With your north node in Taurus or the 2nd house, you’re learning how to be more relaxed, how to build your self-worth and financial worth, while enjoying the many simple pleasures in life. This north node placement is encouraging you to find a sense of inner ease and delight in the sensual experiences that life has to offer.
Coming from a Scorpio or 8th house South Node, this Taurean ease probably sounds a bit foreign to you. You may have had to deal with very intense and/or traumatic experiences in a past life, or during your formative years in this one. Which left you in a type of survival mode, making decisions rooted in fear rather than from a grounded, centered place. When you’re in survival mode it’s hard to trust life. It’s hard to trust that everything will work out. Instead, you’re on edge and trying to prevent more bad, rather than creating more good. Constantly reacting to life rather than intentionally making moves towards what you want. This goes hand in hand with destructive tendencies like addictions, self-sabotage, pushing away things and people that are good for you. Self-medicating and numbing out through various distractions. A sense of true security or stability may feel foreign to you. But in this life you’re here to experience what stability feels like. What safety feels like. You learn how to cultivate more calmness and ease, how to trust other people and let them in, how to trust yourself and the universe. How to build and maintain financial security. This will involve living more and more rooted in the present moment, which means healing things from your past that prevent you from doing so. And let’s not forget - one of the best things about Taurus energy is its earthly sensuality. With Venus as its ruler, it knows how to appreciate all the things in life that please our senses. Flavorful food and beverages, beautiful decor, candles, art, design, aesthetics, music. Your soul wants to truly enjoy all those earthly delights in this lifetime, while learning how to be more present and relax in simplicity.
Your Scorpio or 8th house South Node comes with gifts. It’s ruled by Pluto, god of the underworld. Pluto is associated with power, death and rebirth, and major transformation. With this south node, you tend to pick up on things that other people don’t pick up on. Things that lie beneath the surface, things that aren’t spoken outright - hidden feelings and intentions. You’re very perceptive and skilled at reading people and situations. Pluto energy deals with our psyche, our depth, our shadow. And you’re easily able to go there with people. The conversation turns deep when you’re around. “Darker” subjects are brought up. People feel safe telling you about their secrets, their shame, the things they usually keep rigidly compartmentalized. You’re good at holding space and giving helpful insight on their emotional problems. This is an incredibly valuable skill that must be wielded wisely.
While being more intentional about embodying your Taurus or 2nd house NN, you won’t leave these Scorpio gifts behind. They just get transformed into a healthier expression where both the Taurus and Scorpio ends of your nodal axis are more balanced. For example, in an imbalanced expression of your SN, you could be a little too intense, in ways that don’t serve you. You may find yourself repeatedly caught up in dramatic, toxic situations or relationships. This perpetuates a lack of trust, and making many fear-based choices. And of course, money management is interconnected with all of this. The way we use, spend, and save is very tied to our emotions. We develop wiser money management the more wise we become about our emotions. Embodying more Taurus NN energy will naturally begin to balance your south node. But you won’t lose your Scorpio gifts of acute perception, insight and intuition. You’ll always carry them with you, while you’re learning to feel more ok in a human body - how to calm your nervous system, how to self-soothe and regulate your emotions. To center yourself and trust that you’re safe to relax in this world. As you build your sense of inner security and self worth, it’ll translate to more financial security. Your greatest potential for growth and healing depends on you learning to calm your mind, body and spirit. Find things that do that for you, and prioritize them. Things that help you be present. You’ll find that the more you’re able to ground and relax, your Scorpio SN’s craving for a life filled with passion and depth will take care of itself.
Scorpio / 8th House South Node Higher Expression
(your gifts and strengths)
Highly perceptive and intuitive
Gifted at reading people and situations
Able to go deep and intimate with yourself and others
Insightful about others’ problems - great therapist energy
People feel safe telling you about their struggles and sources of shame
When it comes to emotional pain and human behavior - you just get it
You can easily see beneath the surface of what’s going on
Scorpio / 8th House South Node Lower Expression
(things you’ll be letting go of)
Emotional turbulence, heaviness and intensity
Perpetually being involved in drama
Living from a base of fear and distrust
Being overly reactive and self-sabotaging
Clinging to/identifying with emotional pain instead of integrating it
North Node in Taurus / 2nd House
(north node embodiment goals)
Being able to relax and feel safe
Living in the present moment
Slowing down and enjoying all the little things in life
Expressing yourself through design, aesthetics, beautifying things (art of any kind)
Developing calm, stable and centered energy
Being in touch with and prioritizing your values
Cultivating a sense of inner security and financial security
Famous People Examples with Taurus NN: Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Nicole Kidman, Adam Sandler, Lana Del Rey, Jackie O, Prince Harry, Hillary Clinton, Cristiano Ronaldo, Mother Teresa, Pamela Anderson, Audrey Hepburn, Halle Berry, Avril Lavigne, Clint Eastwood, Cindy Crawford, Mike Tyson, Gordon Ramsay, Keira Knightley, Bruno Mars, Salma Hayek, Stephen King, Scarlett Johansson, LeBron James, Stevie Nicks, Vin Diesel, Janet Jackson, Amanda Seyfried, Ciara, Helena Bonham Carter, J Cole, Samuel L. Jackson, Rooney Mara, David Schwimmer, Grace Jones, Martin Luther King Jr., Eckhart Tolle