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In this Discussion
- October 2013 fretmeister
- October 2013 raulduke
- October 2013 ToneControl
- October 2013 ICBM
- October 2013 handsomerik
- October 2013 martinw
- October 2013 Branshen
- October 2013 bigfuzz
- October 2013 steamabacus
- October 2013 Van_Hayden
- October 2013 EricTheWeary
- October 2013 Drew_TNBD
- October 2013 Rocker
- October 2013 ThePrettyDamned
- October 2013 digitalscream
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Rocker Frets: 5088
October 2013 in FX
Over the last month or more, I noticed extra noise from my SE valve amp. Thought a valve was on the way out but no: the culprit is the SMPS powering my FX pedalboard or more usually a pedal or two on the floor. This subject has been covered before, so what is the best or better than Maplin PSUs available. Budget is circa one ton but some flexibility in this issue. Average size pedalboard, max of eight pedals, so need power cables too. Thanks
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. [Albert Einstein]
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
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digitalscream Frets: 27837
October 2013
I use a Diago Micropower 9 (1A max current) with a daisy chain, including the effects loop (I seem to be lucky when it comes to ground loops). Also, the Mooer 9V power supply is even pokier and can do 3A.
<space for hire>
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ThePrettyDamned Frets: 7542
October 2013
Visual sound one spot. No idea how, but it's amazingly quiet even when several pedals are in the chain, and cheap to boot.
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Rocker Frets: 5088
October 2013
The Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus would fit the bill exactly but it is about 50% over my budget. Anyone here selling one?
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. [Albert Einstein]
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
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Drew_TNBD Frets: 22446
October 2013
It's basically the Visual Sound 1-Spot or the Voodoo Lab Pedal Power. I use a 1-Spot. No noise issues here, and that's with nearly all digital effects.
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EricTheWeary Frets: 16622
October 2013
digitalscream said:
I use a Diago Micropower 9 (1A max current) with a daisy chain, including the effects loop (I seem to be lucky when it comes to ground loops). Also, the Mooer 9V power supply is even pokier and can do 3A.
I have the Micropower and liking it's smallness.I had some noise problems when I set up my board but tracked that down to a specific pedal in the end.
Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell.
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Rocker Frets: 5088
October 2013
Mrs Rocker feels that I should get theVoodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plusas it sets the standard and is a buy and forget purchase. Problem is that it costs [from Thomann] a not insignificant €204 posted to me. Thomann sell a Harley Benton power supply, which looks like the Voodoo Lab unit, for about less than a fifth of the price of the Voodoo Lab box. Must sleep on it for a few days......
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. [Albert Einstein]
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
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Van_Hayden Frets: 438
October 2013
What pedals are you using? Years ago I had lots if bother with the 1 spot, horrible high pitched noise - shop took it back and said I'm not the only person to have trouble. I bought a pedal power 2 and it just works, with most pedals (the new version is higher current and can handle big digital effects)
Recently revisited it for a pedal board company, the Harley Benton isn't bad for the money but the outputs aren't isolated. The pedal power has 8 isolated outputs so it's like 8 separate power supplies. The Benton one is effectively like a daisy chain cable, all outputs chained to get her inside - so you might get ground loops and noise. But it's the practically same design as the more expensive T. Rex fuel tank at a lot more money!
What kind of noise are you getting? If it's an earth loop type hum you need something isolated.
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steamabacus Frets: 1289
October 2013
The smaller Harley Benton PowerPlant Junior does have isolated outputs, however. I've just used one on my rebuilt board and I've had no issues with it. A bit of a bargain.
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Rocker Frets: 5088
October 2013
The noise is a whisking sound, much louder than from a Strat before you grip the neck :x My Boss RC-3 is unusable as the noise is way louder unless I use batteries in it. Damned annoying
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. [Albert Einstein]
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum
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ThePrettyDamned Frets: 7542
See Alsopsu sfx 50 | Newegg.comOctober 2013
Try a one spot. Cheap, and solved a real noise issue for my mate it doesn't look much, but it really is great. If it's not solved your problem, you can sell it on and go for a bigger beast at only a small loss. But it could potentially save you over a hundred quid.
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bigfuzz Frets: 45
October 2013
i'm looking for a multi PSU too, so it sounds like either the 'one spot' gear or this harley benton powerplant. Both are much cheaper than I expected - any catches?
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Branshen Frets: 1222
October 2013
One more vote for a one-spot. Return it if it doesnt work out. PP2 might be killing a fly with a shotgun in your case.
My Shortfilm Soundtracks:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TexE7gi0wwc&list=PL4UQJSI-nOemwOZLdxDnBuN-Edpe5E3QZ
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martinw Frets: 2150
October 2013 tFB Trader
I'd just get a suitable 9V SMPS from the likes of Rapid, and swap the polarity.
Costs about £10-15.
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handsomerik Frets: 1009
October 2013
Echo the comments on a one spot. I power 8 power hungry pedals. (delay, line6 m5, zoom g3) and its always been silent.
My Feedback thread:
https://www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/57776/handsomerik/p10 LOL 0 Wow! 0 Wisdom
ICBM Frets: 74053
October 2013
I'll throw a spanner in here and say get the Voodoo Labs. It may be expensive, but buy once and buy right.
I don't like wall-wart power supplies like the 1-Spot, they're not reliable in the long run because the cables break and the internal components can overheat due to the casings not being properly ventilated. The PP2 is a metal-cased unit with good ventilation and a detachable IEC power cable, and you can mount it permanently on your pedalboard where it's more or less immune to straining the DC cables.
I know very well that you can get (much) cheaper supplies that do effectively the same job, but if you don't buy the best it will always nag at you.
And because Mrs. Rocker says so .
"Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski
"Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein
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martinw Frets: 2150
October 2013 tFB Trader
ICBM said:
I know very well that you can get (much) cheaper supplies that do effectively the same job, but if you don't buy the best it will always nag at you.
I've had my £10 Rapid job for 7 years now (mounted on the pedal board). Quiet too, used with many different effects.
I bought a spare while I was at it, but never needed it. Keep it in my bag, takes 30 secs to change. I also have another one for testing etc. That's a Johnny Shredfreak one, cost about £12.
Doesn't nag at me!
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ICBM Frets: 74053
October 2013
martinw said:
I've had my £10 Rapid job for 7 years now (mounted on the pedal board). Quiet too, used with many different effects.
I bought a spare while I was at it, but never needed it. Keep it in my bag, takes 30 secs to change. I also have another one for testing etc. That's a Johnny Shredfreak one, cost about £12.
Doesn't nag at me!
My much-rebuilt Power Bank doesn't nag at me either, but to be honest it was a pain in the backside to stop it humming...
I know, advising someone to spend over a hundred quid when you can get something that does basically the same job for a tenner might seem odd, but for some people buying the best and then never having to think about it or question the decision ever again is worth a fair amount. Especially if their missis has given them the go-ahead to spend the money .
The Voodoo Lab is a very nicely-made bit of kit too.
"Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski
"Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein
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ToneControl Frets: 12200
October 2013
I think these are clones of something good (in as much as there's anything verysecret about a PSU), A T-Rex I heard:
I tried the juniors, they work well with my decent and cheap pedals
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Van_Hayden Frets: 438
October 2013
steamabacus;54741" said:
The smaller Harley Benton PowerPlant Junior does have isolated outputs, however. I've just used one on my rebuilt board and I've had no issues with it. A bit of a bargain.
So it does - that's pretty good for £22 including a load of cables. I've never had any luck with smps....
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raulduke Frets: 81
October 2013
My recommendation would be to save up and buy a Voodoo Labs Power Plus.
The outputs all have isolation transformers. This is quite rare with most PSU's.
It is extremely well built, and should last you a long, long time.
The Harley Benton Powerplant Junior is also quite nice; I bought one to try (customers often ask what PSU to use) and it works well with all the pedals I have. I think it may also feature isolated outputs.
My feedback thread:https://www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/58045/
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