supplies at steady prices; good and choice 210-240 lbs. butchers 6.05-10; latter top; some 170-200 lbs. lights 5.70-6.00; most packing sows averaging around 370-380 lbs.

5.75; shippers took 200; holdover 500; compared week ago: barrows and gilts 160 lbs. up and packing sows generally 25-35 lower. Salable CATTLE 200; calves 100; compared Friday last week: prime steers and yearlings strong; good to choice offerings weak to 25 lower, very uneven; common and medium grades fully steady, active and scarce; largely fed steer and yearling run; fed heifers steady to strong: cows weak to 25. mostly 10-15 lower; bulls and vealers fully steady; stock cattle 25 higher; prime 1225 lbs. fed steers reached 14.85, new high on crop; next highest price 14.75; most fed steers 10.50-14.00, with common and medium grades 6.75-10.00; best light steers 14.65 and yearlings 14.35; short load choice to prime fed heifers 13.00, bulk 9.00-11.00; canners, cutters, and common beef cows 6.00 down to 4.00, with most fat cows 6.25-7.25, choice offerings reaching 8.50; practical top heavy sausage bulls 7.25; vealers 10.00-11.50.

Salable SHEEP 500; total 2500; late Friday: fat lambs steady; extreme top 9.60 to city butchers; bulk good to choice natives and fed westerns 100 lbs. down 9.50; load 111 lb. Colorados 9.25; bulk yearlings 8.00-850; fat ewes up to 4.50; compared Friday last week: fat lambs and yearlings mostly steady; slaughter ewes strong to 25 up; feding lambs about steady; week's top fat lambs 9.75, closing limt 9.60, late bulk good to choice natives and fed westerns 100 lbs. down 9.50. few 9.35 and 9.40, three cars 107-112 lb.

Colorados 9.25; medium to god woled lambs 8.50-9.25, common 6.50-8.00; good to choice shorn and medium-pelt fed lambs 8.23-9.00, choice 105 lbs. summer shorn 8.50; bulk fat wooled yearlings 7.75-8.50. few shorn kinds 7.25-7.50; common to choice slaughter ewes 3.00-4.50; range and come-back lambs to feeder buyers 9.23-9.40. Nevada Poultry And Egg Prices The following egg and poultry prices are quoted by the Nevada Poultry Association. of Reno: EGGS U.

S. specals 38, large extras 33; medium extras 30; small extras 23. POULTRY (Price paid to producer for live, prime) Leghorn broilers 17; colored fryers 17; colored roasters 17; colored hens 19; Leghorn hens 13; ducks 10; hares 10. San Francisco Produce Market SAN" FRANCISCO, Nov. 16.

(Federal and State Market News Service) Net wholesale prices: (Butter and egg quotations are those fixed at four p. m. on the precedine market day). BUTTER 92 score. 334; 91 score, 32 90 score, 32; 89 score, 30'i.

EGGS Large extras 34 '2; medium extras 26' small extras large standards CHEESE Flats 17, triplets 17. SACRAMENTO BUTTERFAT SACRAMENTO, Nov. 16. UP Churning cream butterfat, first grade 36; second grade 34. DR.

T. M. EE. There are fcerfcs It every IU and disorder ot tk beart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, liver, hUd br. ulcers and blood.

PHONE ZlsU StS Lxh it, Hmm, MAURICE B. ALDEN DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Room 23, Hilp Building Office Tel. CZ'J'I Be. TeL 7230 Office Hours: Daily 10-12: 2-5 Mon Ve. Fri Evenings 7-8 (Quotations furnished by F.

P. Strassburg. broker, stocks and bonds. 25 East First street) Stocks Air Reduction Alaska Juneau Allied Chem Allis Chalmers Amer Can Amer Hide Amer Metals Am Rad St San Am Smelt Ref Open 4117, 5Vz 170 37'i 91V, 22 7'i 45 1,3 166 72 3 28'i 171, 5 17 4'i Close 41 5 168 36 91 4 21 7 45 166 71 5 3 28 17 5 17 4 33 87 19 19 10 9 24 30 7 14 61 49 36 42 79 1 24 6 3 8 10 29 16 24 7 43 10 -165 81 21 18 142 35 36 4 35 36 50 3 18 15 4 4 8 51 16 55 2 13 11 28 66 36 12 28 19 46 30 21 10 16 39 33 8 18 14 Amer i i Amer Tob 'B' Armnnr Cn Amer Pwr Lite. Anaconda Atchison Aviation Corp Baldwin Loco Bait Ohio Bendix Aviat Beth Steel Boeing Aircraft Borden Co Barber Co Barnsdal Oil Briggs Mfg Climax Moly Calumet Hec Canada Dry Case I Caterpil Tract Cerro-de-Pasco Ches Ohio Chrysler Com'wlth So Cons Gas Cons Oil Corp Contl Motors Contl Bak Class 'A Curtiss Wright Curtiss Wright Crown Zeller Cons Aircraft Cons Copper Crucible Steel Com Solvent DuP de Nera Douglas Aircraft Deere Co Dome Mines Eastman Kod Elec Auto Lite Eastern Airlines Elec Pwr Lite Gen Electric Gen Foods Gen Motors Gillette Saf Raz Goodyear Rub Goodrich Hudson Motors Huston Oil Hecker Prod Homestake Mng Int Paper Int Harvester Int Inspir Copper Interlake Iron Intl Nickel Johns Manville Kennecott Lambert Co Loews Inc Lorillard Lib Ford Lockheed Air Loft Ine Miami Copper Marshall Field Mont Ward Martin, Glenn Murray Corp Nat Biscuit Nat Dairy Prod Nash Motors Nat Distillers North Amer North Am Aviat Central Shipbldg Otis Steel Otis Elevator Packard Motors Pac Paramount Pennev Penn RR Phelps-Dodge Phillips Pete Pullman Pan-Amer Air Radio Republic Steel Reynolds Tob 'B Rayon ier Sperry Corp Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Simmons So Calif Ed So Pacific 33 1 88 19 20 10' 9' 25 31 7 144 61 49 36 424 80 1 23; 6 4 8 29 16 25 7i 44 11 165 84 21 18 142 35 3i 36 4 34 36 51 3 18 4 8 51 16 54 2 13 11 28 66 36 12 28 19 46 31 20 10 154 39 34 8 18 13 3i 5 22 17 18 15 23 10 17 3 28 8 87 25 36 39 26 16 5 22 34 17 43 42 79 20 27 9 6 19 36 7 9 8 13 9 27 22 38 37 5 5 19 72 45 18 13 83ii 30 65 71 24 1 34 2 23 5 Wk 15 105 15 18 15 22 10 17 3 87 25 36 39 26 17 5 34 I I V2 42 42 78 20 27 9 6 20 36 7 9 8 13 9 27 22 38 36 5 6 19 74 45 18 13 83 30 65 71 24 1 34 2 23 5 35 15 104 15 Stand Brands St Oil Calif St Oil Stone Web Socony Vac Studebaker Southern Sunshine Mining St Oil Indiana Swift Co Texas Corp Texas Gulf Sul Transamerica Twent Cent Fox Trans West Air Union Carbide United Aircraft United Airlines Union Oil Calif Union Pacific Pipe Smelting Steel Rubber United Corn Vanadium Corp Warner Bros Western Union Wilson Co Woohvorth White Motors Westinghouse El Yellow Truck DOW.

JONES AVERAGES 30 Industrials 134.73 off .86 20 Rails 29.51 off .42 20 Utilities 20.96 off .10 Approximate sales 490,000 shares. NEW YORK CURB Amer Gas Elec Aluminum of Amer Bliss Co Arkansas Gas Amer Cyanamid 'B' Cities Service Consolidated Steel Elec Bond Share Hecla Mining Jones Laughlin Mountain City Copper Niagara Hudson Republic Aircraft Technicolor Inc United Shoe Mch United Gas Corp Western Air Express 30 159 15 2 35 6 6 4 7 35 3 3 5 9 56 1 5 N. Y. BANK STOCKS Bid Asked Chem Bk Trst Co 48 49 Chase Natl Bank 33 34 Natl City Bank 27 28 Guaranty Trust Co. 294 296 Bankers' Trust Co.

57 58 Irving Trust Co 11 11 1st Natl Bk of Y. .1720 1730 M'n'fcs Trust 38 38 Bank of Manhattan. 16 16 Bank of 36 38 FEDERAL. FARM LOANS Bid Asked 3s of 1964 108.16 108.20 3s of 1949 108.14 108.15 KPO 680 KO GO 790 KC KOH 630 KC SATURDAY 5:00 P. M.

KOH Orchestra; 5:15 Man World. kgo orcnestra; 5:15 World. KPO Workshop; 5:15 Martin's Orch. KFRC Football: 5:20 News. KNX Dance; 5:15 Football.

KSL Sports Preview. 5:80 P. M. KOH News; 5:45 Rhythm. KGO Community; 5:45 World.

KPO Organ; 5:45 Organ. KFRC Studio; 6:15 Orchestra. KNX King's 5:55 News. KSL King 5:55 News. 6:00 P.

M. KOH Charities Council. KGO Charities Council. KPO Barn Dance. KFRC Studio; 6:15 Political.

KNX Kid Quiz. KSL Hit Parade. 6:30 P. M. KOH Organ; 6 :35 NBC Symphony.

KGO News; 6:35 NBC Symphony. KPO Barn Dance. KFRC News; 6:45 Music. KNX Chest; 6:45 Serenade. KSL Hits; 6:45 Serenade.

7:00 P. M. KOH NBC Svmphony. KGO NBC Symphony." KPO Comedy Sketch. KFRC Comment: 7:15 Sports.

KNX Serenade: Talk. KSY Serenade; 7:15 Public Affairs. 7:30 P. KOH NBC Svmphony. KGO NBC Sympathy.

KPO Grand "Ol Opry." KFRC Drama Series. KNX By the Wav; 7:45 Sports. KSL News; 7:35 Story. 8:00 P. SI.

KOH Studio. KGO Hallett's Orchestra. KPO Truth or Consequences. KFRC Amateur Hour. KNX Marriage Club.

KSL Marriage Club. 8:30 P. M. KOH Hallet's Orch. KGO Kinney's Orchestra.

KPO Knickerbocker Playhouse. KFRC Amateur Hour. KNX Dedication. KSL Lombardo's Orch. 9:00 P.

M. KOH Sports; 9:15 Orchestra. KGO Sports: 9:15 Orchestra. KPO Barn Dance. KFRC News; 9:15 Studio.

KNX Hit Parade. KSL News; 7:15 Romany Trail. 9:30 P. M. KOH Shaw's 9:57 AP News.

KGO Shaw's 9:55 AP News. KPO Marshall's Orch. KFRC Carter: 9:45 Mojlca's Orch. KNX Hits; 9:45 Orchestra. KSL Orchestra.

10:00 P. M. KOH Bondshu's Orch. KGO Bondshu's Orch. KPO News: 10:15 Concert.

KFRC Haven of Rest. KNX News; 10:15 Music. KSL Orchestras; 10:15 Organ. 10:30 P. M.

KOH Louder's Orch. KGO Louder's Orch. KPO Concert; 10:45 Orchestra. KFRC News: 10:45 Harris" Orch. KNX Busse's Orch.

KSL Crosby's Orch. 11:00 P. M. KOH Nottingham's Orch. KGO News; 11:15 Organ.

KPO Nottingham's Orch. KFRC Orchestras. KNX Nqws; 11:15 Songs. KSL Songs. 11:30 P.

M. KOH Dorsey's Orchestra. KGO Organ. KPO Dorsey's Orchestra. KFRC Orchestra; :i.45 News.

KNX Strand's 11:55 News. KSL Studio; 11:55 News. SUNDAY 8:00 A. RL KOH Alice Remsen: 8:15 Singers. KGO Alice Remsen: 8:15 Singers.

KPO Ives: 8:15 Guitar. KFRC Minute Men; 8 :15 Animals. KNX Church of the Air. KSL Chansonette; 8:15 Harpist. 8:30 A.

M. KOH Books; 8:45 Escorts and Betty. KGO 8:45 Escorts and Betty. KPO Music and Youth. KFRC Choir; 8:45 Chorus.

KNX Major Bowes. Major Bowes. 9:00 A. M. KOH Radio City Music Hall.

KGO Radio City Music Hall. KPO Bulletin; 9:15 Gordon. KFRC Vocal. KNX Major Bowes. KSL Major Bowes.

9:30 A. M. KOH Music Hall; 9:45 Organ. KGO Music Hall: 9 :45 Organ. KPO Wings Over America.

KFRC Safety 9:45 Piano. KNX Tabernacle. KSL Tabernacle. 10:00 A. M.

KOH Studio Party. KGO American: 10:15 Pilgrimage. KPO Way Down South. KFRC Strings; 10:15 Romanc. KNX Church of the Air.

KSL Church of the Air. 10:30 A. M. KOH Red Cross. KGO Red Cross.

KPO On Your Job. KFRC Red Cross. KNX Red Cross. KSL March of Games. 11:00 A.

M. KOH Red Cross. KGO Red Cross. KPO Organ; 11:15 News. KFRC Red Cross.

KNX Red Cross. KSL News; 11:15 Studio. 11:30 A. M. KOH Round Table.

KGO Band: 11:45 News Drama. KPO Roundtable KFRC Nobody's Children. KNX News and Rhythm. KSL News and Rhythm. 12:00 M.

KOH Great Plays. KGO Great Plays. KPO Muslcale; 12:15 News. KFRC Haven of Rest. KNX N.

Y. Philharmonic. KSL N. Y. Philharmonic.

12:30 P. M. KOH Great Plays. KGO Great Plays. KGO Trio; 12:45 Dors.

KFRC Church of the Air. KNX N. Y. Philharmonic. KSL N.

Y. Philharmonic. 1:00 P. M. KOH Sunday Vespers.

KGO Sunday Vespers. KPO Yvette. KFRC Peter Quill. KNX N. Y.

Philharmonic. KSL N. Y. Philharmonic. 1:30 P.

M. KOH Pageant of Art. KGO Charities Council. KPO Pageant of Art. KFRC Lutheran Hour.

KNX Invitation to Learning. KSL Studio; 1:45 Dr. Hunt. 2:00 P. M.

KOH King's Orch. KGO News; 2:15 Science. KPO Opera Auditions. KFRC Steelmakers. KNX Design for Happiness.

KSL Design for Happiness. 2:30 P. M. KOH Behind the Mike. KGO Behind the Mike.

KPO Dream Come True. KFRC Studio. KNX Architect: 2:44 Art Baker. KSL Stoopnagle. 3:00 P.

M. KPO Catholic Hour. KGO Piano: 3.05 Friend of Music KPO Catholic Hour. KFRC Piano; 3:15 Pets. KNX Silver Theater.

KSL Silver Theater. 3:30 P. M. KOH Friend of Music. KOO Friend of Music KPO Quia Show.

KFRC Show of the Week. KNX Melody Ranch. KSL Melody Ranch. 4:00 P. KOH Songs; 4:15 Europe.

KGO Trio; 4:15 Europe. KPO Quia Show. KFRC Health; 4:15 Notebook. KNX News of the War. KSL News of the World.

:30 P. KOH Dance Time. KGO Quiz. KPO Bandwagon. KFRC Berlin: 4:45 Songs.

KNX Dr. Hunt; 4:45 News. KSL Serenade; 4:45 News. 5:00 P. KOH Parade of Years.

KGO Curious World. KPO Bergin. McCarthy, etc KFRC Forum of the Air. KNX Columbia Concert. KSL Exploring Music.

5:30 P. M. KOH Memory Hour. KGO Sherlock Holmes. KPO One Man's Family.

KFRC7 Forum; 5:45 Comment. KNX I Disagree; 5:55 News. KSL Melodies; 5:55 News. 6:00 P. M.

KOH Musical Heritage. KGO Rhythms. KPO Manhattan Merry Go Round. KFRC Revival. KNX Sunday Evening Hour.

KSL Sunday Evening Hour. 6:30 P. RL KOH Books; 6:45 Organ. KGO Books; 6:45 Organ. KPO Familiar Music.

KFRC Revival. KNX Sunday Evening Hour. KSL Sunday Evening Hour. 7:00 P. RI.

KOH Evening Dance. KGO Good Will Hour. KPO Hour of Charm. KFRC Ensemble. KNX Take It Or Leave It.

KSL Take It Or Leave It. 7:30 P. M. KOH Sundav Music. KGO Good Will Hour.

KPO Signal Carnival. KFRC Studio: 7:45 Comment. KNX Helen Hayes Theater. KSL Helen Hayes Theater. 8:00 P.

RI. KOH Red Cross: 8:25 Orchestra. KGO Sports: 8:15 Orchestra. KPO Night Editor; 8:15 Drama. KFRC Answer Man; 8:15 Talk.

KNX Crime Doctor: 8.25 News. KSL Nfws; 8:15 LDS Church. 8:30 P. RI. KOH Martin's Orch.

KGO Martin's Orch. KPO Jack Benny. KFRC Chicago Svmphony. KNX Hollywood Party. KSL LDS Service; 8:45 Catholic Hour.

9:00 P. RI. KOH Explorer; 9:15 AP News. KGO Explorer; 9:15 Studio. KPO Wlnchell; 9:15 Parkers.

KFRC News: 9:15 Studio. KNX Hollywood Showcase. 9:30 P. RI. KOH Gospel Hour.

KGO Serenade; 9:45 Bulletin. KPO Sherlock Holmes. KFRC Voice of Prophecy. KNX Screen Guild. KSL Choral Music.

10:00 P. RL KOH Gospel Hour. KGO Treasured Melodies. KPO News; 10:15 Red Cross. KFRC Park's Orch.

KNX News: 10:15 Alrvlews. KSL Temple Square. 10:30 P. RL KOH Organ. KGO Martin's Music.

KPO News; 10:15 Red Cross. KFRC News; 10:45 Orchestra. KNX Songs. KSL Reveries. 11:00 P.

RL KOH Nottingham's Orch. KGO News: 11:15 Organ. KPO Red Cross; 11:15 Orchestra. FRC Orchest ras. KNX News; 11:15 Songs.

KSL Master Works. 11:30 P. SL KOH Dorsey's Orch. KGO Organ. KPO Dorsey's Orch.

KFRC Orchestra: 11:45 Rhythm. KNX Strand's 11:55 News. KSL Studio; 11:55 News. MONDAY 7:00 A. M.

KOH Agriculture: 7:15 Financial. KGO News; 7:15 Musical. KPO Agriculture: 7:15 Corner. KFRC Rise and Shine. KNX Sunrise Salute; 7:25 Oddities.

KSL K. Norris: 7:15 Music 7:30 A. RL KOH Wake Up: 7:45 News. KGO Breakfast Club. KPO Variety; 7:45 News.

KFRC Rise and Shine: 7:45 News. KNX News; 7:45 Music. KSL Music; 7:45 Linda Lee. 8:00 A. RL KOH Breakfast Club.

KGO Breakfast Club. KPO Musical; 8:15 Drama. FRC Breakfast Club. KNX Melodies: 3:20 N. Dixon.

KSL News; 9:15 School of the Air. 8:30 A. RL KOH Friends; 8:45 Dram. KGO Friends; 8:45 News. KPO Life; 8:45 Piano.

KFRC News; 8:45 BBC News. KNX Goldbergs: 8:45 K. Norris. KSL School; 8:45 Songs. 9:00 A.

RL KOH On the Air; 9:15 Quartet. KGO Ann Holden. KPO Adopted; 9:15 O'Neills. KFRC Health; 9:15 Keep Fit. KNX Kate Smith; 9:15 Marries.

KSL Kate Smith; 9:15 Marries. 9:30 A. RL KOH-rFarm and Home. KGO Faim and Home. KPO Experience; 9:45 Kitchen.

KFRC Sue: 9:45 Studio. KNX Romance; 9:45 Our Gal. KSLi Romance: 9:45 Our GaL 10:00 A. RL KOH Farm; 10:15 Books. KGO Farm; 10:15 Books.

KPO Kitchen; 10:15 Rhythm. KFRC News; 10 15 Vocal. KNX Life; 10:15 Women. KSL Life; 10:15 Women. 10:30 A.

RL KOH Religion; 10:50 Police. KGO Religion: 10:50 Ira Blue. KPO Drama; 10:45 Dr. Kate. KFRC Johnson's: 10:45 Children.

KNX Happiness; 10:45 Story. KSL Happiness; 10:45 Story. 11:00 A. RL KOH Ladies: 11:15 Half Hour. KGO Industry: 11:05 Variety.

KPO Hymns: 11:15 Grimm. KFRC Neighbors; 11:15 Home. KNX Big Sister: 11:15 Aunt Jenny. KSL Big Sister: 11:15 Aunt Jenny. 11:30 A.

RL KOH Rochester Concert. KGO Rochester Concert. KPO Valiant Lady; 11:45 Stories. KFRC Club; 11 :45 Hostess. KNX Fletcher Wiley: 11:45 My Son.

KSL Fletcher Wiley; 11:45 My Son. 12:00 RL KOH Hugh Ashley; 12:15 News. KGO Orphans; 12:15 Amanda. KPO Mary Martin; 12:15 Ma Perkins. KFRC News; 12:15 Hawallana.

KNX Martha Webster; 12:15 Playhouse KSL Martha Webster; 12:15 Women. 12:30 P. RL KOH Slngin" Sam: 12:45 Curb. KGO Other Wife: 12:45 Bill. KPO Pepper Young; 12:45 Vic Bade KFRC Troubadours; 12:45 News.

KNX Kate Hopkins; 12:45 News. KSL Kate Hopkins: 12:45 News. 1:00 P. RL KOH Dance; 1:15 Matinee. KGO Drama: 1:20 Matinee.

KPO Wife: 1 .15 Stella Dallas KFRC Air School. KNX Portia Blake; 1 Myrt Marge. KSL P. Blake; 1:15 Mjrt Marge. SAN Nov.

16. Following is the official list of transactions on the San Francisco Stock Exchange today: LISTED SECURITIES Calif Packing Corp com. Central Eur Min Co Crown Zelbch Corp Ewa Plantation Co Cap Natomas Company North Amer Oil Cons Pac Co com Pac Co 6 1st pfd. Paraffine Co's com Republic Petrol Co San Mauricio Mining Standard Oil Co of Cal Transamerica Corp Union Sugar com 20 3 89 24 9 9 28 34 38 1.65 .25 20 5 8 UNLISTED SECURITIES Amer Toll Bridge (Del) Curtiss-Wrieht Com .39 Schumach Wall Bd pfd 29 SAN FRANCISCO. Nov.

16. Mining exchange transactions STOCK HE AN FRANCISCO IN MARRIAGE LICENSES McDONALD-NENZEL James C. McDonald, 24, and Gwendolyn M. Nenzel, 22, both of Reno. NEILSON-MILLS Charles S.

Neilson, 52, and Gladys Mills, over 21, both of Reno. APEDAILE-JORGENSEN Floyd S. Apedaile, 31, and Lillie D. Jor- gensen, 31, both of Reno. HANSON BRADSHAW Bill Hanson, 21, and Feme R.

Brad-shaw, 18, both of Reno. McDOWELL-MILLER 'Mark H. McDowell, 32, of San Diego, and Gladys Miller, over 21, Sparks. McCOY-RICE Oliver N. McCoy, 27, and Irene L.

Rice, 23, both of Carson. HAFER-CAREY Norbett A. Ha- fer, 42, and Evelyn M. Carey, over 21, both of Reno. WARRICK-WATKINS Ray C.

Warrick, 30, of Westwood, Calif. and Greta J. Watkins, 20, of Everett, Wash. COURT ACTIONS FILED Ethel Jane Barnard vs. Raymond Walter Barnard; State of Nevada vs.

Lewis J. Wilson: Phyllis Gold smith vs. Joseph W. Goldsmith; Alexander Baird MacLachlan vs. Elizabeth Easton MacLachlan; Edith Lonemore Mahony vs.

Fran cis A. Dorothy G. Scher vs. Morris G. Scher; Blanche V.

Pierce vs. Harold E. Pierce; Gladys E. Miller vs. Sam G.

Miller; Jeanne B. Wreisberg vs. J. Irving Weisberg; Mona Farragut Lowe vs. Cecil Francis Lowe; Herbert J.

Bass vs. Frankie M. Bass: George D. Gris- som vs. Imogene Grissom; Eliza- GRAIN AND PROVISIONS CHICAGO, Nov.

16. Closing quotations WHEAT December 89 May 88 -89; July 85. CORN December 64-; May 65-; July 65-65. OATS December 38; May 37; July 34. SOY BEANS December 1.04; May 1.02; July 1.01.

RYF. December 47; May 51-L; July 52. LARD December 4.82; January 4.97; March 6.15; May 6.35; July 6.50. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, Nov. 16.

(USDA) There was very, little demand for domestic wools on the Boston market during the past week. Occasional inquiries were re ceived for fine combing Delaine fleeces at 44-45 cents, in the grease, very little interest was shown in medium grades and bright fleeces, but quotations were unchanged at 46-47 cents, in the grease, for both three-eighths and quarter blood combing wools. Some country packed lots of mixed three-eighths and quarter-blood fleeces were being offered at 43-45 cents, in the grease, deliv ered east. beth Harding vs. Godfrey Harding; Valentine Arbogast vs.

Mollie Belcher Arbogast. DECREES GRANTED 9 Gladys I. Lewis from Nathaniel M. Lewis; Phyllis Goldsmith from Joseph Goldsmith, Dorothy G. Scher from Morris C.

Scher; Mona Farragut Lowe from Cecil Francis Lowe; William James Gay from Patricia Cecelia Gay; Gladys E. Miller from Sam G. Miller; Edith Longmore Mahony from Francis A. Mahony; Blanche V. Pierce from Harold E.

Pierce; Jeanne B. Weisberg from J. Irving Weisberg; Herbert J. Bass from Frankie M. Bass.

DEATHS BAIR The body of the late Mrs. Tichelle Cohn Bair will be accompanied to Cypress' Lawn crematory in San Francisco tonight where funeral services and cremation will be held Monday morning at ten o'clock. Ross-Burke Company service. FERRETTO Friends are invited to attend funeral services for the late Eleanor Alice Ferretto Monday at nine-thirty a. m.

from the home chapel of the Ross-Burke Company, thence to St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral where a requiem high mass will be celebrated, commencing at ten o'clock. Recitation of the rosary will be held Sunday at seven-thirty p. m. Interment St.

Thomas cemetery. KECKLER In Reno, November 1940, Mrs. Madeline Elvira Keckler. mother of Mrs. Carmen M.

Roberts; sister of Mrs. Sarah Knowles of Reno: sister-in-law of Mrs. Mary Chestnut of Huntington Park, aunt of Mrs. Leonora Mills of Portola, Mrs. Olive Stout of Reno, Mrs.

Josephine Stauts of Reno, Charles Buckle of Elko and Norman Buckle of Sacramento. Calif. A member of the W.B.A. of Reno and auxiliary of the Order ofvRailway Conductors of Sparks. A native of Pekin.

Md. Aged sixty-five years, two months, ten days. Funeral arrangements will be announced later by the Ross-Burke Company. LOS ANGELES LIVESTOCK LOS ANGELES, Nov. 16.

(Federal-State Market News Service) HOGS: Salable supply for week 2700; 5 to 15 higher; bulk 7.00-7.35; top 7.40; off weights 6.00-7.00; sows 4.75-5.75. CATTLE: Salable for week 7025; steers steady to strong; cows around 25 lower; other classes steady; fed steers 8.75-9.80; Mexicans 6.65-7.60; fed heifers 8.25-9.10; cows 5.75-7.25; canners and cutters 4.00-5.50; bulls 6.25-7.25; few to 7.75; stocker and feeder steers 7.00-9.25; fe-v 9.50; heifers 7.00-8.50; stock cows 5.50-5.75. CALVES: Salable for week 2450; mostly steady but many unsold; top vealers 12.00; calves 8.00-10.50; stock calves 9.00-10.50. SHEEP: Salable for week 1375; lambs steady; ewes 25 higher; bulk lambs 7.95-9.25; good to choice quoted to 9.50; ewes 3.50. lb.

averages shrunk four per cent. Bulk better grade fed lots 9.50-75; medium grades 8.50-9.00. Common Mexicans 7.60. Three loads common stockers 7.75. No good slaughter heaifers available quotable to 9.00.

Good range cows 6.75-7.00. Medium grades 6.25-35; canner to common grades 4.00-5.50. Bulls 6.50-7.00. Today: None. Calves For five days: Salable 35.

Unchanged. Good to choice vcalers 11.00-50; common to good slaughter calves 7.00-10.50. SHEEP For five days: Salable 1300. For week: Fat lambs firm. Spots higher.

Week's top 9.50 on load 77 lb. wooled Californias. Two loads 86 lb. Idahos 9.15-25. Fat medium pelted 75-100 lb.

Californias 8.60. Common medium pelted down to 7.50. Slaughter ewes quotable 4.50 down. Today: None. OGDEN LIVESTOCK OGDEN, Nov.

16. (U. S. Dept. Agr.) HOGS: For week butchers 15 lower than last Friday; packing sows 25 low-r; top for week 6.45; closing top 6.10; bulk good to choice 180-230-pound weights at close 5.85-6.10.

CATTLE: For week, receipts 8259; generally steady; good slaughter steers 7.50-8.65; common to medium kinds 5.50-7.25; good heifers 7.50-8.50; bulk good cows 5.75-6.50; few up to 6.75; common to medium grades 4.50-5.50; good bulls 5.75-6.50; good to choice vealers 9-11; several loads good 790-1021-pound feeder steers 8.25-8.80; load 918-pound feeder cows 5.20; about eight loads good to choice 289-534-pound feeder calves 8.85-10.50; going to coast mostly. SHEEP: For week receipts all classes steady; double good 97-pound Idaho slaughter lambs 8.75 with 15 out at 8.00; bulk good drive-in killer lambs 8.00-8.50; two doubles good 80-pound Idaho fleshy feeding lambs 8.60; deck good 115-pound feeding ewes 3.00. HOME OWNERS' LOANS Bid Asked 3s of 1952 108.50 108.70 2Us of 1914 103.15 103.17 Stock Bid Asked Aladdin 00 .02 Alto Dev 01 Belmont Osborn 01 Belmont Uncle Sam. .02 Best Belcher .02 .05 Black Mammoth .05 .07 Booth .01 Broken Hills 02 .03 Brougher 01 .01 Ccirrio .02 Central Eureka 3.40 4.00 Comstock Keystone. .11 .12 Comstock Tunnel .13 .20 Con Chollar 1.50 1.75 Con Virginia 01 .02 Divide 03 .04 Divide Annex 01 .07 Gipsy Queen .01 .03 Golconda 02 .10 Goldfield Con 10 .11 Gold Metals .00 .03 Gold Shares 03 .05 Gold Wedge 00 .01 Gniss .01 High Divide .00 .01 Jack Waite 20 .33 Manhattan Con .01 .02 New Sutherland .00 .02 Nielson Co .03 .06 Pacific Butte 01 .03 Paracale-Gumaus .08 .12 Jaracale-Gumaus VT .08 .12 Pony Meadows .01 Red Hill .01 Round Mountain .03 .10 Silver Divide 01 .03 Silver King .00 .03 Smuggler .02 Thomson 00 .02 Ton North Star .01 Trinity Gold Bar 01 .03 Union Con .02 .03 Verdi 00 .02 White Caps 06 .15 Wilson 00 .02 SALES 1,000 Round Mountain .03 The old-fashioned divining rod, for locating oil and water, has given away to electricity and dynamite in learning nature's secrets..

Reno Gazette-Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.