Cream Cheese Brownie Recipe with Strawberries (2024)

by The 36th Avenue

Cream Cheese Brownie Recipe with Strawberries (1)

Hey friends! How are we doing today? I am so excited to share with you one of our family favorite dessert recipes. TheseStrawberry Chocolate Browniesare super easy to make and you are going to love the light and creamy Cream Cheese Topping. So yummy!

I still remember the first time that my friend Nicole gave me one of these babies to try years and years ago. Since them I have made them tons of times and I have to tell you it is hard to stop eating them. It doesn’t help that they are bite size either. So darn good!

Strawberry Brownies with Cream Cheese Topping Recipe

Strawberry Brownie Recipe

Cream Cheese Brownie Recipe with Strawberries (4)


Author: The 36th Avenue


  • 1 Box of Favorite Brownies Mix and the ingredients listed on the box to make the brownies.
  • 1 Pound of Strawberries
  • Topping:
  • 2 oz. of White Chocolate or White Chocolate Chips
  • 2 Tablespoons Milk
  • 8 oz. Soften Cream Cheese
  • 1 Cup Cool Whip
  • 1 Cup Powdered Sugar


  1. Mix the brownies according to the instructions on the box.
  2. Pour the mix into small cupcake liners and bake at 350 F for 10 minutes. Do not overcook.
  3. Place brownies right away on a cooling rack and while still warm press down the middle to make a thumbprint indentation.
  4. While the brownies are cooling down slice the strawberries and make the topping.
  5. Microwave the milk and chocolate in a cup for about 30 seconds and stir until the chocolate is completely melted.
  6. Combine the soften cream cheese and white chocolate mixture together and mix with a hand mixer. Mix well.
  7. Add the whip topping. Mix well.
  8. Add the powder sugar and mix well again. The topping is ready.
  9. Fill the top of the brownies with the topping being applied with a piping bag. Then place a slice of strawberry on top.
  10. Store them in a Tupperware with lid and refrigerate.


* You can make a skinny version of this recipe using fat free milk, light whip topping, and light cream cheese. It will still be delicious.

For Valentines I like to cut my strawberries in a heart shape.

This is how you do it!

So cute!

I am going to be making this delicious treat on Valentine’s Day for a very special dinner that I will be having with my hubby. Make sure to come back on Saturday the 18th to see the most adorable Valentine Printables you have ever seen. I am teaming up with some of my favorite bloggers to bring you everything you need for a beautiful Valentines.Here is a sneak peek of the printables I made. They will be availablethis coming weekend!

But for now and before you go take a look at these 20 Valentine Recipes

Here is another adorable treat and Valentine Free Printable and idea.

These lemon bars are so darn good!

You want to get ourCake Mix Lemon Bars Recipehere.

Here is another Free Printable that you may like.

More colors and sizes HERE.

Now I better go so much to do around here.

Wishing you a lovely day!



Sharing this recipe atLink Party Palooza

  1. Cream Cheese Brownie Recipe with Strawberries (17)

    Erin {Delightful E Made}on January 17, 2014 at 4:50 AM

    HI Desiree! Stopping by from The Party Bunch and had to come take a look at these lovely cream cheese brownies – topped with the strawberry heart – so adorable!! Have pinned! Thanks so much for hosting the party and have a wonderful week! ~Erin @DelightfulEMade


  2. Cream Cheese Brownie Recipe with Strawberries (18)

    jen @ Tatertots & Jelloon January 16, 2014 at 9:32 AM

    They look amazing! So cute for a Valentine’s Day party!!



  3. Cream Cheese Brownie Recipe with Strawberries (19)

    Trish - Mom On Timeouton January 15, 2014 at 3:45 PM

    These look incredible Desiree and so cute too! Perfect for Valentine’s Day 🙂 Pinned!


  4. Cream Cheese Brownie Recipe with Strawberries (20)

    Kristynon January 15, 2014 at 5:37 AM

    These look awesome, Des!! Can’t wait to see you next week. 🙂 XO


  5. Cream Cheese Brownie Recipe with Strawberries (22)

    Cynthiaon January 14, 2014 at 12:58 PM

    These cupcakes look like they are so scrumptious!


  6. Cream Cheese Brownie Recipe with Strawberries (23)

    Ginaon January 14, 2014 at 8:02 AM

    Oh my- I’m already a sucker for a brownie- but add a topping & a strawberry- swoon.


  7. Cream Cheese Brownie Recipe with Strawberries (24)

    Miqueon January 14, 2014 at 7:51 AM

    So so cute!


  8. Cream Cheese Brownie Recipe with Strawberries (25)

    Cindy Eikenbergon January 14, 2014 at 5:00 AM

    Desiree, these sound delicious and can I tell you how much I love the strawberry hearts?? 🙂 Oh, I have to try this!!! Pinning! Thanks so much for sharing and have happy Tuesday! Hugs!


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Cream Cheese Brownie Recipe with Strawberries (2024)


How to improve Betty Crocker box brownies? ›

Six Sneaky Ways To Make Brownie Mix Taste Homemade
  1. Use melted butter instead of oil. ...
  2. Use milk, flavored creamers, or brewed coffee instead of water. ...
  3. Add extracts or flavorings. ...
  4. Add mix-ins like cookies and candies. ...
  5. Underbake, just slightly. ...
  6. Toppings.
Jan 19, 2021

What determines whether a brownie is fudgy or cakey? ›

Achieving a fudgy brownie is all to do with the ratio of fat to flour. A fudgy brownie recipe will use more fat than flour. Generally this is achieved by adding more butter or real chocolate to your brownie recipe. A cakey brownie recipe on the other hand will call for more flour in the ratio of fat to flour.

Why are brownies not chewy? ›

Chewy brownies must be slightly under-baked. One of the top mistakes to avoid when making brownies is waiting until there's no more crumbs on the toothpick to pull the pan from the oven. By that point they're close to over-baked, and you will lose out on that chewiness you want.

Why is my brownie like a sponge? ›

Our answer. Unfortunately if the brownies have turned spongy then they have been overbaked. For fan ovens it is usual to turn the oven temperature down by 20C (50F) but fan ovens can still cook slightly more quickly than regular ones even at lower temperatures so the cooking time can be shorter.

What happens when you add an extra egg to brownie mix? ›

They give brownies a lighter, drier, and more cake-like texture. If you prefer this over the chewy variety, then go ahead and crack in that additional egg. On the other hand, too many eggs will yield brownies that are hard, heavy, and tough.

How do you doctor up Betty Crocker brownie mix? ›

Add a teaspoon of instant coffee or espresso powder. Throw in a handful of nuts—pecans, walnuts, macadamia, whatever you have on hand. Scoop in a palmful of dried or frozen fruit. Add an extra splash of the top-shelf vanilla extract, or a dab of vanilla paste, or a dash of vanilla powder, to the batter.

How to make your brownies better? ›

One change is to use milk or heavy cream instead of water. This change will make brownies more moist and gooey since milk is more fatty and flavorful than water. A second change is to use butter instead of oil. For similar reasons to using milk, butter adds a rich and more decadent quality to the batter.

How to make box brownies chewy? ›

Eggs – Most brownie mixes call for one whole egg. Adding one large egg plus an extra egg yolk gives brownies an ultra fudgy texture. Chocolate Chips – Even if your brownie mix contains chocolate, plan to add chocolate chips.

What are the three types of brownies? ›

Brownie textures fall into three general camps… Cakey, fudgy and chewy. Cakey brownies, like the name implies, are light, moist and airy, with a slightly fluffy, cake-like interior. Fudgy brownies are moist, dense and gooey, with almost the texture of fudge, but not quite as compact.

What does melted butter do to brownies? ›

The reason we melt butter in brownie recipes instead of beating room temperature butter with sugar is because that helps give a rich, chewy, fudgy texture. Beating butter incorporates air and gives a more light, airy, cakey texture, which we don't want in a brownie. Well, you might want that, but I don't!

What happens if you don't put enough eggs in brownies? ›

Without eggs, baked goods will become a little thinner and not rise as much in the oven. As long as you replace the moisture from the egg with milk, banana or applesauce, you can make brownies without eggs. And yes, this recipe makes thinner brownies than normal.

Is melted butter better than softened butter for brownies? ›

If you want a fudgy chocolate brownie, use melted butter. For cakey brownies, beating softened butter and sugar together to create air pockets will make your brownies lighter and cakier.

Should you chill brownie batter before baking? ›

In addition to keeping your brownie mix fresh, refrigerating brownie batter can also help boost the overall texture and flavor of the treat. Refrigerating helps improve the gloss and crustiness of brownies while simultaneously blending the flavors—the result? — brownie that tastes much richer and chewier.

Should you cover brownies while baking? ›

If you think your brownies are baking too quickly, cover them with a layer of foil to help reflect some heat away.

Can you overmix brownies? ›

Overmixing the ingredients can cause brownies to turn out tough or for a thin crust to form on top. Mix wet and dry ingredients just long enough to blend them, taking special care not to overbeat after the eggs are added.

What can you add to box brownies to make them better? ›

Here's what you need to make box brownies taste homemade:
  1. Butter – Boxed brownie mix typically calls for vegetable oil. ...
  2. Espresso powder – Intensifies the chocolate flavor. ...
  3. Vanilla extract – Pure vanilla extract adds rich flavor to brownies.
  4. Eggs – Most brownie mixes call for one whole egg.
Aug 23, 2023

How to make Betty Crocker box mix better? ›

6 Easy Ways To Upgrade Your Boxed Cake Mix
  1. Add an Extra Egg.
  2. Add Milk, Coffee, or Soda.
  3. Use Butter Instead of Oil.
  4. Add Instant Pudding.
  5. Up the Flavor with an Extract or Citrus Zest.
  6. Top the Cake with Homemade Frosting.
Oct 19, 2023

Can you use butter instead of oil in Betty Crocker brownie mix? ›

You sure can. Using butter or margarine will make your brownies slightly richer with a bit of "dairy" taste. If you use margarine, you'll need to bake the brownies 2 minutes longer. Brownies made with a vegetable oil spread that has less than 65% fat will be slightly more dry and cakelike.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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