Angol feladatsorok - Középszint 9789631981353 [PDF] - VDOC.TIPS (2025)

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ELÔSZÓ Könyvünk javított kiadása a következôket tartalmazza: ●

kilenc teljes feladatsort, amelyek megfelelnek az angol nyelvi érettségi követelményeinek;

az íráskészség vizsga egy feladatsorának értékelt mintamegoldását;

a hallott szöveg értése vizsgarészek szövegeit;

a hallott szöveg értése vizsgarészek hanganyagát (a mellékelt CD-n).

Ahhoz, hogy a könyvet tanárok és diákok a legnagyobb haszonnal forgassák, a következôket érdemes még tekintetbe venni: ●

A feladatsorok mintafeladatokat tartalmaznak, ami azt jelenti, hogy az angol nyelvi érettségi vizsgán ugyanilyen jellegû, de nem ugyanezek a feladatok fordulnak majd elô;

A feladatok autentikus szövegekre épülnek, aminek a következtében egyes szövegek a középszintû érettségi követelményeihez képest nehéznek tûnhetnek. Ne feledjük azonban, hogy a valós életben sem az éppen aktuális tudásszintünkhöz igazított szövegekkel találkozunk, másrészrôl pedig a feladatok nehézségi fokában érvényesül a grade the task not the text elve, tehát a feladatok a középszinten elvárható követelményekhez alkalmazkodnak;

A könyvnek nem a nyelvtanítás a célja, hanem az érettségire való felkészülés elôsegítése nyelvi és a feladatok típusára vonatkozó szempontból.

A CD-n helyszûke miatt csak a feladatsorok elsô feladatánál hangzik el a bevezetô utasítás, a többinél csak a szituáció leírása és a konkrét feladatmeghatározás hallható. Szintén terjedelmi okokból a szövegek csak egyszer hangzanak el. A két sípszó a második meghallgatásához szükséges 30 mp-es szüneteket jelzi. Ezek elhangzásakor kérjük a CD-t félpercre leállítani. Az érettségire való felkészüléshez sok kitartást és kedvet, magához a vizsgához pedig sok sikert kíván a szerzô


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TARTALOM ELÔSZÓ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

TARTALOM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1. FELADATSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olvasott szöveg értése. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nyelvhelyesség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hallott szöveg értése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Íráskészség. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 6 10 13 16 18

2. FELADATSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olvasott szöveg értése. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nyelvhelyesség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hallott szöveg értése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Íráskészség. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

19 19 23 26 29 31

3. FELADATSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olvasott szöveg értése. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nyelvhelyesség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hallott szöveg értése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Íráskészség. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

32 32 36 39 42 44

4. FELADATSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olvasott szöveg értése. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nyelvhelyesség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hallott szöveg értése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Íráskészség. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

46 46 51 54 57 59

5. FELADATSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olvasott szöveg értése. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nyelvhelyesség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hallott szöveg értése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Íráskészség. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

61 61 64 67 70 72


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TARTALOM 6. FELADATSOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olvasott szöveg értése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nyelvhelyesség. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hallott szöveg értése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Íráskészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

74 74 79 82 85 87

7. FELADATSOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Olvasott szöveg értése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Nyelvhelyesség. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Hallott szöveg értése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Íráskészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 8. FELADATSOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Olvasott szöveg értése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Nyelvhelyesség. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Hallott szöveg értése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Íráskészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 9. FELADATSOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Olvasott szöveg értése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Nyelvhelyesség. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Hallott szöveg értése . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Íráskészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Beszédkészség . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 A HANGANYAG SZÖVEGÁTIRATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 MINTALEVELEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 SEGÍTÔ KÉRDÉSEK, SZEMPONTOK A SZÓBELI VIZSGÁZTATÓNAK. . . . 158 TRACKLISTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160


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1. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 1 • In this interview with a fashion designer all the questions have been removed. • Match the questions and the answers, and put the letters in the boxes at the bottom of the page. There are two extra letters that you do not need.

• There is an example (0) for you. (0) _________________________________________________________________________ It’s about fourteen years now. (1) _________________________________________________________________________ Definitely. I only design what I would like to wear, so I only wear my own design. (2) _________________________________________________________________________ Well, it depends on the occasion. The most important thing is that whatever I put on should be in harmony with my lifestyle. (3) _________________________________________________________________________ I’m happy to design for them. A woman should be able to like her appearance, whatever her size. However, it should be kept in mind that some styles don’t work in larger sizes. (4) _________________________________________________________________________ Very. Looking good is about confidence and that comes from how your clothes make you feel. If a woman feels good in her clothes, she’ll look good. (5) _________________________________________________________________________ I have made hundreds of mistakes! There are dresses that look good on the models and terrible on real people, but most mistakes don’t go that far. (6) _________________________________________________________________________ The fashion ‘circus’, which dictates that women must change every season. A How long have you been a fashion designer? B What do you think of dressing bigger women? C Which has been your worst design? D What age group likes your designs the best? E Do you wear dresses you designed yourself? F How important is comfort in the clothes you design? G When does a woman look good in your opinion? H What are you most tired of in the fashion world? I


0 A 6

Do you like to be dressed formally or in a casual way?







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1. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 2 • Read this information on four bars. • Match the statements 7–16 below with one of the texts. Put the letter of the bar next to the statements on the line.

• An example (0) has been given to you. A This is the time to go to Abades, a cool oasis from the streets. When you enter you feel you are in an 18th century villa. Intimate boxes circle an elegant central courtyard where a large fountain springs in harmony to classical music. Young lovers and groups of friends sit among exotic plants and flowers. Antique handpainted tiles decorate the walls. A glass of Sangria and you are ready to go back on the streets.

B Walk into The Crown on a rainy October evening and you’ll find yourself in one of the nicest bars of the country. The Crown’s chatty raincoated guests know it simply as a great place for a chilled dark beer washed down with local gossip. For those who prefer a lighter drink, there is a light beer clear from the bar tap.

C Bramante is part of the new generation of bars. Situated in the middle of the city’s historic centre, it attracts a crowd of local people who want to see and be seen while sitting comfortably in leather and iron armchairs or designer bar stools. In the summer outdoor seating offers views of the capital’s most popular square and of a well-known 15th century church.

D Standing on Santa Monica Boulevard just a short walk from Warner Studios, the Formosa has been watering the movie industry with its well-mixed cocktails for half a century. Customers sit comfortably in comfortable boxes watching the collection of photographs of the old generation. Movie greats like Marilyn Monroe, Clark Gable and Humphrey Bogart smile across the bar. Under their photos new stars drink their cocktails and dream the dream.

(0) This place is typically visited by people who work in the film industry.


(7) At this bar you can enjoy watching busy street life. (8) This is an ideal place if you want to take your girlfriend out for a date. (9) At this bar you are likely to meet famous people. (10) This place was originally not built as a bar. (11) Come to this place if you want to enjoy the sight of old buildings. (12) Here you can listen to stories about the private lives of locals. (13) If you like quiet and elegance this is the place you should choose. (14) At this place beer is the most popular drink.


(15) At this bar you can enjoy your drink to the tunes of music. (16) In the country where this bar is located the weather is rather cold in autumn.


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1. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 3 • Read this article about a couple who run a hotel. • For questions 17–22 match the half sentences so that they express the main ideas of the text.

• Write the letters in the boxes as shown in the example (0). There are two extra letters that you do not need.

A FAMILY AFFAIR Gérard and Sylvie Bonnet have been sharing the duties of running their small hotel in Normandy for the past two years. In that time, they have taken just three days off work: two for funerals and one for a wedding (their own). ‘What makes you do it?’ I ask Gérard, whose arms are plunged deep in soapy water. ‘We both used to work for a large, famous hotel in Paris,’ he replies. ‘It was great, but then we felt that we needed a change!’ Soon after that, Gérard inherited this small hotel. They have not looked back since. ‘We have regular customers, who we inherited with the building’, adds Sylvie. ‘This means it has been easy to plan ahead, but naturally there has been some resistance to change.’ ‘The best thing about running a small hotel,’ says Gérard, ‘is that we can provide our guests with the personal touch. Only having a few customers at a time, I soon learnt how Monsieur Lefevre likes his eggs cooked and what brand of cigarette he smokes.’ Of course, in a small hotel you cannot keep too many things in stock. Other things might go bad while waiting to be used. Sylvie’s solution is simple: ‘If we suddenly need something, we send out Jacques to the local hypermarket.’ Jacques, Gérard’s younger brother, also came with the hotel. He does not seem to mind this much work. This small hotel will certainly have a rosy future. Tourists flock to the area in their thousands in summer. But there are few guests in winter, which means that the owners have fewer permanent staff than they would like. Fortunately, they can rely heavily on the help of family and friends when the big rush is on. (0) Gérard and Sylvie started

A planning is easier than putting plans into practice.

(17) They had gained experience (18) Even though they liked their jobs in Paris (19) An advantage of a small hotel is (20) Because they don’t store too many things

B with the help of the family and friends. C that the guests can experience the personal touch. D as opposed to the thousands in summer. E to run a hotel of their own two years ago. F the future of the hotel looks promising.

(21) There’s a low number of guests in winter

H they often only buy them when they are needed.

(22) However, this problem can be solved





G they wanted to face a new challenge. I as they both had worked in the business before.






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1. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 4 • Read this article about Mother Mix, a record company selling music CDs and cassettes. Give short answers (maximum 3-5 words) to questions 23–28.

• There is an example (0) for you.

SALES IN MOTION If you take a cab in Cape Town, make sure to tell the driver where you’re going – and the name of your favourite song. A local independent company, Mother Mix is trying to bring music to the public by public transportation. The company’s strategy is to sell CDs through local taxi and minibus drivers: during the journey, passengers can listen to the tunes of the newest hiphop band. All the CDs or cassette tapes played are for sale. And that’s music to the cab drivers’ ears: on any given CD sale, which costs an average of $5, they receive 30 percent to go along with tip. Drivers receive a starter kit with posters and informational brochures about the Mother Mix concept, and a trial CD and cassette. Mother Mix is just one of many independent companies trying to set their feet on South Africa’s still developing music market, dominated now by global imports. They say that they’re in better touch with the sounds on South African streets than the companies based in London or New York. But when their work is sold, independents still have to rely on large chains like Musica and CD Warehouse, where CDs and cassettes sell for an average of $15 to $20 a piece. Independents see only about $1 or $2 of those CDs and cassettes for themselves. Because they do not have to spend money on marketing, Mother Mix can sell their taxi CDs at a third of the cost.

(0) How is Music Mix trying to bring music to the public?

By public transportation.

(23) What can passengers do while sitting in the cab? (24) How are cab drivers motivated to sell CDs and cassettes? (25) What is South Africa’s music market still dominated by? (26) Who sells most of the music produced by the independents? (27) What makes CDs and cassettes so expensive? (28) What is the result of Music Mix’s strategy?

1. 9

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1. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 1 • You are going to read an article about the airplane. Some words are missing from the text.

• Your task is to write the missing words on the lines (1–9) after the text. • Use only one word in each gap. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

THE AIRPLANE On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers showed the world that humans could fly. At first the airplane did not attract as (0) ________ public attention as other inventions in its time because flying was dangerous. Yet it soon (1) _________ a great success. Although airplanes had (2) __________ used in World War I, their instability and poor control made them (3) ___________ useful than other weapons. So the airplane (4) ___________ put aside as an impractical invention. After World War I, however, it started to become a hit. Even though the plane became widely used throughout America, it was not taken seriously until the government (5) _________ to use it to transport mail. Instead of receiving longdistance mail in a few weeks, one (6) _________ now receive it in a few days. As air mail became more popular, other industries began turning to the airplane as a method of carrying goods and people that was much (7) _________ than land transport. (8) _________ the beginning air travel was rather expensive, but as flights became common, prices (9) _________, and flying was made available to the general public.

m uch (0) _______________________________ (1) _______________________________ (2) _______________________________ (3) _______________________________ (4) _______________________________ (5) _______________________________ (6) _______________________________ (7) _______________________________ (8) _______________________________


(9) _______________________________


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1. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 2 • You are going to read a short article about shops open round the clock. Some verb forms are missing from the text.

• Your task is to form the correct grammatical forms of the words in the brackets. • Write the forms that fit in the gaps (10–18) on the lines. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

AFTER MIDNIGHT The other night the young lady in my life had a desire for hot chocolate. The only problem was,


(be) no milk in the fridge. In many

other cities around the world, there could have (10)

(be) only one outcome

it was well past midnight and there (0)

of the story: no hot chocolate. But not in New York. It was the matter of a moment to walk downstairs and stroll into the corner supermarket, which (11)


24 hours a day. When I (12)

(move) to New York from Switzerland, where most groceries

close for lunch and then shut their door for the day at six, I found that (13) (live) in America, where stores invite customers long hours on weekdays and both days on weekends, was unbelievably comfortable. Then it kept getting even better when Korean immigrants opened their all-night greengrocer shops, where New Yorkers could (14)

(drink) something and buy what

they needed. As the population of “the city that never (15)

(sleep)” wel-

comed the 24-hour greengrocers, the supermarket chains felt they could not afford (lose) out on these customers. Today, the sun never sets on the New

(16) York supermarket.

I often hear older Americans (17)

(say) this is new for them, too. “Sure,

you could find a Sunday paper at the corner drugstore,” a friend explained, “but otherwise everything used (18)

(close) on Sunday.” It seems hard to believe today,

but until the 1960s it was illegal in most American states to sell alcohol on a Sunday. But that, as Americans like to say, was then.

1. 11

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1. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 3 • You are going to read a text about latecomers. Some words are missing from the text. • Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A–M) for each gap (19–27) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below.

• There are three extra words that you do not need to use. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

THE STICKLER AND THE AMBLER A friend once remarked that people who are continually late are similar to murderers. The only difference (0)

the two is that a murderer robs you of your entire life

in one go, while a latecomer robs you (19)

little bits of your life, every day.

I must say I have sympathy with this argument. I believe the world is (20) into those who are on time, and those who are not – the Stickler, and the Ambler. The Stickler runs (21)

place to place in a panic, catching sleeves

in doors. In doing so, she is expressing a feeling that if the deadline isn’t (22)


the world will move on without her. The Ambler, on the other hand, strolls into appointments twenty minutes late. He arrogantly believes that (23)

schedule can be

manipulated to suit himself – so (24) _______________ hurry? Of course, Amblers don’t think they are selfish. They usually see (25) ________________ as chaotic, as if chaos were an incurable virus (26) _________________ during childhood. Such people have no sense of time and so write ridiculous schedules. Just (27) ___________ the weak is drawn towards the strong, so the Stickler will be drawn towards the Ambler. She will marry him and grind her teeth to powder for the rest of her days.


1. 12

M of

A all

E caught

I cut

B any

F done

J themselves

C as

G from

K why

D between

H met

L divided










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Trs 2–3

• In this section you are going to hear an advertisement about a café bar. • Your task will be to write the missing word into each gap in the script of the recording. • First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

CAFE BAR FRESCO At Fresco, our business is food. We are a small, (0) providing good (1)


team who believe in

for money, not just with the food, but with the serv-

ice too. The people you hear on the telephone will be the people who cook, deliver and present the food. And they (2)

. So if you have a problem, you know you’re

to the chef and the bottle washer. And if you don’t know what you want,

(3) we’ll be pleased to (4)

menus for every occasion.

Our buffet list will give you an idea of the (5)

of food, together with

sample menus but really our service is as varied as our food. You ask, we supply – food, drink, music, even the (6)

. That is why we like to think of ourselves as tailor-

made catering at its best. At Fresco Cafe Bar we (7) And, of course, (8)

sandwiches, salads and hot and cold buffets. delivery is free of charge.

1. 13

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Task 2 • In this section you are going to hear a policeman questioning an eyewitness about a road accident.

• Your task will be to give short answers to questions 9–15. Write your answers on the lines.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

(0) Who is talking?

A p o licem a n a nd a n e y ew itness . (9) What was the witness doing when the accident happened?

(10) Which car caused the accident? The red one or the grey one? ________________________________________________________________________ (11) Which car bumped into the other? The red one or the grey one? ________________________________________________________________________ (12) What caused the accident? ________________________________________________________________________ (13) How fast was the witness driving when the accident happened? ________________________________________________________________________ (14) Was the witness looking at the speedometer or at the road when the accident happened? ________________________________________________________________________ (15) Why is the witness so sure about how fast he was driving? ________________________________________________________________________

1. 14

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Trs 6–7

• In this section you are going to hear about a traditional hotel located in the north of Britain.

• Your task will be to write the letter of the correct answer into the boxes on the right. • First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

(0) The Greyhound Hotel has been welcoming guests for … A) less than 300 years. C) exactly 300 years. B) more than 300 years. D) about 300 years. (16) The Greyhound Hotel was built … A) near a road to Scotland. B) on a road in Scotland.

C) on a road to Scotland. D) near a busy town.

(17) The Greyhound Hotel is visited by … A) only local people. B) people who look for a quiet place.

C) travellers but not by local people. D) both travellers and local people.

(18) What have the owners done to the old building? They have … A) added a new wing to it. C) left it as it stood before. D) modernised it. B) rebuilt it. (19) How many rooms have private bathrooms? A) Most of them. C) All of them. B) Some of them. D) None of them. (20) As regards eating, … A) breakfast and lunchtime snacks are served but dinner is not. B) service includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. C) all meals are served but the choice is limited. D) all meals are served but cooked food is not available. (21) Which of the following statements is true? A) Meals are also served in the kitchen garden. B) Meals are also often served in the cellar. C) What grows in the kitchen garden is used for cooking. D) The kitchen garden is used for cooking outside. 0








1. 15

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1. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 1 You would like to travel to Britain, where you want to stay at youth hostels. You decide to be a member of the YHA (Youth Hostels Association).

Do you want to explore Britain without spending all your money on expensive hotels? Then why not be a member of the YHA? All you have to do is write to Youth Hostels Association Central Registration Office London SW5 9BH England

In order to be accepted, write a letter or an e-mail of about 80–100 words in which you include the following points:

• whether you have been to Britain (if yes, how many times) • in which month(s) you want to visit Britain • which parts of Britain you want to visit Begin your letter / e-mail like this:

Dear Sir or Madam,

1. 16

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1. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 2 You are the editor of the school magazine. Here is a letter which you have recently received from one of the readers.

I love Bryan, who is twenty, very much and he says he loves me too. The trouble is that my Mum and Dad don’t like him at all. Mum goes on and on saying that Bryan is too old for me and that I’m too young to have a steady boyfriend and that since I met Bryan I haven’t taken schoolwork seriously – which isn’t true! Now she has told me she wants me to finish with Bryan. That’s not fair! Why can’t they give us a chance? I don’t understand my parents. I am sure that if they got to know Bryan better, they would really like him. I feel so unhappy. I just don’t know what to do. I can’t break up with Bryan – what can I do? Miserable (15)

Write a letter of about 100–120 words to Miserable. Respond to her giving your opinion on the following points:

• the age difference • a steady relationship and working hard at school • understanding the parents’ point • ways of making the parents more understanding Begin your letter like this:

Dear Miserable,

1. 17

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1. FELADATSOR • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Task 2 You are going to receive a guest from England for a few days. Your examiner will play the role of a family member. The two of you should discuss how to entertain him / her. Include the following points:

• meeting the guest at the airport • what to give him / her to eat (he / she may be a vegetarian) • programmes for the day (he / she may have special interests) • programmes for the night

Task 3 These two pictures show teenagers reading and other teenagers being fixed to the computer. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

• what books can give and the computer cannot • what the computer can give and books cannot • books can help to educate you – and the computer? • books – old-fashioned; the computer – modern?

1. 18

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2. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 1 • In this dialogue between a landlady and a student some of the questions and answers have been removed.

• Match the questions and the answers, and put the letters in the boxes at the bottom of the page. There are two extra letters that you do not need.

• There is an example (0) for you.

LOOKING FOR A FLAT Landlady: 455-8543. Student: Hello. Can I talk to Mrs Brown, please? L: Speaking. S: Oh, hello, Mrs Brown. I saw your advertisement for a room and I wonder if you could give me some information about it. L: Well, what would you like to know? S: (0) _______________________________________________________________________ L: 25 pounds a week. It’s your own room, nicely furnished with everything a student needs. S: (1) _______________________________________________________________________ L: No, I’m afraid not. There’s enough room for one person only. S: That’s all right. (2) __________________________________________________________ L: You share the bathroom and you can use the kitchen but there are no meals included. S: I see. (3) __________________________________________________________________ L: Yes. And you don’t have to bring your own dishes. We can provide them. S: Thank you. Now about the heating. (4)__________________________________________ L: There’s central heating in all the rooms, so there’s nothing extra to pay. S: Oh, that’s good. What about guests and hours? L: (5) _______________________________________________________________________ I’m sorry to have to say that, but we had problems in the past. S: Yes, I perfectly understand. (6) ________________________________________________ L: Yes, of course. The address is 45 Queens Road. S: Is it all right if I come about seven? L: That’s fine. I’ll expect you then. Bye. S: Bye-bye. A B C D E F G H I

How much is the rent? You can have guests in your room but they should be out by ten o’clock. Erm … speaking about eating, is it all right if I put my things into the fridge? What time do I have to be home at the latest? What about the bathroom and the kitchen? Could I share it with a fellow-student? May I come and have a look at the flat this evening? Is there a bus stop or an underground station nearby? Do I have to pay for it separately or is it included in the price?








A 19

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2. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 2 • Read these texts on four children’s attractions. • Match the statements 7–16 below with one of them. Put the letter of the attraction next to the statements on the line.

• An example (0) has been given to you. A South Devon Railway runs seven miles along the River Dart to the historic town of Totnes. At the main station there is a picnic area, a childrens play area cafe and a souvenir shop. There is also a charming little station half way down the line where visitors who like walking often join the train. Services: Saturdays and Sundays. Open from 10.00 am, first train 11.30 am.

B The South Devon Farm Centre offers a full day out of “Hands on Fun” for an all inclusive entry price. You will find that the programmes are both fun and educational: Bottle Feeding Lambs to Hand Milking or Egg Collecting to Sheepdog Trials to name but a few. • Events every thirty minutes • Locally produced refreshments Open 10.00 to 5.30 seven days a week.

C Plymouth Dome is an indoor centre with a wide range of reconstructions and hightech equipment that take you on a journey through time: through the sights and smells of Elizabethan Plymouth or on the voyages of Drake and the Pilgrim Fathers. “Handson” computers, TV, radar and satellite give you a view of the modern harbour. It’s a great adventure for all the family, come rain or sunshine. Open seven days a week.

D Journey through 450 years of history and discover the wartime secrets of Pendennis Castle. • Explore the hands-on Discovery Centre. • Find out what it was like to be a soldier. • Descend through secret underground tunnels to the dungeon where prisoners were kept chained to the wall. • Climb the high tower and take a walk along the walls to enjoy the most fantastic views over the countryside.

(0) This attraction is typically visited by people whose hobby is train-watching. (7) This place is the best choice when it’s raining. (8) They may not let you operate this attraction. (9) Come here if you are interested in war history.


(10) If you are not afraid of animals you had best visit this attraction. (11) Come to this place if you want to see an old prison. (12) If you don’t mind walking a few miles why not try this attraction? (13) You want to explore the past by using modern technology? Then come here. (14) Are you interested in ships and the sea? Then this is the place for you. (15) This attraction will show you how people live(d) in the countryside. (16) You can only enjoy this attraction on weekend days.



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2. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 3 • Read this article about “secret” restaurants. • For questions 17–22 match the half sentences so that they express the main ideas of the text.

• Write the letters in the boxes as shown in the example (0). There are two extra letters that you do not need.

MEALS FROM UNDERGROUND To find Hong Kong’s most fashionable restaurants, don’t bother checking the phone book or walking through the city’s entertainment districts. These days, the most popular tables are hidden in crowded high-rise apartments. To know this, you have to be a member of Hong Kong’s “secret eating societies”, which go to tiny restaurants run by chefs out of their own homes or from rented spaces. So popular are some of these private dining rooms – they have limited seating and you never know when they are open – that they are booked up months in advance. And because most of them don’t advertise, requesting a reservation can be as hard as getting one. Jacky Yu, for example, doesn’t answer his phone. Instead, those who want to dine there must send a fax to a number that one can only get through good connections. Several days later, Yu calls back. The current waiting time: seven months. The trend is a response to the 1990s, when Hong Kongers ate at elegant restaurants. These days, few want to be seen spending money on expensive meals, when there are economic problems and unemployment is on the increase. Exclusivity is the main attraction for restaurant-goers in this city. There is pleasure in discovering a hidden treasure that only one’s inner circle knows about. From the owner’s point of view, such tiny restaurants make good business sense. Because of the high rate of unemployment, they can hire well-trained people who worked at top hotels. But will the trend last? More than likely, once Hong Kongers have more money to spend on expensive food, they’ll be more than happy to be seen doing so again. (0) The “secret eating societies” are (17) Though it is difficult to make a reservation (18) Diners get Yu’s fax number from (19) Private dining rooms are popular because (20) Moreover, people like discovering places (21) Dining rooms make good business sense (22) However, the trend may not last long as



A reliable people and wait for him to call back. B as they employ people who have lost their jobs. C good connections are needed to get through. D people still would rather eat at elegant places. E the secret restaurants are always booked up. F few want to spend too much money on eating. G the rich don’t want to be seen at elegant places. H for people who eat at private dining rooms. I about which only a few others know.








56468_1_Angol_1-73_2018.Q_56468 Angol 1-73.qxt 2018.05.09. 13:54 Page 22

2. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 4 • Read this article about school nostalgia. • Give short answers (maximum 3-5 words) to questions 23–28. • There is an example (0) for you.

GOING BACK TO SCHOOL On a pleasantly warm Saturday evening in London people come out of the tube station, laughing. This would seem normal in a city famous for its nightlife, except for the way one crowd of women in their 30s are dressed. They are wearing school uniforms and are on their way to something called “School Disco”, a club where customers dress up in their uniforms and dance to the ‘80s music of their youth. That nostalgia for school days has taken London by storm. Every weekend about 7,000 partygoers pay £12 each to get into clubs that require them to dress in uniform. High-school come-togethers have always been popular in the United States; however, the idea is relatively new in Britain. Nobody needed them in the past, when English graduates typically stayed within a few miles from home; the hunt for an old friend was often as easy as walking down to the local pub. Now they work more apart than years ago, and live more isolated lives. Any means to reconstruct those networks will be popular. Particularly for Londoners, many of whom have moved to the city from elsewhere, coming together at the old school brings a feeling of being together. School is often the first time people experience this feeling. Things like school uniforms were the first to show that one belonged to a place creating security. Those who want to relive the past have often reached a point when they’re uncertain about the present. School gives them something to hold on to. However, a large part of the attraction of these club nights remains simple fun. Many partygoers mention role-playing when explaining why they like to dress up like teenagers. Others admit to even simpler motives. “Why am I here? Quite obvious, isn’t it?” says Joe, eyeing a pretty woman in a short skirt that would never have been permitted by the headmaster. This, at least, hasn’t changed with the years. (0) What is unusual about how some women are dressed? (23) What kind of music do they listen and dance to? (24) What was the reason why people didn’t come together in the old school? (25) How has their lifestyle changed recently? (26) What feeling does school give to people?


(27) Why is it good for many people to live in the past again? (28) Joe mentions two reasons why club nights are simple fun. What are these?


They’re wearing school uniforms.

56468_1_Angol_1-73_2018.Q_56468 Angol 1-73.qxt 2018.05.07. 14:15 Page 23

2. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 1 • You are going to read an article about Halloween. • Some words are missing from the text. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A–D) for each gap (1–9) in the text. Write the letters of the appropriate answers in the boxes under the options. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

HALLOWEEN Halloween, the last day of October, originates from a pagan festival when food offerings were made to the spirits of the dead. The name (0) _________ from the Christian festival of All Hallows’ Eve. It (1) _________ introduced in the 7th century to encourage people to remember the saints and martyrs. In the Middle Ages it was a night of fear when wise people had better (2) ___________ indoors if they didn’t want (3) __________ evil spirits. In the 17-18th centuries it (4) _________ customary for people to dress up in strange masks and costumes and go from house to house, singing and dancing to keep (5) _________ bad spirits away. In the 18th century Halloween developed into a festival (6) _________ children with costumes, lanterns and games. In America people decorate their houses with cobwebs, skeletons and witches. They also hang jack-o’-lanterns outside the door or the window. In the evening, children (7) _________ wild and fancy costumes, paint their faces, and (8) _________ the houses in the neighborhood. They knock on the door and when the owner (9) _________ it they ask, ‘Trick or treat?’ If they get treats like chocolate, candy bars or cookies, they frighten evil spirits away, but if they don’t, they play tricks on the people who live in the house. (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

A A A A A A A A A A 0

is coming ø stay to meet became every of take up see will open 1

B B B B B B B B B B 2

came had look that they met was become any by put on go into is opening 3


C has come C got C find C meeting C has become C all C for C take on C visit C opened 5


D D D D D D D D D D 7

comes was close it if they meet had become some about put up look for opens 8





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2. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 2 • You are going to read a short article about dolphins. Some verb forms are missing from the text.

• Your task is to form the correct grammatical forms of the verbs in the brackets. Write the forms that fit in the gaps (10–18) on the lines.

• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

DOLPHIN TO THE RESCUE People often claim that humans and animals are not as different as they appear. For example, dolphins are often (0)


(credit) with human – or even superhuman – intelligence

and also a sort of sympathy with human beings. This attitude to dolphins is not surprising in view of incidents like the following one, which (10) A lawyer’s wife was (11) had only just (12)

(happen) the other day.

(bath) alone on a private beach in Florida. She (go) into the water when she was (13)

(carry) off by a strong current. She swallowed water and was beginning to lose consciousness, (14)

(wish) that someone would come and rescue her. And she


(remember) how at this moment she was given a push and found herself


(walk) heavily out of the water. She slowly recovered and turned to thank

her rescuer. But there was no one about, only a pair of dolphins (17)


a few metres offshore. At this point a man (18)

(come) running up to say that he had seen what

he had taken for a dead body being pushed ashore by one of the dolphins. Now this is not an account of an incident which happened in the dim past. It happened in our own times and was witnessed by a number of people.

2. 24

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2. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 3 • You are going to read a text about a fire. Some words are missing from the text. • Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A–M) for each gap (19–27) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below.

• There are three extra words that you do not need to use. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

MOTH TO THE FLAME On June 8, Terry Barton lit a match. For reasons that (0)

a mystery for

a veteran of the U.S. Forest Service, she started a fire that (19)

grow into

the worst wildfire in Colorado history, burning more than 135,000 acres and forcing the evacuation of nearly 9,000 people. In a confession to authorities, Barton said she (20)

burned a letter from

her recently divorced husband in a campfire, and the flames (21)


the ring of rocks without her knowing it. But investigators don’t buy the story. Prosecutors say the fire was (22)

“willfully”. Investigator Brenda Schultz told a federal

court last week that the former husband says he never sent (23)

letter to his

ex-wife. Moreover, investigators discovered that rocks around the campfire had been moved to the fire spread quickly.


Federal officials are now exploring the theory that Barton, who had expressed interest in a job (25)

an arson investigator, might have been trying to become

famous (26)

discovering, reporting and extinguishing the fire. It was

Barton who reported the fire; when firefighters arrived (27)

the scene, she

was trying to put it out. The hearing continues today.

A any

E let

I somehow

B as

F out

J on

C by

G remain

K would

D has

H set

L to







M had







56468_1_Angol_1-73_2018.Q_56468 Angol 1-73.qxt 2018.05.09. 13:54 Page 26


Task 1 • In this section you are going to hear about the Sherlock Holmes Museum. • Your task will be to give short answers to the questions below. • First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

(0) When did the Sherlock Holmes Museum open? (1) What is the address of Sherlock Holmes’ house? (2) How long have people been writing to Holmes? (3) How long did Holmes and Watson live here? (4) On which floor can visitors find the study? (5) What did Dr Watson write about its size? (6) Was Dr Watson’s bedroom above or under the study? (7) What did Dr Watson’s bedroom overlook? (8) What is Dr Watson’s bedroom today? (9) What can you see in there? (name at least 2 things) (10) Who used to live in what is now the souvenir shop?

2. 26

In 1 9 9 0 .

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Trs 10–11

• In this section you are going to hear a man and a woman arguing over their meals at a restaurant.

• Your task will be to write the letter of the correct answer into the boxes on the right. • First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

(0) The man thinks that the dish was kept in the oven for … A) much too long. C) a few minutes too short. B) a couple of minutes too long. D) much too short. (11) However, the man was satisfied with the … A) steak. B) sauce.


C) pastry. D) salad.

(12) The woman thinks that … A) the Chinese sweet-and-sour sauce wasn’t very good. B) the chicken was better than the sweet-and-sour sauce. C) the chicken was very good and so was the sweet-and-sour sauce. D) it is risky to eat Chinese sweet-and-sour sauce. (13) The woman is criticising the man because … A) he is very traditional in his eating habits. B) he is too adventurous in his eating habits. (14) The man’s stomach hurts because ... A) the meat he had was bad. B) he has eaten too much.

C) he couldn’t eat up everything. D) he is over-critical. C) he is upset. D) he is afraid of unpleasant surprises.

(15) The couple chose this restaurant because … A) the man forgot to look at the price list by the door. B) the man saw that the woman liked the place. C) they both wanted to find a dry place quickly because of the rain. D) they found the place inviting. (16) The woman thinks the meals they had were expensive because … A) the man wanted to have champagne. B) she did not check the prices when she gave her order. C) they also ordered house wine, not only champagne. D) the man was not satisfied with the wine so he ordered champagne.


(17) The couple came to the restaurant … A) because it was raining outside. B) to celebrate that they were going to get married. C) because the woman likes Chinese food. D) to celebrate the day when they got married. 27

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Task 3 • In this section you are going to hear a text about earthquakes. • Your task will be to match the information in column å with the information in column

ç, and write the letter of the correct answer into the box at the bottom of this page.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

å (0)


of the year when the earthquake hit Tokyo




the number of the people who were killed




the number of the homes that were destroyed




the time when the earthquake began




the number of the stoves that were overturned




the number of the roads that cracked open




the percentage of the damage caused by fire




the percentage of those who died in the fire


> 90











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2. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 1 London Zoo has started a project in order to make young people learn more about the animal world. You decide to join the Association of Young Friends of Wildlife advertised by the zoo.

Do you want to help us protect the wonderful world of wild animals? Then why not be a member of the Association of Young Friends of Wildlife? All you have to do is write to The London Zoo Regent’s Park London NW1 England

In order to be accepted, write a letter or an e-mail of about 80–100 words in which you include the following points:

• how long you have been studying Biology • whether you have a pet / pets at home (if yes, what) • what is / are you favourite wild animal(s) and why Begin your letter / e-mail like this:

Dear Sir or Madam,

2. 29

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2. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 2 You are the editor of the school magazine. Here is a letter which you have recently received from one of the readers.

Dear Editor, I am a 16-year-old teenager and I am very unhappy. All my friends are slim and pretty, going out with boys and having much fun. I am overweight and not pretty enough to have boyfriends. The only thing I can do in my spare time is sit in front of the TV and watch those love stories and all those good-looking men and women in them. I have been told one hundred times to lose weight but I simply can’t give up eating those delicious cakes, cookies and biscuits. Is it at all possible to stop munching on when I’m reading or watching television? I’m eager to read your advice. Susie (16)

Write a letter of about 100-120 words to Susie. Respond to her giving your opinion on the following points:

• only slim girls have boyfriends? • deciding what is more important • deing able to keep to decision • changing lifestyle – how? Begin your letter like this:

Dear Susie,

2. 30

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2. FELADATSOR • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Task 2 You want to get a new mobile phone for your birthday. However, your mother / father (whose role will be played by the examiner) is rather conservative and is against the idea. Convince him / her to accept your choice. Include the following points:

• the widespread use of mobile phones all over the world • what a mobile phone means for young people • the many useful functions of a mobile phone • the advantages of a mobile phone in the family

Task 3 These two pictures show the two faces of a big city. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

• the bright side of city life as shown by the picture on the left • the dark side of city life represented by the trash on the right • the reasons why there is so much trash around us • what we can do to make our environment more friendly

2. 31

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3. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 1 • Read this text about an adventurous boy. • Some phrases have been left out from the text. Choose the right phrases from the box to fill the gaps. There are three more phrases in the box than you need. Write your answers in the boxes under the phrases. • An example (0) has been given for you.

A 14-year-old boy had to be rescued on Saturday when he climbed up the cliffs at Dover look at birds and got stuck 40 feet up.

to (0)

The boy, Alan Weir, was among a busload of students who (1) on an outing organised by a youth club. Alan said afterwards: “I (2) and saw birds so I thought I would climb up and (3) The first part of the climb was (4)

to Dover up at the cliffs

at them.”

but after a bit it became more difficult and . Worse still he realised he could not

finally Alan found that he could not get (5)

climb down again. “My feet kept on slipping on the sandstone,” he said. “I was scared that I was going (6)

I just tried to keep still.”

By then the alarm had been raised and firemen (7)

grassy clifftop and parked

a few feet from the edge. Then they lowered Alan (8) dent lasted about twenty minutes and (9)

with a rope. The whole inci-

hundreds of holidaymakers.

climbing Alan said, “I like climbing but I don’t think

Asked if he would (10)

I will climb anything made of that soft sandstone again.” A B C D E F G H I J K L M N

3. 0

D 32




quite easy to fall so had just arrived get a closer was watched by have a look was coming any higher do any more to lose balance drove across the was looking had come to safety








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3. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 2 • Read this article about shopping on the Internet. • Your task is to give short answers to the questions that follow. Write your answers on the lines. Remember to make your answers as short as possible.

• There is an example (0) for you.

DO THEY BEAT THE CLOCK? The other day we tested the speed of shopping on the Internet. What would be faster: ordering a video from or walking out to our local Blockbuster? Or buying a pair of running shoes on the Internet or walking all the way over to Niketown?, a service that delivers videos and books, has become a favorite in urban areas. But is it any faster than going to a Blockbuster a few blocks away? Hardly. Both took us about five minutes to sign up, pick our video and check out. But the actual delivery was another story. Our Kozmo delivery guy arrived with our videos 68 minutes after we gave our order. We got to Blockbuster and back in less than half that time. The only problem: it was a rainy day and we came back from Blockbuster soaking wet. We’ll give this point to Kozmo. Next we decided to buy a pair of running shoes online. On Nike’s Website you can choose the size, style and colour. Sure, the choice is limited. And the site warns you’ll have to wait three weeks for delivery. But the process itself is trouble-free. Not so at Niketown. There’s a much bigger selection, and, of course, you can walk out with your shoes right away. But good luck finding a salesperson to help you in midtown Manhattan at lunchtime. We picked out our shoes and waited 25 minutes for our salesperson to come back before we walked out in disgust. (0) What did the writers want with the test?

To check how fast Internet shopping is.

(11) Where was it faster to sign up for a video? (12) What was the advantage of going to Blockbuster? (13) Why was going to Blockbuster not convenient?


(14) What good points did the testers give to Nike’s website? (15) What did the testers not like at Nike’s website? (16) What was the advantage of going to Niketown? (17) Were they lucky in finding a salesperson? (18) Did they buy the shoes in the end? Why (not)?


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3. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 3 • Read this part of an information leaflet about Wales. • For each question choose the answer that is nearest in meaning to what the article says. • Write the appropriate letters in the boxes under the questions as shown in the example (0).

TRAVELLING AROUND WALES An important factor in holiday planning these days is value for money – and Wales can offer that. Due to its size and location, you can make cuts in your travelling costs. With excellent motorway links to the border and an extensive road network, your journey will be simple. Motorists need never hesitate to leave the main routes because even the country roads are in a good condition – and they take you to places many people miss. As in the rest of Britain, you drive on the left of the road, and distances and speed limits on road signs are given in miles. If you travel by rail, a good bargain is the Freedom of Wales ticket, which gives you one week’s unlimited British rail travel anywhere in Wales during the period March-October inclusive.

WHERE TO STAY IN WALES If you choose to stay on a farm, forget the images of water from the well and toilets at the bottom of the garden. Welsh farmhouses are old buildings equipped with every comfort. Wherever you go, you will experience excellent home cooking – and most farms offer special midweek or weekend rates during the low season and some will give reductions for children. In the country towns and villages you will find cosy inns which have been welcoming travellers for centuries. There is no better place for getting to know the local inhabitants than the bar of an old inn, where everyone is ready to talk to everyone else. Go along to the bar for a lunchtime or evening glass of beer and you will find yourself among friendly people. Note that in certain districts of Wales alcoholic drinks are not served on Sundays except in hotels and inns to people who live in the town or village and their guests.



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3. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE (0) This text has been written for ... A) business people. B) tourists.

C) travel agents. D) students.

(19) To travel to Wales is ... A) easy because of its small size. B) expensive but it is worth the money. C) not expensive. D) easy because you can cut distances. (20) Which is closest in meaning to what the text says? A) Motorists shouldn’t leave the main roads even though the country roads are good. B) In the rest of Britain you drive on the left of the road unlike in Wales. C) Country roads take you to places that many people fail to discover while in Wales. D) Country roads take you to places that many people pass by without noticing them. (21) If you choose to stay on a farm, you ... A) had better try getting water from a well. B) will find the toilet at the bottom of the garden. C) will find yourself in an old building with little comfort. D) will stay at an old building with modern comfort. (22) Which is closest in meaning to what the text says? A) Good home cooking is only provided at some places. B) Special rates are usually available in the high season. C) Giving reductions for children is standard practice. D) Farmhouses provide traditional, home-made food. (23) In an inn, ... A) accommodation is provided for visitors and local people alike. B) accommodation is provided for travellers but locals may come in for drinks. C) it’s hard to make yourself heard in the bar as everyone talks at the same time. D) alcoholic drinks are only served at dinnertime. (24) On Sundays, alcoholic drinks are ... A) not served in parts of Wales except in hotels and inns to residents and their visitors. B) not served in parts of Wales except in hotels and inns to locals and their guests. C) served in parts of Wales except for hotels and inns to residents and their guests. D) not served in the whole of Wales. 0










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3. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 1 • You are going to read an article about British tourists. • Some words are missing from the text. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A–D) for each gap (1–9) in the text. Write the letters of the appropriate answers in the boxes under the options. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

BRITS BEHAVING BADLY An evening on the Greek island of Zakynthos – (0) ________ of Europe’s hot spots for British tourists – is a typical time for troublemaking. Drunken fights are common, (1) ________ is the sight of holidaymakers rushing noisily from bar to bar. Brits are the new tourists that the rest of the Continent loves to hate. The trouble (2) ________ there for years, but now it is more serious than ever before. Last month, for example, nine British women were (3) ________. Later the same month, a (4) ________ British boy died outside a nightclub. The British government is trying to (5) ________ action by sending ambassadors to control the damage or starting campaigns against bad behaviour. But it may be difficult (6) ________ tourists’ ways: the United Kingdom is one of the heaviest-drinking countries in Europe, and young Brits have got used to cut-price flights to (7) ________ countries that openly advertise cheap alcohol. While many Brits (8) ________ care about how Greeks see them, many countries have decided that they aren’t going to tolerate this, and Brits may find themselves shut (9) ________ resorts if they don’t change very soon.


(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

A one A like A is A arrested A 17-years-old A make A changing A the A don’t A from 0






some such has been arrest 17-year do to change such aren’t off 3


C C C C C C C C C C 5

that as was arresting 17-years have change shouldn’t out of 6

D D D D D D D D D D 7

any so will be arrests 17-year-old take is changing these needn’t out from 8


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3. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 2 • You are going to read an article about the Early Birds. Some words are missing from the text.

• Your task is to write the missing words on the lines (10–20) after the text. • Use only one word in each gap. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

This week we bring you the story of the fantastic Early Birds. The group, who are (0) a new tour at the moment, have another record in the Top Ten this week. But things (10) always so easy for the Early Birds. The group started five years (11)

when the members were still at school

in Liverpool. At that time they (12) A (13)

to play at school dances and at local rock clubs.

months later the four young men – Ian, Brian, Mike and Kenny – moved

to London. It wasn’t a (14)

. The young pop group couldn’t find any work and Mike to Liverpool.

and Kenny left the group and (15)

For three hard months, Brian worked in a factory and Ian (16) in a cinema. Then things got (17) organist today, (18)

a cleaning job

. Glenn and Tony, who are the group’s guitarist and

Brian and Ian in a pub one evening. They discussed the idea of

a new sound and decided to work (19)


The new group soon made a single – “Dark-eyed Girl”. This was an overnight hit and (20)

then they have had five albums at the top of the charts. Next week’s tour takes

them to Liverpool, Manchester and Edinburgh. (0)

p la nning



(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) 37

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3. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 3 • You are going to read a text about a mystery. Some words are missing from the text. • Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A–N) for each gap (21–30) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below.

• There are three extra words that you do not need to use. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

When people in a Yorkshire village turned on their taps yesterday, they got not only water but electric (0)

as well. In one house, sparks showered into the sink. But the electric

water was only part of a series of (21)


Events started with a loud explosion from the roof of a house, and the water-pipe was (22)

to be burning. The next-door neighbour tried to telephone for the firemen but


only popping noises from the instrument. Then she tried to fill a kettle with

water; (24)

she received a severe shock and was showered with hot sparks.

Further down the road a housewife started to dust her furniture and felt an electric shock doing this. Others in the village also reported shocks from water taps.


In the meantime, firemen dealt (26) if anything was (27)

the original fire. Electricity men came to see

with the mains. Water-board men came to find out why they had

started to supply free electricity. Telephone engineers arrived to (29)


why telephones popped. However, so far no one (30)

solved the mystery. The opinion in the village is that

the nearby coal mines must have played some part in it.

3. 0



A discover

F seen

K with

B has

G shocks

L wrong

C have

H strange

M while

D heard

I suddenly

N instead

E listened

J when











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Trs 14–15

• In this section you are going to hear a text about shopping for Christmas. • Your task will be to decide if the statements 1–7 below are TRUE, FALSE or NOT

• • • • •

STATED according to what the text says. Mark your answers with an X in the table at the bottom of this page. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. There is an example (0) for you.

(0) City life will remain noisy even on Christmas Eve. (1) One can see the lights of Christmas trees put outside the windows. (2) We can choose between expensive and cheap Cristmas presents. (3) We rush to buy presents during the weekends. (4) We also buy presents for relatives who we rarely see during the rest of the year. (5) We try to attract the attention of busy shop assistants. (6) After shopping we have to go home on foot as there are no taxis available. (7) Presents cause little surprise because we always get the same things.





1 2


3 4 5 6 7


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Task 2 • In this section you are going to hear an interview for a job. • Your task will be to write the letter of the correct answer into the box following the questions.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you. (0) How did Ms Simons come for the interview? A) By car. B) By bus. C) By taxi.

D) On foot.

(8) What did Ms Simons send to the company before she came for the interview? A) A letter of introduction and her CV. B) A letter of introduction, her CV, and her language exam certificates. C) Her CV and her language exam certificates. D) Her CV. (9) Why did Ms Simons give up her first job? A) Because it was in the country and she found life boring there. B) Because she has moved to town. C) Because it was too provincial for her. D) Because in her previous job she couldn’t do what she liked. (10) What kind of job are they talking about? B) sales executive A) salesperson

C) personal assistant

D) tour operator

(11) Where can one find the company’s foreign partners? A) First of all in Western Europe and in South America. B) Everywhere in Europe and in South America. C) Mostly in Eastern Europe and in South America. D) In Europe and in the southern states of the USA.


(12) How can you rank Ms Simons’ knowledge of foreign languages (going from the strongest to the weakest)? A) German, Russian, Spanish C) Spanish, German, Russian B) Spanish, Russian, German D) German, Spanish, Russian (13) What is the job in question like? A) It’s a nine-to-five job. B) It’s a nine-to-five job but there are frequent opportunities to travel. C) The hours are partly fixed, partly flexible. D) The hours are flexible with a lot of opportunities to travel. (14) The salary is ... A) £13,000 and there is no word on pay rise. C) £13,000 and there may be a pay rise later. 0

D 40




B) £30,000 and they do not promise a pay rise. D) £30,000 and there may be a pay rise later. 11




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Trs 18–19

• In this section you are going to hear a film critic’s commentary about the etiquette of cinema going.

• Your task will be to fill in the gaps in the sentences below with a maximum of two words.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

ho t do gs

(0) Some cinema audiences prefer chewing

, drinking and talking

to watching the film, while others complain about this. Now, who spoils other people’s pleasures? who complain about

(15) Of course, it’s the munchers and talkers, them, who do this. (16) One problem is that junk food and popcorn, when eaten in a


will fall onto other people’s clothes. (17) Moreover, crisps and peanuts make a lot of noise when being and chewed. (18) All this can be very irritating, (19) However, the

if you yourself are not eating. nuisance of all is the talking.

(20) Some people talk at the cinema just as they do at home


(21) There’re always some who have seen the film before. These people will tell everyone what’s going to happen next. (22) Those who haven’t seen the film before are no better either, because they wonder, also in voice, what might happen next. (23) The truth is that, even in our days, films are best

in cinemas

and not at home. (24) But only if everyone showed a little consideration could cinema going again be a pleasure for

and not just for the noisy few.



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3. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 1 The British Hikers Association has decided to recruit more young members, including foreigners. Since you like hiking, you decide to apply for membership.

Do you like wandering with friends in the beautiful countryside? Then don’t hesitate to join the British Hikers Association! All you have to do is write to The British Hikers Association Landscape House London NW1 5BH England

In order to be accepted, write a letter or an e-mail of about 80-100 words in which you include the following points:

• how long you have been a hiker • whether you have been on hiking tours outside your home country (if yes, where) • which part(s) of Britain you would like to explore Begin your letter / e-mail like this:

Dear Sir or Madam,



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3. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 2 You are the editor of the school magazine. Here is a letter which you have recently received from one of the readers.

I am a boy in trouble. A classmate has invited me to a party but I’m afraid to go. To start with, I can’t dance. And, because I’m very shy, I don’t like to be in the company of others, especially girls. If I only look at a girl, my face will become red. I can’t start a conversation and I’m afraid I will say something silly if they ask me a question. It would be terrible if the others made fun of me. It is also a problem that I’d have to go alone because, of course, I don’t have a girlfriend. On the other hand, I don’t want to hurt the boy who has invited me. So – what shall I do? Should I go or should I stay home? Please help me decide! Shyboy (15)

Write a letter of about 100–120 words to Shyboy. Respond to him giving your opinion on the following points:

• looking at yourself – others really better? • the importance of making friends – going out • talking to your friend and asking him for help • making a decision and taking the first step Begin your letter like this:

Dear Shyboy,



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3. FELADATSOR • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Task 2 You have moved into a new flat and you want to furnish it. You have asked a designer to help you. He / She has made the design you can see below. Discuss with the designer (whose role will be played by the examiner) what you like and what you dislike about it. Also suggest changes and give reasons for them.



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3. FELADATSOR • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Task 3 In the pictures you can see two of Hungary’s World Heritage sites (the caves of Aggtelek and the old village centre of Hollókô). Recommend two other sites in Hungary (one natural and one cultural) that you would put on the World Heritage List. Give your reasons by including the following points:

• what makes the site special • how the site is typical of Hungary • other reasons why it is worth seeing



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4. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 1 • In this interview with an American businessman living in Hungary all the questions have been removed.

• Match the questions and the answers, and put the letters in the boxes at the bottom of the page. There are two extra letters that you do not need.

• There is an example (0) for you. Mr Hanks, you’ve been in this country for quite a time now and I’m sure you’ve travelled widely. (0) _________________________________________________________________________ Well, a lot of Hungarian drivers don’t seem to take speed limits seriously. In the USA, drivers observe them in their own interests, otherwise they’ll quickly lose their license. (1) _________________________________________________________________________ They come with automatic gear. Moreover, when driving a long distance, we simply switch on the cruise control, which means that the speed is fixed at a certain level. (2) _________________________________________________________________________ Many of them are in such a miserable condition that this alone is a serious source of danger. (3) _________________________________________________________________________ Yes, sure. We often built towns to meet the needs of the car. If you enter a town out west it’s always the same: rows of gas stations, motels, eateries and malls with large parking areas. (4) _________________________________________________________________________ Well, it sometimes happens that the situation gets chaotic in the winking of an eye, and parking facilities are often very poor. (5) _________________________________________________________________________


It is badly organised if it exists at all. That’s why you need the car. (6) _________________________________________________________________________ For us it is still a matter of prestige. There may be this wish behind it: to be independent, to be able to move. In our culture the car is a central feature of our lives. A You must have an opinion about how traffic is organised with us, I’m sure. B What is the minimum age for getting a driver’s license in the USA? C Is there a difference between drivers in Hungary and those in your country? D All in all, what is the American attitude towards the car? E Are Americans more mature concerning the use of cars? F How about public transport in your country? G How do American cars differ from those that run in Hungary? H American towns are easy to drive in, aren’t they? I

What do you think about roads in Hungary?

C 46







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4. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 2 • Read this text about noise. • Some phrases have been left out from the text. Choose the right phrases from the box to fill the gaps. There are three more phrases in the box than you need. Write your answers in the boxes under the phrases. • An example (0) has been given for you.

NOISE Noise is a given factor in our everyday lives. From the moment the (0) the garbage trucks wake us up, to the time we (7)


despite the neighbour’s stereo,

we live in a noisy environment. Studies suggest that we all pay a price for adapting to noise: higher (8)


heart rate, even after the noise has stopped, aggression, poor resistance to disease and helplessness.


Although there are no studies on the effects of quiet periods in removing the stress of noise, have studied its physiological effects believe that (11)


Many people who work in a busy and (12)

an escape.

environment love silence and need it

very much. We are so used to noise that complete quiet (13) have trouble sleeping (14)

uncomfortable. You might

the mountains without the background buzz of traffic.

But making the effort to find quiet offers an opportunity to (15)

, to find our place

in the world around us, to be peaceful and calm. It makes us strong enough to be able to live in the loud world for the rest of the day.

A fairly noisy

H a sense of

B hear ourselves think

I alarm clock buzzes

C being afraid of

J on vacation in

D is sometimes

K get up to

E fall asleep

L blood pressure

F quiet provides

M those who

G some experts










I 47


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4. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 3 • Read this article about a trip round the world. • For each question choose the answer that is nearest in meaning to what the article says. • Write the appropriate letters in the boxes under the questions as in the example (0).

MOTOR-BIKE COUPLE GO ROUND THE WORLD Teacher Jack Johnstone and his wife Doris who emigrated to Australia twelve years ago, decided to visit England again and see the world on the way – by motor cycle. After travelling 10,000 miles overland without even a flat tyre they arrived in England in early June. They left Australia in January and now plan to spend two months at Taunton, Somerset, where Sarah, Mr Johnstone’s widowed mother lives. Mr Johnstone, 46, a science teacher who formerly taught at a secondary school at Taunton, and his wife, who have three daughters, went to live in Australia in 1985. For their return world trip Mr Johnstone took a year’s unpaid leave. “We didn’t have any spare parts with us”, said Mr Johnstone. “We just put our trust in ourselves and the machine.” So far the journey on a BMW R50 through Australia, Panama, Mexico, the United States and Europe has cost £1,000 each. Mr and Mrs Johnstone, now grandparents, plan to return through Europe, Asia and India, another 14,000 miles. They expect their final bill to be about £4,000.


(0) Jack Johnstone and his wife ... twelve years ago. A) moved to live in Australia B) visited Australia C) hadn’t been to Australia until (16) Jack and Doris Johnstone ... A) used to live in England.

B) live in England now. C) used to live in Australia.

(17) Their journey from Australia to England ... A) was tiring. B) took about five months. C) took about two months. (18) During their journey they travelled 10,000 miles ... A) on land and sea. B) on land. (19) We learn from the article that Sarah ... A) is Mr Johnstone’s mother-in-law. B) is Mrs Johnstone’s mother-in-law. C) lives with her husband.


C) altogether.

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4. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE (20) Mr Johnstone ... A) once taught science but now he doesn’t. B) taught in England before he went to Australia. C) left his job to travel to England. (21) During their journey to England ... A) they had no trouble because they were well-prepared. B) they had a little trouble but nothing serious. C) they were very lucky to have no trouble. (22) Their journey from England to Australia ... A) will be quicker than the journey from Australia to England. B) will be more expensive than the journey from Australia to England. C) will be longer than the journey from Australia to England. (23) The total cost of their journey will probably be about ... A) £2,000 each. B) £1,500 each.






C) £1,000 each.







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4. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 4 • Read this text about Florida. • Give short answers (maximum 3-5 words) to questions 24–29. • There is an example (0) for you.

VISIT FLORIDA Florida has more to offer than Disneyland. Besides this world of fantasy, it is also possible to see wild animals you’ve never seen outside a zoo. If you come to Florida, you must see the alligators. If you are lucky, you’ll be able to touch a baby alligator, but do not put your fingers near its teeth, because they are very sharp. When you are in big towns, a car is not necessary, but if you want to travel round the state you will need one. However, driving is a pleasure as American cars are planned for comfort and are easy to drive. The beaches in Florida are many and varied. The rich and famous go to Palm Beach, while those who have more children than money go to the beaches of the western coast. For a change, there is Fort Myers for those who want to do water sports, or Sanibel for anyone who is interested in collecting shells.

(0) What does the writer of the text call Disneyland? (24) Can visitors go near a baby alligator? (25) Why is it dangerous to touch its nose or mouth? (26) Do visitors have to go everywhere by car? (27) What are American cars like?


(28) Where do people who are not rich enjoy the sea? (29) Who goes to Fort Myers?


A w o rld o f fa nta sy.

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4. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 1 • You are going to read an article from a travel magazine about spending your holi day abroad.

• Some words are missing from the text. • Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A-D) for each gap (1-9) in the text. Write the letters of the appropriate answers in the boxes under the options.

• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

GOING ABROAD Going abroad on an organised package tour certainly has advantages. You don’t have to worry (0) _________ hotel reservations, meals, or the programme: the travel agency will arrange everything for you. (1) _________ no need to wonder about how to get to places of interest, since a comfortable bus will (2) _________ you everywhere. However, you should not ignore the risks (3) _________. The hotel and its services may be worse than what was (4) _________. The guide may be incompetent. You will also (5) _________ to spend a lot of time with complete strangers. And what if the travel agency goes bankrupt and you are not allowed to go home until somebody (6) _________ the hotel bill? One often reads about cases like that in the papers. If you don’t want to depend on others, travel on your own. Of course, in this case it will be your job to (7) _________ your own arrangements. And if you get into trouble you can only rely on yourself. But you (8)_________ your reward by being independent: you can go wherever you want, you can stay (9) _________ you like, and you can see more of the life and culture of the country you visit. This is the real benefit of a holiday abroad. (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

A A A A A A A A A A 0

of You have carry either recommended got pays do offer as long as 1


B about B There is B take B too B written B have got B will pay B get B collect B longer than 3


C C C C C C C C C C 5

from You ask for put neither read have is paying make give so long as 6

D by D It is D bring D as well D promised D used D paid D take D get D as a long time as 7






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4. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 2 • You are going to read an article about open air movies. Some words are missing from the text.

• Your task is to write the missing words on the lines (10–18) after the text. • Use only one word in each gap. • There is an example (0) at the beginning. Watching movies and sitting under the stars have always (0)

two of summer-

time’s greatest pleasures. And now more and more people are enjoying them all over the world. Outdoor movies – popular (10)

the dominance of television – are winning

a new generation of fans. Today’s open air places are almost (11) the movies being shown. But (12)

varied as

you’re watching “Gladiator” on the roof

of a hotel in Ankara or “What Women Want” behind the Parthenon, the attraction is universal. The Greeks (13)

among the earliest enthusiasts of outdoor cinema.

The city’s first outdoor theater opened in 1919. The trend grew until the 1970s, when Greece’s outdoor movies – (14)

America’s drive-ins – took a hit from the rising

popularity of TV, videos and air-conditioned multiplexes. But lately new sponsors (15)

discovered fresh-air films. “When you give the public top-shelf movies the

place is packed,” says Spiros Maniakis, (16)

summer cinema is located at

the foot of the Acropolis. (17)

, setting isn’t everything. In Turkey, outdoor cinemas have opened in

empty yards, as well as at holiday resorts along the Mediterranean coasts.


If summer seems (18)

short, outdoor-movie fans can fly south for

the winter. The Open Air Cinema in Sydney Harbor, Australia, runs in January and February. For the cost of a plane ticket, it could be possible to live the endless summer. (0) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) 52

b een

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4. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 3 • You are going to read an article about Mount Vesuvius. Some verb forms are missing from the text.

• Your task is to form the correct grammatical forms of the verbs in the brackets. Write the forms that fit in the gaps (19–28) on the lines.

• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

TROUBLE IN THE MOUNTAIN In the settlements on the side of Mount Vesuvius, the volcano that buried the ancient Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, life seems normal, except that there’s expectation in the air. Earlier this month volcanologists said the mountain (0)

was b eginning

(begin) a new cycle of volcanic activity that could start an eruption at any time. The news (19)

(be) is not good for the people who live within sight of the crater.

Will local people get (20)

(catch) by surprise as those of Pompeii and

Herculaneum in A.D. 79? Not if the scientists can help it. They have put out antennas (21)

(pick) up signs and an artificial nose for (22)

(sniff) gases. They are looking for any sudden change that might signal the eruption in progress. The Naples emergency centre has an evacuation plan, and officials (23)


it for months. People (24) ___________________ (expect) to get down the side of the mountain in 15 minutes. However, the drills are chaotic. At a drill a week ago, people (25)

(hold) up for half an hour by a shepherd and his sheep. If the mountain


(erupt), the smoke will be blinding and the shower of ashes hot. It’s

hard to imagine people (27)

(get) down in the planned 15 minutes.

In the meantime, local people enjoy the rich soil. The harvests are so profitable, say residents, that they’re worth the risks – though they would like to know when the mountain (28)

(blow). But scientists admit, “it is not possible to answer the question

of when.”



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Task 1 • In this section you are going to hear about advertising. • Your task will be to write the missing word into each gap in the script of the recording.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

For most people the only aim of advertising is to sell goods. But we often forget about the fact

crea tes

that the market it (0) would be more (1)

keeps prices down. If goods were not advertised they . Also, advertising is a source of information:

it introduces us to new (2) We must not (3)

or tells us more about the ones we know. , either that newspapers and radio and TV companies could

hardly (4)

without the money spent by advertisers.

Perhaps the most useful kind of advertising is the “small ads”, which (5) a useful service: we can find a job, buy or sell a car, or a house, and announce important .


It is true, however, that advertising has bad (7)

as well. It is an aggres-

sive way of forcing us to buy things we do not need. Since a lot of advertising is the same,


it (8)

the uniformity of life. Also, there is no escape from (9)

since they interrupt TV programmes. In (10)

, there is a lot of unfair adver-

tising, which makes people think that good products do not have to be advertised at all.


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Trs 22–23

• In this section you are going to hear a dialogue between a customer and a salesperson.

• Your task will be to decide if the statements 11–18 below are TRUE, FALSE or

• • • • •

NOT STATED according to what the text says. Mark your answers with an X in the table at the bottom of this page. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD 30 for seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. There is an example (0) for you.

(0) The customer has come to the shop to buy a new sweater. (11) The customer was satisfied with the price of the sweater. (12) The sweater is worn out at the parts which cover the arms. (13) The customer can’t prove that she bought the sweater in this shop. (14) The sales assistants in this shop are used to customer complaints. (15) It is not standard practice for the shop to exchange articles sold during sales. (16) The shop put up a notice that the goods sold during the sale were faulty. (17) With a credit slip the customer can only buy an article which is like the faulty one. (18) In the end the customer decides on the third choice offered by the manager.






11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 55

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Task 3 • In this section you are going to hear about Antonio Banderas. • Your task will be to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the right.

• • • • •

Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at least one correct answer. This means you might have to circle one or two letters. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. There is an example (0) for you.

(0) Banderas fries eggs and bacon in a lot of oil because … a) it helps him sing better. b) he is used to it.

a b

(19) Besides fried eggs and bacon, he also has … a) potato chips. b) cheese and milk.

a b

(20) To save his voice for the musical “Nine”, Banderas … a) eats greasy food in the morning. b) keeps quiet during the day.

a b

(21) Banderas doesn’t complain because …


a) his wife, Melanie Griffith, let him do the job. b) in “Nine” he is surrounded by many beautiful women.

a b

(22) For Banderas, the easy part of the job has been … a) giving up cheese. b) the challenge to act in “Nine”.

a b

(23) Banderas is afraid to … a) talk in a language he’d never used before. b) do something he’d never done before.

a b

(24) For his opening night, Banderas is expecting … a) friends and relatives. b) his parents.

a b

(25) About the people invited Banderas says that they … a) will be understanding. b) like going to the theatre.


a b

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4. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 1 The London-based Big Bus Company is organising guided tours for young travellers to European cities, including Budapest. The company is looking for Hungarian students who would like to guide the British on sightseeing tours. You decide to apply for the job.

Would you like to show the sights of your city to foreigners? Then we are just looking for you! Please be our guide because YOU know what to show us so that we get the most of our visit. All you have to do is write to The Big Bus Company Ltd Waterside Drive London SW7 5BC England

In order to be accepted, write a letter or an e-mail of about 80–100 words in which you include the following points:

• whether you have done any guiding before • if yes, how many times / who you guided and where • what your special fields of interest are Begin your letter / e-mail like this:

Dear Sir or Madam,



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4. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 2 In the school magazine you find this old native American poem. The editor obviously wanted to challenge readers to give their views.

Only when all the rivers have run dry and all the fish in the sea have died, only when all the rainforests have been burnt down and there is no food for the animals, only when all the blue skies have been filled with smoke and the cities of the world have choked, will the white man understand that it’s too late to save the earth. Write a letter of about 100–120 words to the editor. Give your opinion on the following points:

• real danger or too much pessimism • what people should / should not do • what you have done so far • what else you can do / you are going to do Begin your letter like this:

Dear Editor,



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4. FELADATSOR • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Task 2 You and your friend have been invited to go on a “daredevil” holiday, which will include adventure caving and white water rafting (see the pictures below). However, your friend (whose role will be played by the examiner) is not a very adventurous person and he / she does not like the idea. Convince him / her to come. Include the following points:

• the good company • trying your strength • professional leaders • great experiences (in the cave, in the mountains)



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4. FELADATSOR • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Task 3 This picture shows the members of a family celebrating a birthday. Describe the picture and give your ideas. Include the following points:

• what is special / unusual in this birthday celebration • how you celebrate important days in your life • family reunions – enjoyment or a nuisance?



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5. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 1 • Read this information about London’s Barbican Area. • Match the statements 1–10 below with one of the texts. Put the letter of the appropriate text next to the statements on the line.

• An example (0) has been given to you. A There is magic in seeing music created before you by one of the world’s most famous orchestras, the London Symphony Orchestra. The LSO celebrates this season with concerts with some of the world’s greatest guest soloists and conductors. The LSO performs well-known and less well-known pieces of music, and newlydiscovered classics of the repertoire.

B This is one of London’s greatest attractions, which re-creates the story of Britain’s kings and queens. You will see every detail from the arms to the architecture, carefully researched to create a truly authentic picture of Britain’s monarchy. Attend the coronation of the first King of England. Guess the fate of Henry VIII’s six wives and listen to Edward VIII’s broadcast.

C The history of London in a permanent exhibition of the everyday lives of Londoners from prehistoric times to the 20th century. Sights include a prehistoric Roman kitchen, a medieval torture chamber and the Great Fire experience. Temporary exhibitions, lunchtime lectures, evening films, museum shop and restaurant. Open: Monday to Saturday, 10.00–18.00, Sunday 14.00–18.00. Admission free.

D One of Britain’s leading art galleries, Barbican Art Gallery offers an outstanding programme of exhibitions, including 19th and 20th century British paintings, sculpture and photography, as well as important exhibitions featuring European, American and Japanese art and culture. Opening times: Tuesday to Saturday 10.00–18.45, Sunday / public holidays 12.00–17.45. Admission: £3.00; Concessions: £1.50

(0) If you like classical music you will probably choose this programme.


(1) You are likely to be interested in this place if you travel with a camera. (2) If you do not mind seeing horror and disasters you can visit this exhibition. (3) Come here if you are interested in Royal Britain. (4) Even if you do not have any money this exhibition is waiting for you. (5) Do you want to buy some souvenirs from London? Then come here. (6) If you are interested in modern art, why not choose this exhibition? (7) Do you play e.g. the violin? Then this programme is definitely for you. (8) Are you attracted by the arms and weapons of knights? Then come here. (9) You can’t enjoy these exhibitions on Monday. (10) You had better come here if you want to listen to talks on history.



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5. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 2 • In this section you are going to read a text about Glasgow. • Your task will be to decide if the statements 11–18 below are TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED according to what the text says. Mark your answers with an X in the table at the bottom of this page. • There is an example (0) for you.



The name Glasgow comes from the words glas cau, meaning “dear green place”. Until the 12th century there is very little recorded history. We know, however, that the cathedral was completed in 1136 and that the population at that time was around 2,000. Central to the history of Glasgow is the River Clyde. As early as 1350 there stood a stone bridge but, as waters were not deep, the river could not be used for transport and trade. Imports from Europe were brought by land from other ports. When in 1707 Scotland and England were united, Glasgow merchants lost no time in building ships to trade with America. The trading of cotton goods brought tobacco, sugar and rum to the city. When the Americans won their independence, some tobacco merchants became poor, while others grew rich as prices went up. The invention of steam power started a great industrial era of Glasgow’s history. Shipyards manufactured ships from luxury liners to warships to fishing boats, and the city produced one in four of the world’s locomotives to be exported to every continent. Today’s Glasgow is a dynamic centre for business, learning and the arts. (0) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)

The words glas cau mean “dear little place”. There is no recorded history of Glasgow before the 12th century. The old stone bridge was probably built before 1350. Ships could not reach the city because of the bridge. Before 1707 Glasgow merchants did not trade with America. American independence did not bring an end to tobacco trade. Steam power brought an important change in the history of. For Glasgow, ship building was more profitable than the building of locomotives. Glasgow’s future finds expression in the new architecture and the cultural projects. TRUE 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18





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5. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 3 • Read this article about India. • For questions 19–26 match the half sentences so that they express the main ideas of the text.

• Write the letters in the boxes as shown in the example (0). There are two extra letters that you do not need.

When the Portuguese first started trading there in the early 16th century, India was a rich country, with a civilization that was many thousands of years old. Other Europeans followed and by about 1760 Britain had become the most important European power in India. However, the country was not ruled directly by Britain, but by the British East India Company, which had a monopoly on trade. The end of the Company came after an uprising started by Indian soldiers in 1857. Following this, Britain controlled the whole of India directly. Britain’s industries got materials from India, which was a big market for British goods. A strong administration, the use of English as the official language and the building of railway lines helped Britain make more and more profit from India. From the middle of the 19th century Indians fought for freedom, a fight that lasted until 1947. Its most famous leader was Mahatma Gandhi. Independence came, but only at a price, because the country was divided into two states: India and Pakistan.

A meant an end to the East India Company.

(0) In India the Portuguese found a country (19) In the middle of the 18th century

B possible for Britain to make good profit.

(20) The East India Company was the only

C when it won its independence.

(21) The uprising of the Indian soldiers

D whose civilization was very old.

(22) India gave Britain materials and

E Britain controlled the whole of India.

(23) Among other things, the railway made it

F leader in the fight for independence.

(24) The Indian fight for freedom

G Britain had more power than other Europeans.

(25) Mahatma Gandhi was an important

H the mark of British rule is still all around.

(26) India was divided into two states


lasted about a century.

J British company that could trade in India. K a big market for industrial goods.












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5. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 1 • You are going to read an article about a Brazilian woman footballer. Some words are missing from the text.

• Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A–D) for each gap (1–9) in the text. Write the letters of the appropriate answers in the boxes under the options.

• There is an example (0) at the beginning.



When I was growing up in a poor small town in northeast Brazil, girls didn’t have (0) ________ of choices. Most studied to become teachers or to work (1) ________ the town government. My dream was a little different. I wanted to play professional football. My family was (2) ________ poor then and still is today. I help (3) ________ them as much as I can, but women’s football doesn’t bring you millions. When I was a little girl, my mother (4) _________ home early for work, and only came back late at night. I played football whenever I (5) ________. I had no idea what else to do but play football. But football was for boys, so I started out in the boy’s league. My mother had enough money for food and clothes, but no (6) ________. One day a friend who organised matches asked me if I (7) ________ to Rio. I said yes. Soon I was picked by the Vasco da Gama club and my career took off. I am proud to represent women in this way. What I like to see in my hometown is how things (8) ________. When I began playing, almost no girls played football. Now all the girls would like to play, and (9) ________ always a street game when I go back home. (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)


a lot at much left from did much want to go have changed it is


A 64



a plenty in very for has left had more wanted going changed here is 3



lot for very much to left for would many wanted to go change there is 5


D D D D D D D D D D 7

number on pretty much with left could enough want going will change 8


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5. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 2 • You are going to read a newspaper article about cars. Some words are missing from the text.

• Your task is to write the missing words on the lines (10–19) after the text. • Use only one word in each gap. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

ON THE ROAD TO DESTRUCTION It seems that cars are inseparable from our everyday (0)

– or are they? Can we ever

hope for an alternative way of living – perhaps a world without cars? Cars (10)

a perfect example of the technical philosophy of our days: central-lock-

ing, electronic instruments, computerised braking systems, in-car stereo. Why (11)


a walk in the poisoned atmosphere when you can go for a ride in an air-conditioned car? Why bother (12) (13)

the crowd on buses and trains, when you can travel in comfort your own speed and in your own time?

Cars have attracted (14) increased (15)

for nearly a century. But their time is over. They have

cancer to the point where they are destroying the world we live in.

They have become a weapon (16)

is killing human and animal life.

Do cars really mean progress? Let’s turn the argument on its head: (17) still fascinated by cars is like a dinosaur living out of its (18) that the world has changed. The only real progress we can hope to (19)

who is

which has not realised is to learn

how to live without this machine.



(10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) 65


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5. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 3 • You are going to read a text about mobile phones. Some words are missing from the text.

• Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A–O) for each gap (20–30) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below.

• There are three extra words that you do not need to use. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

HEY YOU! TURN OFF THAT PHONE! Just before the curtain lifted on a Broadway show recently, a stage manager stepped forward to give a warning. “If (0)

of you is carrying a cell phone,” he announced, “please

turn it off now. Because if it rings during the performance, the actors (20) pause until it stops.” Almost immediately, somebody’s phone rang. The audience laughed, it part of the joke. But the look on the stage manager’s face suggest-

(21) ed otherwise, (22)


theatergoers quickly checked their handbags and coat

pockets wondering if the offending instrument was (23) . Such scenes may not be repeated too often on Broadway. In February the New York City Council decided to ban cellular phones at public performances. Museums, libraries and (24) art galleries are also covered. “It’s a real quality-of-life issue,” says out that cell phones were the law’s principal sponsor. His opponents (25) no more a nuisance than people coughing or sneezing during a show, or unwrapping candy or cough drops. “No (26) how understandable the goal,” they added, “the city cannot regulate common sense.” But it has, and I have mixed feelings (27) it. At the movies, I’ve often seen how a love scene can be ruined by a cell phone. Nor have I forgotten (28) pressed into in my seat by a large moviegoer whose cell phone gave him an urgent message just at the most exciting moment. Those are the occasions that (29) you wish the cell phone (30) been invented. On the other hand, I’ll miss the comfort of knowing I can enjoy a movie and I can also be reached in the event of a real emergency.

B 66

A about

F hadn’t

K theirs

B any

G when

L thinking

C hasn’t

H matter

M will

D being


N as

E even

J their







O make







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Trs 26–27

• In this section you are going to hear a text about driving tests. • Your task will be to match the information in column å with the information in column

ç, and write the letter of the correct answer into the box at the bottom of this page.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.




the number of motorists who think they would fail the new driving test


a quarter


the percentage of drivers who supported the introduction of the new test




the percentage of drivers who think they would fail the current test




the number of questions asked from the written test




the number of respondents who got all the questions wrong


13 million


the percentage of respondents who got only one question right




the percentage of respondents who got all the questions right




the number of penalty points collected within two years




the number of penalty points collected over three years



å ç












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Task 2 • In this section you are going to hear a conversation between a hotel receptionist and a travel agent.

• Your task will be to give short answers to questions 9–16. Write your answers on the lines.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

(0) How are the receptionist and the travel agent talking?

O n the telep ho ne . (9) How many nights would the group stay in Coventry?

(10) On which day will the group arrive in Coventry?


(11) Why is the group size a problem?

(12) Where could some group members stay?

(13) What is the room rate per person?

(14) What kind of breakfast is included in the price of the room?

(15) Do all the rooms have a private bath or shower?

(16) How does the agent want to make a reservation?


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Trs 30–31

• In this section you are going to hear about the language of the eyes. • Your task will be to fill in the gaps in the sentences below with one word. • First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

(0) People are all skilled in using their eye

m o vem ents

to express a variety of feelings.

(17) These movements may, for example, show our partners that we are angry or happy, or that we are

to them.

(18) However, our eye movements often operate in a less

way to keep con-

tact with another person. (19) It often happens that when X is talking, he may not look (20) This kind of eye movement also plays an important part in

into Y’s eyes. the level

of closeness between two people. (21) If the couple feel that closeness is getting too

, they look away from

each other. (22) However, if closeness seems welcome, then a fixed

into each other’s

eyes will be permitted. (23) For most ordinary contacts, there seems to be a

level of closeness.

(24) This level may also be controlled by other factors such as physical closeness, the topic of , and even tone of voice.

(25) When any of these is changed, then there will be a change to

the old

level and the eyes will be turned away.



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5. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 1 The Magic of Steam Miniature Railway Trust is looking for young volunteers to help the staff run the line in the high season. As you are a fan for old trains you decide to apply for the job.

Are you a train enthusiast? Would you like to help run one of Britain’s best preserved steam-operated scenic railway lines? Then you are the one the Magic of Steam Miniature Railway is just looking for! All you have to do is send this completed registration form to The South Devon Railway Co. Ltd Staverton TQ12 5SD England

In order to be accepted, write a letter or an e-mail of about 80–100 words in which you include the following points:

• how long you have been a train enthusiast • how often you travel by train • how long you will be able to spend working for the Trust


Begin your letter / e-mail like this:

Dear Sir or Madam,


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5. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 2 You are the editor of the school magazine. Here is a letter which you have recently received from one of the readers.

I am a 16-year-old girl and I’m in trouble. The time has come to think about what I’ll do after school and I’ve decided to be an actress. Of course, my mother nearly fainted when I told her about this. My parents are both doctors and they want me to be a doctor too. But I just can’t imagine myself spending my life among sick people. What’s more, I’ve never been good at Physics and Biology either. My mother keeps telling me that acting is not a serious profession and that I won’t be able to make a living out of it. I really love my parents but I can’t understand them – why won’t they let me decide about my own future? What can I do? Please help! Whoopy

Write a letter of about 100–120 words to Whoopy. Respond to her giving your opinion on the following points:


• thinking about decision – really serious? • features / character – really talented? • making a living as an actress / a doctor – which is safer? • ways of convincing parents to accept decision Begin your letter like this:

Dear Whoopy,


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5. FELADATSOR • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Task 2 In your class you are responsible for organising out-of-class activities. However, your friend (whose role will be played by the examiner) does not want to spend more time at school than what is absolutely necessary. Convince him / her to be more enthusiastic. Include the following points:

• how these activities differ from sitting at a desk • being outdoors • being able to try your strength (see the rope-pulling competition below) • the “group spirit” / chance to make friends



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5. FELADATSOR • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Task 3 These two pictures show a small shop and a big shopping mall. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

• the advantages / disadvantages of a small shop • the advantages / disadvantages of a big shopping mall • what a small shop can offer apart from shopping • what a big mall can offer in addition to shopping • your opinion about “shopping mall culture”



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6. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 1 • In this section you are going to read a text about healthy eating. • Your task will be to decide if the statements 1–8 below are TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED according to what the text says. Mark your answers with an X in the table under the statements. • There is an example (0) for you.



Breakfast means exactly what it says – a break from fasting (not eating anything) – because while we are asleep our bodies get no food for several hours. So, although food is important at any time of day, it is particularly important in the morning. Going without breakfast may result in problems at work and school. In the 1960s over 50 per cent of British people went to work after a cooked breakfast, which contained a lot of fatty food. Nowadays, we don’t eat that much in the morning. The types of food we have for breakfast have changed too. The favourites are toast and cereals, and now we drink nearly 800 million litres of juice a year. If you want to go vegetarian your diet should be varied and balanced. Make sure your body gets the most important components. One of them is protein, which you can get from beans, eggs, cheese, milk or yoghurt. Vitamins are no less important. Remember, however, that when you cook vegetables, vitamins can easily be destroyed. To avoid this, cook your vegetables in their skins in very little water. Your body also needs minerals, such as iron, calcium and zinc. You will get enough of these if you eat leafy green vegetables, dried fruits etc. Eating is a pleasure as well, so make your vegetarian food a treat to the eye, too – apart from the taste, of course. If you follow this advice, even meat eaters will enjoy your food if you invite them.


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6. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE (0) Breakfast means “break it fast” because we have no time to eat for hours. (1) The food in the morning should have more important components than other food. (2) The breakfast of the 1960s was healthy. (3) Nowadays people eat less for breakfast than they did in the 1960s. (4) Now the British eat more fruit than they did in the past. (5) Vegetarians can’t get enough protein because meat is the main source of it. (6) You destroy vitamins while cooking vegetables if you don’t remove their skins. (7) Even vegetarians can get enough of the minerals the body needs. (8) Vegetarian food needs more spices to be as tasty as non-vegetarian food.






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


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6. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 2 • Read this article about a fire. • For each question choose the answer that is nearest in meaning to what the article says. • Write the appropriate letters in the boxes under the questions as shown in the example (0).



Fire officer Jim Hobart was shocked when he arrived at a caravan fire last night to find that it was at the home of his son Dave. The fire was at a caravan park in East Anglia. Hobart said that action by neighbours had saved the caravan. Mrs Becky Allsop and mother of three, Mrs Mary Hewitt, used buckets of water to stop the fire. Mrs Allsop said, “We were filling buckets of water from a tap with a fire extinguisher hanging above it. But we were so busy running backwards and forward with the water that we didn’t notice it.” In spite of their efforts, damage of at least £500 was caused. Part of the caravan structure was burnt, bed and bedding destroyed and other furniture also badly burnt. The caravan’s owners, Mr Dave Hobart, 22, and his wife, Marion, 20, who have been married for six months, were out baby-sitting.

(0) Jim Hobart was shocked when he arrived at the fire because … A) the fire was at night. B) it was his son’s home that was on fire. C) he was not able to save the caravan. (9) The caravan was saved because … A) Jim Hobart’s fire brigade arrived in the end. B) three mothers from the neighbourhood helped. C) some neighbours helped to fight the fire. (10) How did the helpers fight the fire? A) With buckets filled with water. B) With water from a fire extinguisher. C) By using a tap with a fire extinguisher hanging above it. (11) Was the caravan badly damaged? A) No, because the helpers put the fire out. B) Yes, although the helpers did their best. C) Yes, it burnt to the ground.


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6. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE (12) The most serious damage was done to … A) the bedding. B) the caravan structure. C) the furniture. (13) How much damage is most likely? A) Less than £500. B) Exactly £500. C) More than £500. (14) Who was in the caravan when the fire started? A) A baby. B) Dave Hobart and his wife. C) Nobody. 0










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6. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 3 • Read this text about a woman who can hear again. • Some phrases have been left out from the text. Choose the right phrases from the box to fill the gaps. There are three more phrases in the box than you need. Write the appropriate letters in the boxes under the phrases. • An example (0) has been given for you.

Mrs Mary Notts, who was told by doctors that she would (0) in a world (15)

again, lived for six years

. But yesterday she heard a blackbird (16)

of her home. “My hearing is (17)

the garden

and it’s wonderful. It’s great to hear people

talk,” she said. Mrs Notts says she is the first woman in Britain (18) by acupuncture, the needle therapy (19)


she (20)

hearing restored

in China. After six months’ treatment

listen to music again, carry on a conversation with (21)

and has

a job at an office. Mrs Notts (22)

her hearing at the age of twelve after a virus infection. By the age

of twenty she had no hearing (23) advised her to (24)

. One of her friends told her about acupuncture and

try. She went weekly for treatment. “One night when I was in the

kitchen I heard a sound and (25)

my kettle boiling. My hearing has slowly got bet-

ter since.” happy about the results and was continuing

Her husband said she was (26) the treatment.


G 78



is able to realised it was full of noises at all to have her a hearing aid never hear give it a






went weak widely practised of silence to be invented began to lose coming back more than sing in







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6. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 1 • You are going to read an article about the automobile. Some words are missing from the text.

• Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A–D) for each gap (1–9) in the text. • Write the letters of the appropriate answers in the boxes under the options. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

THE AUTOMOBILE In the 1920s the automobile drastically changed the lives of Americans (0) _________ the better. It not only improved transport, but (1) _________ improved the American economy in general. During the 1920s the automobile (2) _________ a hit with everyone, especially with young people, who wanted freedom and fun. Soon nearly (3) _________ households in America owned an automobile. Parents (4) _________ to work in it, and people could visit friends and family who lived a long way away. The demand for this wonderful new (5) _________ was growing so fast that Henry Ford (6) ________ build new factories, creating more jobs and paying more taxes. For the automobile drivers (7) _________ was hard to drive on the poor dirt roads (8) _________ were common in those times so road construction (9) _________, which made the American economy even more powerful.


(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 0

to ø would become every should drive machinery had to it ø took part 1


B for B too B became B all the B were driving B finding B must B that B what B happened 3


C C C C C C C C C C 5

in as well had become each had driven discovery need to ø that began 6



into also did become any would drive invention could this they launched






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6. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 2 • You are going to read an article about the pyramids of Giza. Some verb forms are missing from the text.

• Your task is to form the correct grammatical forms of the verbs in the brackets. Write the forms that fit in the gaps (10–20) on the lines.

• There is an example (0) at the beginning.

THE PYRAMIDS OF GIZA The three great pyramids of Giza (0)

sta nd

(build) by 4th-dynasty pharaohs and came

southwest of Cairo. They (10) (11)

(stand) in the desert a few miles

(number) among the Seven Wonders of the World.

The largest and oldest of them is that of Khufu, now (12)


as the Great Pyramid. Perhaps the greatest single building ever (13)



by man, its almost perfectly squarely base was 230 m. long, and the original height was 146.59 m. Approximately 2,300,000 blocks of stone (14)

(go) into the structure, each

weighing an average of 2.5 tons. The question of how the pyramid was built (15)

(not receive) a wholly

satisfactory answer. The most believable answer is that the Egyptians, (16) (employ) a structure of brick and earth, which (17) length as the pyramid (18)

(grow) in height and

(rise), and on which the stone blocks were pulled.

According to Herodotus, the road for the transport of (19) from the river to the desert took ten years (20)

(build) material (construct), while

the pyramid itself took another 20 years and demanded the labour of 100,000 men.


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6. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 3 • You are going to read a text about the Beatles. Some words are missing from the text. • Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A–M) for each gap (21–30) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below.

• There are two extra words that you do not need to use. • There is an example (0) for you.

THE BEATLES At the beginning of their career, the Beatles were very (0) Lennon put a toilet seat around his neck (21) accused of (22)

. Once, in Hamburg, John on stage. The Beatles were even

fire to their dressing room. It seemed to (23)

that their

wildness was more famous than their songs. When Brian Epstein became their manager, (24)

, they changed their image.

During their appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show” in 1964, they wore suits and ties. It was in their career that young people began to imitate them,

at this (25)

their haircuts.


John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote almost all of the Beatles’ songs. Towards the end of the 60s, the Beatles became (27) mented



this new (29)

in Eastern ways and thoughts. They experiand






. They also got involved with an Indian guru. But after the sudden death

of Brian Epstein, they lost (30)

in the guru’s ability to help them. In conclusion, the

Beatles sold millions of albums.

A especially

F interested

K while

B faith

G playing

L wild

C however

H setting

M some

D influence

I excited

E instruments

J stage














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Task 1 • In this section you are going to hear someone describing a picture. • Your task will be to give short answers to the questions below. • First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

(0) What adjective does the speaker use for this version of the painting?

stra nge (1) What was NOT the purpose of the original painting?


(2) Why does the speaker think the people are farmers?

(3) What does the house behind them look like?

(4) What does the speaker think the picture symbolises?

(5) When does the speaker think the original picture was painted?

(6) What makes the speaker think the picture was painted then?

(7) What can the speaker see on the man’s jacket?

(8) Something else is also unusual in the picture. What?

(9) What is then advertised by this modern picture?



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Trs 34–35

• In this section you are going to hear three friends, Kate, Pete and Tom, discussing where to go out.

• Your task will be to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the right.

• • • • •

Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at least one correct answer. This means you might have to circle one or two letters. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. There is an example (0) for you.

(0) Kate is thinking about going out … a) at any time of the day. b) in the evening.



(10) Tom doesn’t want to go to the museum because … a) the weather is nice. b) it’s too cultural for him.

a b

(11) Tom doesn’t want to go to the Academy of Music either because … a) classical music is too serious for him. b) he can’t read during the concert.

a b

(12) The problem with the musical is that … a) the ad doesn’t say how much a ticket costs. b) tickets may be too expensive for them.

a b

(13) Pete doesn’t like baseball because … a) there isn’t much action in it. b) the seats are not comfortable.

a b

(14) Tom is against the folk music programme because … a) he doesn’t like this kind of music. b) he can’t dance.

a b

(15) Kate’s problem with the idea of going to the movie is that … a) she doesn’t like sitting in the movie in the daytime. b) she doesn’t find the title of the film too promising.

a b

(16) In the end, … a) Kate suggests calling up the theatre. b) Pete offers to pay the price of the tickets.

a b



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Task 3 • In this section you are going to hear a story about a thief in the bus. • Your task will be to write the missing word into each gap in the script of the recording. • First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you. Mr Winter gave his wife twenty pounds for her (0)

b irthd a y

so Mrs Winter went shop-

ping. She queued for the bus, got on and sat next to an old lady. After a (17) she noticed that the old lady’s handbag was open. (18) pound notes (19)


it, she saw

like hers. She quickly looked into her bag – the

notes had (20)

! Mrs Winter was sure the old lady had stolen them. She she would call the police but as she (22)



ple into trouble, she (23)

getting peo-

to take back the money and say nothing more

about it. She looked round to make sure nobody was watching, then she (24)

took the notes and put them into her (25)


When she got home that evening, she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had (26)


“How did you pay for it?” he asked in (27)


“With the money you gave me for my birthday, of course,” she replied. “Oh? What’s that, then?” he asked, (28)


to the pound notes on the table.

56468 Angol 74_127_2018.Q_56468 Angol 74-.qxt 2019. 06. 03. 13:13 Page 85

6. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 1 *", *"' , '(+, )*, )&$+', )*, +&($, "), *", *% ), #$+, +%*"#, *%+, *++& '*")#, '$%)$)(*%, $, )#++, $&, )#$), !#*!, #*, )#+, (&!), !+))'+&!, '(+ , (%, )#+, + *&' ,(%,)#+, )# +%)"& ,(!,'**(%,*&,*"%,+*'+,)*,&*'+'$,)#+,'(+!,*,)++%$+&! *", +( +,)*,$'

RELIVE THE PAST AS A TEENAGER AT PLYMOUTH PLANTATION Do you feel like going back in time to the 17th century? Could you live your life without TV or electricity? If your answer is YES, why not combine your summer vacation with this enjoyable job?

%,*& +&,)*,+,$+)+ ,&()+,$,'+))+&,*&,$%,+$(',*,$*"),,*& !,(%,#(#,*" (%'" +,)#+,*''*(%,*(%)!

• whether you have ever been to the United States (if yes, when / where) • what you think your life will be like at the Plantation • how long you wish to stay at the Plantation +(%,*"&,'+))+&, ,+$(','(+,)#(!

Dear Sir or Madam,



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6. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 2 You are the editor of the school magazine. Here is a letter which you have recently received from one of the readers.

I am a 16-year-old girl and I’ve got into a conflict with my parents. I’m playing handball for the school team and my PE teacher, who is also coaching the team of a well-known club, has invited me to play for them because he thinks I’m very talented. Trouble is that my parents are very much against the idea because they are afraid I won’t take schoolwork seriously. It’s a shame they can’t imagine I could do both jobs perfectly well – why can’t they give me a chance? I just don’t know what to do – I feel like taking the challenge but I don’t want to upset my parents either. What can I do? Cindy


Write a letter of about 100–120 words to Cindy. Respond to her giving your opinion on the following points:

• thinking about future career – what is more important? • which is safer for making a living: sports or study • looking at herself – really able to do both? • ways of making the parents more understanding Begin your letter like this:

Dear Cindy,


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6. FELADATSOR • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Task 2 You have never done shopping on the Internet and now you want to give it a try. However, your mother / father (whose role will be played by the examiner) is against it. Convince her / him to accept the idea. Include the following points:

• shopping round the clock • saving time and money (no travel etc.) • convenience (e.g. home delivery) • almost unlimited choice • prices

Task 3 These two pictures show tourists with rucksacks and an elegant hotel. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

• the advantages of travelling cheap with a rucksack


• the inconveniences of travelling with a rucksack • staying in a tent / at a youth hostel • going on a luxury holiday as a member of a group • staying at a luxury hotel


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7. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 1 • In this section you are going to read a text about how to write to business partners. • Your task will be to decide if the statements 1–7 below are TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED according to what the text says. Mark your answers with an X in the table at the bottom of this page. • There is an example (0) for you.


If you want to ask your business partner about something, you can do it by telephone, telegram, telex, fax, postcard or e-mail. If you send a postcard, it is not necessary to begin with a greeting (Dear Sir etc.) nor end with a close (Yours faithfully etc.). Your address, the date and reference is enough. If you need to give more information about yourself or ask your partner for more information, you will need to write a letter. The contents of this will depend on three things: how well you know your partner; whether your partner is at home or abroad; and the type of goods you are asking about – there is a difference between asking IBM about the cost of a computer and asking a publisher how much a book would cost. It is not necessary to give information about yourself when asking for catalogues, brochures, booklets etc. This can be done by postcard, but remember to give your address, phone number, telex and fax number, as well as your e-mail address, if any. It would also be helpful if you could briefly point out any goods you are interested in.

(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

As far as possible, you should ask for short information on a postcard. Every short message should include a greeting. A short message should not contain detailed information about our own company. You should ask for detailed information in a letter. The contents of the letter will not depend on whether the partner is at home or abroad. If we only ask for a catalogue, we need not give information about our own company. We need not give our address or phone number if we send a postcard. Mentioning on a postcard what goods we are interested in is a matter of politeness.

TRUE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 88




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7. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 2 • In this conversation New Yorkers talk to a foreigner about the Big Apple (New York). • Some parts of the dialogue have been removed. Match the parts that belong together, and put the letters in the boxes at the bottom of the page. There are two extra letters that you do not need. • There is an example (0) for you.

I had the occasion to go up to New York last week and spend the afternoon with friends. Then I announced that I had to go into the city. (0) “__________________________________________________” someone asked. “I thought I’d take the subway.”


(8) “__________________________________________________” the person said. “Why? It’s Sunday. The subway shouldn’t be too crowded.” (9) “__________________________________________________” another friend told me. “If they don’t get you the subway will,” another person said. (10) “_________________________________________________” I wanted to know. “It’s always breaking down. You could be stuck under the East River all night long.” (11) “_________________________________________________” “Be careful. Don’t tell the driver you’re from out of town or he’ll take you to Manhattan via Staten Island.” (12) “_________________________________________________” someone inquired. “Just a couple of days.” (13) “_________________________________________________” “Down in Gramercy Park,” I said. (14) “_________________________________________________” “I was hoping to. I understand there’s a lot to see in New York City at night.” (15) “_________________________________________________” a friend said. A B C D E F G H I J K

Is it all right if I go to the theater? Maybe I’d better take a taxi. It depends on where you go. Better still, don’t go anywhere. How are you planning to go? Where are you staying? How could the subway get me? You weren’t planning on going out at night, were you? You can’t take the subway! How long are you staying in Manhattan? When did you come to New York? That’s just the point. You could be sitting in a car by yourself and that’s when they’ll beat you up.









D 89

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7. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 3 • Read these texts about mysteries. • Your task is to give short answers to the questions that follow. Write your answers on the lines. Remember to make your answers as short as possible.

• There is an example (0) for you.


The Mary Celeste left New York on November 5, 1872. It sailed for Genoa, Italy, with eleven people, including one child on board and with a cargo of alcohol. A month later it was found with nobody on board between the Azores and the coast of Portugal. The ship was checked and was in a perfect condition. There was no sign of violence, though there were bloodstains on the deck and on the captain’s sword. The lifeboat was missing. Apparently, the people had left the ship very quickly, since food and drink were found on the cabin table untouched. None of the people on board the Mary Celeste was ever found, and to this day no one can explain what caused them to abandon the ship.

On December 5, 1945, at 2:00 PM., in perfect weather conditions, five army planes took off from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Each plane had enough fuel for 1,000 miles and had been carefully checked before take-off. After an hour and forty-five minutes in the air, one of the planes radioed for help, saying that something strange was happening. Then the five planes disappeared from the radar screen at Ft. Lauderdale. Other planes were sent out to help them. One of these rescue planes also disappeared. Not one of the planes was ever found.

(0) What was the cargo of the Mary Celeste? (16) In what condition was the ship when it was found? (17) Was there any evidence of fight on board? (18) What proves that the people abandoned the ship quickly? (19) What signal did one of the planes send? (20) How many planes disappeared? (21) What is common in both stories?


Alco hol.

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7. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 4 • Read this text about animals and primitive man. • Some phrases have been left out from the text. Choose the right phrases from the box to fill the gaps. There are three more phrases in the box than you need. Write the appropriate letters in the boxes under the phrases. • An example (0) has been given for you.

A few years after an animal dies, only the bones remain. But these bones tell scientists how the animal lived and often how it died. A (0) fall. A broken leg (22) The (23)

might mean that the animal had a fatal

results in death because the animal cannot escape its enemies.

the teeth tells scientists about the animal’s diet. Long, sharp teeth means

that the animal was carnivorous, a meat-eater. These sharp teeth could cause (24) with just one bite. Flat teeth mean that the animal ate grass or vegetables (25) Scientists can learn about primitive man (26)

by looking at his bones, but by

studying the tools he used. Sharp bones were used (27) were used (28)


, while dull bones or stones

fat from off an animal’s skin. Because ancient man used tools to

make clothing, he (29)

in almost every corner of the earth. He could even survive in

very cold climates. A instead of B shape of C could live D for making clothes E terrible damage F broken neck G could travel H not only I almost always J was certain to K terrible damage L to scrape the












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7. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG TASK 1 • You are going to read an article about Charlie Chaplin. Some words are missing from the text.

• Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A–D) for each gap (1–9) in the text. Write the letters of the appropriate answers in the boxes under the options.

• There is an example (0) at the beginning.


Charlie Chaplin, one of the most creative and influential artists of the silent film era (0) _________ in London on April 16, 1889. His parents (1) ____________ when he was still very young. He was brought (2) ___________ by his mentally ill mother and spent his early childhood in extreme poverty. His mother was a musician and an actress and (3) _________ was she who inspired him to become an actor. Charlie started acting at the age of five. In the early 1910s Chaplin (4) ___________ the United States with an English theatre group. Soon he started working for one of the first film (5) __________ of the US. During the 1920s, he became a well-known and successful film star and his comedies were (6) _________ the most popular movies of the decade. His films brought enter tain ment, pleasure and laughter to people who had suffered a lot (7) _____________ World War I. His most famous character on the screen was (8) ____________ of the Little Tramp, which he played in dozens of his films. His first talking movie, The Great Dictator (1940) was nominated for three Oscars. Charlie Chaplin worked for more than 75 years in entertainment, created 81 movies and died at the age of 88. In 1999 he was ranked as one of the greatest movie actors of (9) _________ time. (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

A has born A separated A in A she A toured A factories A between A before A this A every

B 92




was born met out that saw businesses from during that all


C born C married C up C it C travelled C companies C out of C after C it C each




D has been born D died D away D the one D looked at D industries D among D at D D both




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7. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 2 • You are going to read about Topkapi Palace. Some verb forms are missing from the text.

• Your task is to form the correct grammatical forms of the verbs in the brackets. Write the forms that fit in the gaps (10–20) on the lines.

• There is an example (0) at the beginning. The first sections of Topkapi Palace, home of the Ottoman sultans from the 15th to the 19th centuries, (0)

w a s b uilt

(build) in the second half of the 15th century by Sultan Mehmet

the Conqueror. Many more buildings (10)

(add) over the four centuries

when it was the official residence of the sultans and the seat of the Ottoman Empire. The palace (11)

(convert) into a museum. Though few of the buildings


(use) for their original purpose today, one can certainly


(get) the feeling of the size and wealth of the palace by spending

a day (14)

(walk) around the area.

The Harem, probably the most famous part of the palace, (15) (construct) during the reign of Murat III (1574-1595). When most people hear the word “harem”, they are likely (16)

(think) of the sultan’s women. However,

the sultan’s private apartments and those of his brothers, schoolhouses for the young princes and the rooms of the Black Eunuchs, whose duty was (17) the women, also (18) After (19)


(locate) in the Harem. (become) a museum, much of the Harem was closed off

to visitors. However, there is still a lot (20)

(see) in the labyrinth of

the numerous buildings and courtyards.



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7. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 3 • You are going to read a letter about a problem holiday. Some words are missing from the text.

• Your task is to write the missing words on the lines (21–30) after the text. • Use only one word in each gap. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Dear Jack, I’m awfully sorry I didn’t write to you earlier, but you know I’ve (0)


got back from

that I was terribly busy with preparations. But now

a holiday in England and (21)

there’s a lot to write about, because the journey didn’t (22)

without adventures,

to say the least. Everything was OK till we arrived (23) when something went (24) It (25) (26)

England. But we had hardly left Dover

with the damn car: the engine simply refused to pull.

a couple of days to fix the thing in the garage. Anyway, we could do the car all right in London; we bought travelcards and went everywhere

by underground and bus. And as if all this (27)

been enough, Jenny slipped in the bath, banged her head

on the basin and split her eyelid. In the (28)

hospital they put a huge bandage round

her head. Otherwise things were not bad and we got home safe (29)

the end.

How’re you doing, old boy? In your last letter you wrote about something like (30)

to Budapest on business. Why don’t you pop over to my place?

Well, so much about us for now. Write soon! Love, Tom

(0) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30)



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Trs 38–39

• In this section you are going to hear a text about Malta. • Your task will be to match the information in column å with the information in column

ç, and write the letter of the correct answer into the box at the bottom of this page.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

å F




the size of Malta in km2


4000 BC


the number of Malta’s population




the number of the century when Valetta, Malta’s capital, was founded




the year when Malta became independent from Britain




the year when Malta became a republic




the number of churches and temples on the island




the year (before Christ) when the colossal temples were built on the island of Gozo



the year when the Knights of St John settled in Malta




the number of the years that the Knights of St John spent in Malta



å ç











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Task 2 • In this section you are going to hear an advertisement. • Your task will be to give short answers to the questions below. • First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.


(0) What are the reporter and the tennis player doing?

T he y a re ha ving lunch. (9) What does the reporter think is a challenge for Pam?

(10) What do you think the reporter means by “living out of a suitcase”?

(11) Does Pam jog in the hotel room?

(12) Where does Pam, as she puts it, “sort of” or “in a way” exercise?

(13) What are the two healthy components that milk contains?

(14) How much fat does milk contain?

(15) What is the slogan with which milk is advertised?


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Trs 42–43

• In this section you are going to hear about a guitarist and his shoes. • Your task will be to fill in the gaps in the sentences below with a maximum of two words.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

(0) There was a guitarist who lived in a

b lo ck o f

(16) Because he played in a club he always

get home late at night.

(17) He would sit on his bed, take off his shoes and

them on the floor.

(18) The man who lived in the flat under the guitarist’s (19) He complained to the guitarist, who

up by the noise. that he’d put his shoes down quietly.

(20) However, the next day he took off one shoe and dropped it on the (21) Before doing the same with the other he (22) So with great


flats in London.


what he had said to the man.

he put the second shoe down silently.

(23) An hour later, he heard a violent (24) It was the man who said he’d been waiting for a

on his door. for him to drop

the other shoe.


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7. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 1 “Heritage in Wales” has invited young people from Wales and abroad to join the Association of Young Friends of Welsh Castles. Since you are greatly interested in medieval castles you decide to be a member.

Are you interested in old castles? Would you like to explore the most famous ones in Wales – Caernarfon, Harlech, Conwy, Chepstow and many more? Then be the member of the Association of Young Friends of Welsh Castles! All you have to do is send this completed registration form to Heritage in Wales Membership Department Cardiff CF1 1YW Great Britain


In order to be accepted, write a letter or an e-mail of about 80–100 words in which you include the following points:

• how long you have been studying History • how many castles you have visited so far • whether you have been to Britain / Wales; if yes, what you remember seeing Begin your letter / e-mail like this:

Dear Sir or Madam,


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7. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 2 You are the editor of the school magazine. Here is a letter which you have recently received from one of the readers.

I’m writing to you because my parents want to spoil my holidays. I’d like to go camping with my friends but they won’t let me go. They say it’s too dangerous and that I won’t eat properly and things like that. Instead, they want to send me to my aunties’ to a boring out-of-the-way town. What can I do there? What’s more, my aunts will keep ordering me about – sending me to the shops a hundred times a day, for example. And who will I talk to there? My aunts (and their friends who come to see them) are old people and we don’t have much of common interest. How can I make my parents drop their idea? Please help!


Jimmy (15)

Write a letter of about 100–120 words to Jimmy. Respond to him giving your opinion on the following points:

• understanding the parents’ point about the risks of camping • finding ways of having a good time in that town as well • making the parents more understanding about his points • ways of finding a compromise between the holiday plans Begin your letter like this:

Dear Jimmy,


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7. FELADATSOR • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Task 2 Your friend has a little sister. You would like to have her for a day. However, the mother / father (whose role will be played by the examiner) does not like the idea very much. Convince her / him that you will be able to take good care of the little girl. Include the following points:

• you also have a younger brother / sister • your ideas to entertain the little girl (toys etc.) • what you think you’ll give her to eat • what you would do in an “emergency” (crying etc.)



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7. FELADATSOR • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Task 3 These two pictures show a figure skater and a car race. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

• dangerous and artistic sports • why people do dangerous sports • the risk of doing any sports • your attitude towards professional sports



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8. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 1 • Read this interview with a zoo director about how an orangutan tried to escape. The questions (1–10) are missing from the text.

• Your task is to put the questions back in order. Write the appropriate letters (A–M) in the boxes. There are two extra letters that you do not need.


• There is an example (0) for you. (0) _______________________________________________________________________ An orangutan called Karta. She is a big star in our zoo! (1) ______________________________________________________________________ There is, but she broke it with a tree branch. (2) ______________________________________________________________________ Visitors who saw what Karta was doing called them. (3) ______________________________________________________________________ Not really but we evacuated the zoo. (4) ______________________________________________________________________ Karta simply jumped back into her home. (5) ______________________________________________________________________ Well, I think she realised she was in a strange place. (6) ______________________________________________________________________ No, we had had problems with her several times before. (7) ______________________________________________________________________ No, I only remember cases when she played tricks on her keepers. (8) ______________________________________________________________________ Because she is a highly intelligent animal. (9) ______________________________________________________________________ Most of them found it an enjoyable experience. (10) _____________________________________________________________________ I really liked one 10-year-old boy’s remark who called it “amazing”. A B C D E F G H I J K L M

How did the adventure end? Do you remember any comments from visitors on Karta’s adventure? How did the zoo staff learn what was happening? Why does Karta behave this way? What else separates the orangutan from visitors? How did visitors react to what happened? Do you think it was a dangerous situation? This escape story is really something! Who is it about? Was this the first time you had had trouble with Karta? Is it typical of orangutans to be so skillful? Why do you think she changed her mind? You mean other cases like this one? How was Karta able to get out? Isn’t there an electric fence?

H 102











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Task 2 • Read this article about bamboo. • Your task is to match the half-sentences (11–18 and A–K) so that they express the main ideas of the text. Write the letters in the boxes. There are two extra letters that you do not need. • There is an example (0) for you.

BUILDING WITH BAMBOO At a cycling race, the brand new bike of one of the competitors surprised everyone: it was made out of bamboo. Although bamboo is a common building material in many tropical countries, in the West it has been used mainly for decoration. However, as more and more people start thinking green, public opinion is changing about bamboo as well. Environmentalists recommend it as a building material, architects are putting it into homes, and designers are creating bamboo furniture. Believe it or not, bamboo may be the strongest material on earth, even stronger than steel or concrete. This keeps the plant, which grows to 60 metres, from falling over. It can hold its own weight and bend in the wind without breaking. “Bamboo’s strength is in its ability to bend, and that’s the miracle,” says Dan Smith, a bamboo furniture maker in the U.K. Western people are also realising bamboo’s environmental characteristics. Its root system makes the plant regrow continuously. Moreover, it grows amazingly fast – in some conditions over a metre a day. It also produces 35 % more oxygen than trees, and holds the soil more effectively, preventing erosion. (0) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)

At a cycling event a racer had The event shows that people are As a result, its use other than for It is ideal for building as Its strength keeps this plant Perhaps its most amazing quality is As the world becomes “greener”, we are paying (17) Thanks to its root system, (18) Moreover, it produces more oxygen






than trees and prevents erosion effectively. more attention to its environmental qualities. a new bike made from bamboo. it is cheaper than traditional building materials. changing their minds about this material. the plant grows without stopping and very quickly. it may be the strongest material on earth. from falling over even though it’s very tall. recommend its use in the building industry. decoration is becoming popular in the West. that it can bend in the wind without breaking.








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8. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 3 • Read this article about problems with Oscar nominations. • Your task is to choose for each question the answer that is nearest in meaning to what the article says. Write the appropriate letters in the boxes as in the example (0).


In the cinemas you can now see two of the best films not nominated for the foreign-language Oscar: “The Band’s Visit” from Israel and “4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days” from Romania. The Israeli movie was disqualified from the competition because there was too much English dialogue in it English served as the common language between the Egyptian military band members invited to perform in Israel and their hosts. You can argue with the rules, but rules are rules. The case of “4 Months”, however, shows that the Film Academy’s system for selecting foreign films is a long-standing joke. The film shows how depressing life was under a Communist dictatorship. It won the first prize in Cannes, got the European Film Award, and was chosen as the best foreign film by US film critics – but still couldn’t get on the list of the nine films selected for possible Oscar nomination. Last year, in order to reform the bad system, a smaller, better informed committee was set up to choose the five final Oscar nominees. But this can only work if the big Film Academy committee, which is the first ‘filter’, doesn’t throw out the best movies when deciding on the original shortlist of the nine best films. This committee is made up of 400, mainly retired, Academy members. But the real problem isn’t age – they had the same bad taste when they were 30. Learning from this year’s mistakes, the chairman of the committee has promised more reforms. But history shows that it’s going to be a difficult battle.

(0) Moviegoers can see ... films not nominated for the foreign-language Oscar. A) the best two B) two of the better C) two of the best (19) “The Band’s Visit” was disqualified because in a foreign film ... is allowed. A) no English B) only limited English C) only the native language (20) The reason there was ‘too much’ English was that ... A) both the Egyptians and the Israelis understood it. B) the Egyptians and the Israelis didn’t want to use each other’s language. C) the moviegoers wouldn’t have understood Arabic or Hebrew. (21) In the opinion of the writer of the article, you … rules. A) can’t change B) should follow

C) can’t criticise

(22) The writer thinks that the Academy’s system for selecting foreign films ... A) is humorous B) lasts a long time C) is ridiculous (23) “4 Months” ... A) wasn’t put on the list of the nine films for possible nomination. B) was among the films nominated for an Oscar. C) was thought of highly in Europe but not in the U.S.


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8. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE (24) We can learn from this article that ... A) a small committee serves as the first filter to choose films. B) the committee working as the second filter throws out the best films. C) the list of nine films for possible nomination is set up by a big, 400-member committee. (25) The real problem with the members of the big Academy committee is ... A) that they are old.

C) that there’s too many of them.

B) their taste in films.

(26) The new reforms promised by the chairman … A) will correct all the mistakes. B) will not change anything. C) will not solve the situation easily.












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8. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 1 • You are going to read an article about chemicals found in people’s bodies. Some words are missing from the text.

• Your task is to write the missing words on the dotted lines (1–10) as in the example (0). Use only one word in each gap.


As an Alaskan fisherman, Tim June had thought that he was safe from industrial pollutants (0) _________ his home in a town with a population of 2,400 people and 4,000 eagles, and with large areas of protected land nearby. But in 2009, June agreed to (1) _________ part in a survey of 35 Americans from seven states. It was a project in (2) _________ people were tested for chemicals found in common household products (3) _________ as shampoo, canned food and carpets. The results were not promising – (4) _________ one of the participants tested positive. Although these chemicals (5) _________ not necessarily mean a health risk, the fact that typical Americans carry them shocked June. As he put it, “Why should chemical companies (6) _________ allowed to put my health at risk?” Clearly, (7) _________ are many chemicals in our bodies that don’t belong there. A survey by The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (8) _________ found 148 chemicals in Americans (9) ___________ all ages. And in 2007, an environmental group detected nearly 200 in the blood of babies. “They are (10) _________ polluted,” says a spokesperson of the group. “This is going to be the next big environmental issue after climate change.”


at _________________________________________________






















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8. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 2 • You are going to read an article about an honest taxi driver. Some words are missing from the text.

• Your task is to use the words in brackets to form one word for each of the gaps (11–19). Write the appropriate form of the word on the dotted lines after the text. There may be cases when you do not have to change the word in brackets. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

HONEST TAXI DRIVER GETS REWARDS Hundreds of Argentinians have been donating to a taxi driver who found a bag with $32,500 in cash in his taxi and returned it to its (0) _________ (own). The donations started after a website was set up to thank him for his extraordinary (11) _________ (honest). So far $14,600 has been donated, according to the site. Santiago Gori, a taxi driver in the city of La Plata, found the money after (12) _________ (drive) an elderly couple. When he dropped them off, they left a bag in his taxi. A few days later he (13) _________ (find) his passengers and returned the bag. For Argentinians, who are used to (14) _________ (corrupt) at all levels of society, this was a fantastic story. It was two advertising (15) _________ (agency) that decided to create the website to thank Mr Gori for his gentlemanlike (16) _________ (behave). By now hundreds have left messages for him. One visitor offered to produce in his studio a song (17) ___________ (choose) by Mr Gori in order to start an artistic career, while an Argentinian abroad promised to bring back a GPS receiver for his taxi on his (18) _________ (return). “Thank you”, say many of the messages, “We wish more people (19) _________ (are) like you.”


ow ners _______________________________________





















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8. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 3 • You are going to read a text about the Inquisition. Some words are missing from the text. • Your task is to choose the most appropriate word from the list (A–M) for each gap


(20–28) in the text. Write the letter of the appropriate word in the box below. There are three extra words that you do not need to use. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

The Inquisition has long been associated with fear and terror. To protect the Roman Catholic Church’s authority, it (0) _________ and killed thousands of Christians, Muslims and Jews during the Middle Ages. Now, after many centuries of (20) _________, the Vatican has opened an exhibition in Rome to “clear up (21) _________ mysteries” about this dark past. Although it (22) _________ not display torture objects, it does show the powerful control the church had over medieval Europeans’ lives. Everything (23) _________ to be seen and controlled by the Inquisition. Among the exhibited documents there are instructions for watching Protestants and regulations on (24) __________ Jews could leave Rome’s ghetto. There are also detailed descriptions of (25) _________ Inquisitors’ children could wear to school. This isn’t the first time the Vatican has (26) _________ to paint a better picture of the Dark Ages. In 2004, it published a report (27) _________ that only a small number of people were executed in Spain during the Inquisition. Still, you have the feeling that many facts are hidden. (28) _________ this is true, the secrets about the past must be rather fearful indeed. A saying

F does

K when

B if

G some

L had

C need

H tortured

M what

D silence

I tried

E other

J in case












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Trs 44–45

• In this section you are going to hear a humorous tale. • Your task will be to decide if the statements 1–9 below are TRUE, FALSE or NOT

• • • • •

STATED according to what the text says. Mark your answers with an X in the table at the bottom of this page. First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece. Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. There is an example (0) for you.

THE FISH AND THE LAMP (0) There are about 150 versions of the story in Texas. (1) Texans are famous for loving to tell humorous lies. (2) One man said he’d caught a very big fish a few days before. (3) He said the fish was nearly a hundred pounds. (4) Records do not mention a fish that big ever caught in the Pecos. (5) The old rancher lived where the Pecos made a turn. (6) He found that his fishing line had been caught on a rock. (7) He pulled the line so hard that it broke. (8) He said the old lamp was still burning when it came up. (9) The old rancher offered a gentlemen’s agreement. TRUE 0




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 109


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Task 2 • In this section you are going to hear an interview with Helen Page, director of tourism for an English seaside town called Blackpool.

• Your task will be to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the right.


• Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at least one correct answer. This means you might have to circle either one or two letters.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some more time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you. (0) The number of visitors to Blackpool is … a) about ten million a year. b) just enough, says the City Council.


(10) The City Council plans to build … a) shops, hotels and restaurants. b) new public buildings.

a b

(11) They will be built … a) near the railway station. b) on the site of a supermarket.

a b

(12) To offer something more special, they are using … to introduce Blackpool. a) French models b) the Internet

a b

(13) The reason why they are concentrating on the French is that … a) Blackpool is well-known in France as a British seaside town. b) the most usual foreign visitors to Blackpool are the French.

a b

(14) For French tourists, Blackpool is … a) a place to go instead of visiting historic towns. b) a stopover among other English towns.

a b

(15) The video wants to bring Blackpool closer to the French by … a) using a personal relationship. b) telling a love story.

a b

(16) Those who watch the film may find that … a) Blackpool Tower and the Eiffel Tower look like each other. b) they’re in France when they look at the English skyline.

a b



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Trs 48–49

• In this section you are going to hear about a city that plans vegetarian days. • Your task will be to fill in the gaps in the script of the recording with a maximum of two words.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers. • At the end, you will have some more time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.

The Belgian city of Ghent is about to become the first in the world to go vegetarian at least (0) ________________ once a week. Starting next month there will be a regular day each week (17) __________________ , when civil servants and members of the city council will (18) _________________ vegetarian meals from the menu. Ghent seriously means to (19) ________________ the effect of farm animals on the environment. The UN says they are responsible for nearly one-fifth of (20) ________________ emissions. That’s why Ghent has declared a regular “veggie day”. Public officials and politicians will be among the first to (21) ________________ meat for one day a week. Schoolchildren will follow them (22) ________________ own day from September. It is hoped that it will contribute to the (23) ________________ of Ghent’s attempt to make people lose weight. Around 90,000 so-called “veggie street maps” are now being (24) ________________ to help people find the city’s numerous vegetarian eateries.



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8. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 1 Your school is going to host a group of students from England as part of a student exchange programme. The student council is recruiting volunteers to look after the guests. They put up a notice on the school bulletin (see below). As you are interested in the job, you decide to apply.


Are you ready for a challenging job? As you know, we are going to have a group of students from our partner school in Nottingham, England. If you feel like taking care of them as a peer guide and would like to teach them how to “survive” with us in Hungary, then

you are the one we are looking for! All you have to do is apply in writing to The Student Council

In order to be accepted, write a letter or an e-mail of about 80–100 words in which you include the following points:

why you would like to do a job like this; why you think you could work as a peer guide; a few ideas on what information / advice you would give them about life in Hungary. Begin your letter / e-mail like this:

Dear Student Council, _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 112

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8. FELADATSOR • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Task 2 You are the editor of the school magazine. Here is a letter which you have recently received from one of the readers.

I am a 16-year-old boy right in the middle of a conflict with my parents. There will be a fantastic festival called High Voltage of alternative music, heavy metal etc. in a nearby town. Two of my best friends are going and they’ve invited me to join them. We’d spend no more than two or three days there. Of course my parents won’t hear a single word about the idea. Mum says I’m not independent enough to spend so much time away from home, and she is worried about what I would eat, where we would spend the nights, and me getting into bad company. But I do feel I’ve grown up enough to take care of myself and I definitely want to go! How can I deal with this situation without hurting my parents? Please help!


High Voltage Write a letter of about 100–120 words to High Voltage. Respond to him giving your opinion on the following points:

why he should try to understand his parents’ point of view; the possible dangers at the festival; how to show his parents that he is mature enough; how to convince them (some arguments).

Begin your letter like this:

Dear High Voltage, _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


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8. FELADATSOR • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Task 2 You want to change schools because you have heard about an alternative school which “blends” online courses (e-learning) with in-class learning. However, your mother / father (whose role will be played by the examiner) prefers traditional education and is against the idea. Convince him / her to accept your choice. Include the following points:


why you think it is a really modern way of learning; the disadvantages of in-class learning; the advantages of e-learning.

Task 3 These two pictures illustrate a topical issue of today. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:


what separates and what connects the two pictures; the usefulness / necessity of alternative ways of travel; how people could be persuaded to use their cars less often; what authorities could / should do to promote alternative ways of travel.

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9. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 1 • In this section you are going to read an article about a new type of Internet connection. • Your task will be to decide if the statements 1-7 below are TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED according to what the text says. Mark your answers with an X in the table after the statements. • There is an example (0) for you.

BUILDING A FASTER INTERNET A conductor in Tokyo gives the signal, and an orchestra in Cleveland starts to play. A few seconds later, a violinist in Berlin joins in. The performance is broadcast on Hi-Fi speakers and highdefinition television. Such a musical experiment would be challenging enough for a TV network to make successfully. Over the Internet, it would be impossible. That may soon change. Engineers are developing a new type of Internet connection that could carry so much data so quickly that it may surprise even Japanese Net surfers. The great data speeds may also solve the problem of growing Internet traffic. When a digital photo, YouTube clip or live video is transmitted over the Internet, the data are first divided into packets, which are sent to the destination and then put together again. This method often breaks down when large amounts of information are sent along similar pathways at the same time. The new network, however, would open up a route from one point to another through which the data could be sent without interruption, much faster than is possible now. The pathway can quickly be closed and the space made open for the next connection. This technology would require some new software and fiber-optic links to the personal computer, but no other change in infrastructure. (0) In this musical experiment not all musicians start to play at the same time. (1) We do not know of any TV network trying such a musical experiment. (2) The new network is being developed in Japan. (3) Photos, clips or videos are now sent over the Internet in one piece. (4) The Internet routes of today cannot handle large amounts of data. (5) The new technology would make uninterrupted data transport possible. (6) More than one connection is possible along the same pathway at one time. (7) The new technology would not require any change in infrastructure. TRUE 0




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 115


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Task 2 • Read these suggestions for walks to explore East London. • Match each of the statements 8–19 below with one of the texts. Put the letter of the appropriate text next to the statements on the line.

• An example (0) has been given for you. Walk A

Walk B

Follow in the footsteps of Charles Dickens in Lant Street, where he lived as a young boy. Nearby there are the remains of a prison, which he described in one of his novels. In the courtyard of The George Inn you can watch colourful medieval events. The church in St Thomas Street is the Old Operating Theatre, which will show you how frightening surgery was in the old days.

Have a look at the Royal Victoria Dock, opened in 1855 when steamboats were replacing sailing ships. The docks are full of life, as the old warehouses have been turned into a shopping and arts centre specialising in the art of our times. Windsurfers and canoes now have the water to themselves. If you want to enjoy the fine views of the Thames, take a walk along the river.

Walk C

Walk D

Clissold Park is one of East London’s most attractive parks. From the park lanes turn into Church Street, crowded with pubs, shops, and restaurants. Here you can enjoy food from anywhere in the world and there’s even a jazz café. In Church Street there are many craftworkers who are just happy to sell you their products. An iron gateway leads to Abney Park Cemetery with some famous graves and monuments.

This walk takes you to Mudchute Farm where you can see farm animals. Then head for Greenwich via the Foot Tunnel under the river. If you’re hungry, there are food stalls in the market before visiting the National Maritime Museum of shipping. Greenwich Park is a great picnic spot and the playground is good fun too. In the Old Royal Observatory you can look at the sky and stand with one foot on each half of the globe across the Meridian Line.

(0) Are you a friend of books and literature? Then choose this walk.

A _______

(8) This walk is your choice if you want to listen to some music.


(9) Do you want to see where ships used to arrive in London? Take this walk.


(10) This is your walk if you’re interested in planets, stars, and navigation at sea.


(11) Some people find old graveyards interesting. If you do, then take this walk.


(12) Are you thinking of buying some fine souvenirs? Then this walk is for you.


(13) This walk is the best one for families with children who want to eat in the open air.


(14) Do you want to see a ceremonial event from the Middle Ages? Take this walk. _______ (15) This is your choice if you like exhibitions showing modern paintings.


(16) If you want to try some fine international cooking, we suggest this walk for you.


(17) Why not take this walk if you are interested in the history of medicine?


(18) Have you thought of doing water sports? Then this walk is your best choice.


(19) Crossing the river with dry feet but not by ferry boat? Choose this walk then.



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9. FELADATSOR • OLVASOTT SZÖVEG ÉRTÉSE Task 3 • Read this funny adventure of a man and his wife. • Some phrases have been left out from the text. Choose the right phrases from the box to fill the gaps. There are three more phrases in the box than you need. Write your answers in the boxes under the phrases. • An example (0) has been given for you.

This story is about a man and wife going on a vacation in their pickup camper. The husband worked late at the office while his (0) _________ the camper. About midnight, she went to pick him up. They (20) _________ that she would drive the first part of the trip while he had a little sleep in the back of the camper. After a time, she would stop and (21) _________ to drive while she slept. A few hours later the woman was driving down a road when an animal (22) _________ in front of the pickup. She braked hard because she didn’t want to hit it. The sudden stop threw the man out of his bed. He opened the back door and got out, thinking (23) _________ had been an accident. He was dressed only in his shorts. The moment his feet touched the road, his wife stepped on the accelerator pedal (24) _________ on the highway. The man had no light except for the stars and it was extremely cold. Soon he saw headlights approaching. He stood out in the middle of the road and waved his arms to stop the car. Slowing at first, it suddenly speeded up (25) _________ him. They were not going to stop in the middle of nowhere to pick up some fool in shorts. Twice more, headlights approached, with (26) _________ result. The fourth set of headlights belonged to the sheriff’s patrol car. The sheriff listened to his story, then (27) _________ the station and locked him up. The story has a happy ending. Somewhere down the road, the woman grew tired, stopped to wake her husband and (28) _________. She called the local police, the couple was reunited, and lived happily ever after. A

and drove past



found him gone


the same


wife packed

G nearly hitting him


that there

then continue to


jumped out

M had agreed


took him to


wake him


and left him


was asked













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Task 1 • You are going to read an article about a special Japanese “institution”. Some words are missing from the text. Use the words in brackets to form one word for each of the gaps (1–9). • Write the appropriate form of the words on the lines after the text. You may find that some words do not have to change. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

A LITTLE HEAT IN THE COLD Japan has some of the best skiing places in Asia. But the most (0) _________ (invite) part of a Japanese winter is what (1) _________ (happen) after ski: an outdoor bath in a hot spring, known as an onsen. Though any onsen will do, there are some especially (2) _________ (attract) versions. A hotel, for example, offers rooms that open onto small, private baths where guests can relax with a view of the snow-(3)_________ (cover) mountains behind. There are some 28,000 (4) _________ (nature) hot springs in Japan, and about half of them (5) _________ (come) with hotels. “(6) _________ (Visit) from foreign countries come here to enjoy the beauty of the countryside, which is totally (7) _________ (difference) from towns and cities,” says the owner of a 123-year-old hotel. This could be tested in the next few years. The global (8) _________ (economy) crisis has resulted in a rise in the value of the yen. Perhaps onsen hotels should use the crisis to their advantage; after all, in stressful times, nothing sounds (9) _________ (good) than a nice, hot bath in Nature, a long way away from civilisation.

(0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)


inviting _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

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9. FELADATSOR • NYELVHELYESSÉG Task 2 • You are going to read about the American cowboy. Some words are missing from the text. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options (A–D) for each gap (10–18) in the text. Write the letters of the appropriate answers in the boxes under the options. • There is an example (0) at the beginning.

THE AMERICAN COWBOY In the 19th century there were great herds of cattle on the prairies of Texas and New Mexico. Every year the cowboys (0) ________ the herds along the long trail to the cow-towns in the north, where the cattle (10) _________ sold. That was the ‘golden age’ of the American cowboy. What the cowboy (11) _________ best of all was ride a horse. His horse was his love and his life. His next best friend was his gun. It (12) _________ him from the snakes he met on the trail, and from the bandits who tried to (13) _________ his cattle. And at night, when the stars shone, he unpacked his guitar, sat next to the fire, and sang (14) _________ the girl he had left behind. The herd was followed by the chuck wagon. It was a (15) _________ kitchen, driven by the most important man on any cattle drive: the cook. It was packed with (16) _________ food to last for about two months. (17) _________ the cowboy wore was very practical. His denim jeans were tight so they did not catch on the brush as he rode along. His bandanna could be pulled over his face (18) _________ a filter against dust, and his hat kept the sun and wind out of his eyes.

(0) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) 0

A drive A was A could A kept A steal A about A rolled A many A The clothes A like 10


B B B B B B B B B B 12

drove did protected rob from roll lot of That as if 13

C C C C C C C C C C 14

have driven were made left take for rolling too much All what as 15


D D D D D D D D D D 17

driving have had saved carry to roller enough What to be 18

B 119


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Task 3 • You are going to read a humorous story. • Some words are missing from the text. Your task is to write the missing words on the dotted lines (19–27) after the text. Use only one word in each gap.

• There is an example (0) at the beginning. One of my good old friends, Eddie, is a master of jokes so you aren’t really sure what is (0) ________ until it hits you. Once we visited him and his wife (19) ________ a Sunday afternoon. We drove up to the back door and got out (20) _________ the car as they came out. I (21) _________ Eddie’s hand to greet him. He said, “Come with me.” I asked, “Where are we going?” He said, “Don’t ask (22) _________ questions, just come with me.” Then he led me up the steps, through the kitchen and down the hall, turning into the bathroom. He said, “(23) _________ you see those scales?” “Sure,” I said. “What’s this all about?” “Don’t ask questions,” he said. “Just step on those scales.” I followed the instructions. Eddie (24) _________ down at the scales and said, “OK, get down now.” “You must tell me at last what’s (25) _________ on here,” I insisted. “Well,” he said, “for years you’ve been showing an extremely good appetite at table. Fact of the matter is, there (26) _________ times when I thought you wanted to eat us out of house and home. But now I (27) _________ come up with a new system. From now on, when you visit us, I’m going to weigh you in. When you leave, I’ll weigh you out. Then you’ll pay by the pound.”

(0) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27)


co m ing _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

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Trs 50–51

• In this section you are going to hear about environmental protection in Switzerland. • Your task will be to match the information in column å with the information in column

ç, and write the letter of the correct answer into the box at the bottom of this page.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, you will hear the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.




the number of years you go back in history in the Swiss National Park




the number of animals hunted in the Swiss National Park




the number of bears seen and counted by rangers




the year when the first Alpine national park was created




the number of new national parks to be created




the figure showing population density (people per square kilometre)




the number of cantons (regions) that first formed Switzerland




the century when the cantons united to form Switzerland




the year when the Swiss parliament first passed laws to protect the environment



å ç












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Trs 52–53

Task 2

• In this section you are going to hear an interview with Tyra Banks, talk-show producer and former model.

• Your task will be to give short answers to Questions 9–17. Write your answers on the lines.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, you will hear the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you. (0) What was it in Tyra’s first pictures that showed she liked being photographed?

She w as p osing. __________________________________________________________________ (9) Who gave her the idea of becoming a model? __________________________________________________________________ (10) Did she try modeling because she was a beauty queen? If not, why? __________________________________________________________________ (11) What does Tyra say models look like? Give two features. __________________________________________________________________ (12) Tyra was a successful model but she wanted to go to college. Why? __________________________________________________________________ (13) She also spent some time in Paris. What was her life like there? __________________________________________________________________ (14) Why can’t models make friends easily? __________________________________________________________________ (15) Why did she leave the modeling industry at 30? __________________________________________________________________ (16) How does she make use of her modeling experience in TV? __________________________________________________________________ (17) How does she feel about her career in television? __________________________________________________________________


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Trs 54–55

• In this section you are going to hear the legendary story of Excalibur and King Arthur. • Your task will be to circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s) in the boxes on the right.

• Please note that in this task both answers may be correct. However, there is always at least one correct answer. This means you might have to circle either one or two letters.

• First, you will have some time to study the task, and then you’ll hear the recording in one piece.

• Then, after a short pause, listen to the recording again in three shorter sections. • The end of each section is marked with a signal. When you hear this signal, stop the CD for 30 seconds and write down your answers.

• At the end, you will have some more time to check your answers. • There is an example (0) for you.


Uther, King of England, … a) was killed in battle. b) couldn’t pull Excalibur from the rock.

(18) Merlin the Wizard made Arthur a servant … a) because he didn’t think he was old enough to be king. b) so that he could learn how to be a good king.



a b

(19) The knights were trying to pull Excalibur from the rock because they … a) all wanted to be king. b) didn’t want Arthur to be their king.

a b

(20) The symbol of England’s unity was … a) Excalibur, the magic sword. b) the Round Table.

a b

(21) The knight who saved the queen’s life was … a) Sir Lancelot. b) Sir Gawain.

a b

(22) Sir Gawain didn’t like Lancelot because … a) Lancelot was the king’s favourite knight. b) he himself was in love with the queen.

a b

(23) The empty seat at the Round Table meant that … a) England’s unity was broken. b) war was going to break out in England.

a b

(24) The dying Arthur asked Lancelot to … a) push Excalibur back into the rock. b) throw Excalibur back into the lake.

a b



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Task 1 The Budapest Tourist Information Centre, in association with the Metropolitan Police Force, has decided to employ student helpers to assist police officers responsible for looking after tourists in Budapest city centre in the high season. Since you are interested in the job, you decide to apply.

Would you like to take on an extremely exciting job during your summer holidays? Do you want to practise your English in truly lifelike situations? Then why not assist police officers patrolling downtown Budapest? You can help them give advice to and provide information for foreign tourists in need. A good command of English (and possibly German) is essential. All you have to do is write to

Tourinform 1052 Budapest Sütô u. 2.

In order to be accepted, write a letter or an e-mail of about 80–100 words in which you include the following points:

why you are interested in the job; whether you have any experience in dealing with foreigners; what are the job requirements (working hours / special skills if any / etc.). Begin your letter / e-mail like this:

Dear Sir or Madam, _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


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Task 2 You are the editor of the school magazine. Here is a letter which you have recently received from one of the readers.

I’m a 16-year-old girl and I need your help. I’ve been singing since I was a little girl and I’ve been in the school drama club for three years now. So far my parents haven’t said a word against these activities – what’s more, my mum has always encouraged me to take singing seriously. But the other day I happened to see an announcement on one of the commercial TV stations. They are going to start a talent show (titled A New Star Is Born) and I want to show the world my talent in singing and/or acting. Just guess what happened when I told my parents about it! According to them, this sort of thing only looks attractive but in fact it’s an ugly business, because the media will only use us participants as long as they can make money out of us, then they’ll drop us like hot potatoes. All in all, they won’t let me enter for the show. What shall I do now? I’m eager to read your advice. Please help! Starlet

Write a letter of about 100–120 words to Starlet. Respond to her giving your opinion on the following points:

consideration of whether she really is mature enough to appear before the public; what parents say about these shows is a real problem; the risk of neglecting studies in favour of the show – is it really worth it? how to convince her parents that she will have her feet on the ground.

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Starlet, _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


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Task 2 You study at a dual-language school with many foreign (English-speaking) students. The editor of the school magazine has asked you to write an article about Hungary. He / She (whose role will be played by the examiner) has brought a couple of pictures to illustrate the article. However, you are not satisfied with them. Convince the editor that they give a false image of Hungary, and suggest other illustrations. Include the following points:


why you think that these are old stereotypes; why you think that they are not true about modern life; what image of Hungary the illustrations should show; suggestions of other pictures.

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Task 3 These pictures show two classrooms. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

which class you would prefer to go to and why; your attitude to discipline and formality at school; what you think is easy / difficult for the teacher in a “disciplined” class; in what way the teacher’s job can be easier / more difficult in a “cool” class.


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CAFE BAR FRESCO At Fresco, our business is food. We are a small, energetic team who believe in providing good value for money, not just with the food, but with the service too. The people you hear on the telephone will be the people who cook, deliver and present the food. And they care. So if you have a problem, you know you’re talking to the chef and the bottle washer. And if you don’t know what you want, we’ll be pleased to recommend menus for every occasion. Our buffet list will give you an idea of the variety of food, together with sample menus but really our service is as varied as our food. You ask, we supply – food, drink, music, even the staff. That is why we like to think of ourselves as tailor-made catering at its best. At Fresco Cafe Bar we offer sandwiches, salads and hot and cold buffets. And, of course, home delivery is free of charge.

Task 2

Policeman: Please tell me what you were doing when the accident happened and what you saw. Witness: Yes. I was just driving home from work. There was this red car in front of me. We were both driving along this road when a big grey Mercedes suddenly shot out of that side road over there. The driver... P: Which one? W: The one in the red car, of course. P: I see. Go on. W: So the driver of the red car tried to stop, but it was impossible. It bumped into the left of the Mercedes. P: I see. Now, how fast do you think the car in front was going when the accident happened? W: The red car? About thirty miles an hour. Certainly no more than that. P: And the grey Mercedes shot out without stopping and giving way? W: Yes, it did. P: Hm. Let me ask you one more question. How can you be sure the red car was only doing less than thirty? W: Because I was within the speed limit myself, and the red car wasn’t going any faster than I was. I’m sure of that. P: How can you be so sure? Were you looking at your speedometer when you heard the bump? W: Of course not. I was looking at the road ahead. P: Well, if you weren’t looking at your speedometer, how can you be so sure how fast you were going? W: Because I never go faster than 30 on this road! It’s against the law, isn’t it?


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The Greyhound Hotel is one of the best-known traditional hotels in the North, not far from the Scottish border. It has been welcoming guests for over 300 years. Originally built as an inn midway between two busy merchant towns, it stood on an important road to Scotland, and was a good sight to many travellers tired of a long and difficult journey. Today the family-run Greyhound Hotel is still as welcoming as it ever was. It provides a place of rest for visitors and local people alike, who find comfort in a peaceful old building which has been carefully modernised to keep all the traditional features. The public rooms blend the old and the new in a most pleasing way, and the bedrooms are all that you could wish for. As you would expect, most of them have private bathrooms, and the whole hotel is centrally heated. The dining room has a style all its own. We believe our guests should be really well fed, whether it is bed and breakfast service, a lunchtime snack or a dinner at the end of a long day out in the air. The herbs grown in our kitchen garden add extra taste to the dishes we serve. We are also proud of our cellar, and believe that a good meal is really enjoyable with a well-chosen wine.


THE SHERLOCK HOLMES MUSEUM The opening of the Sherlock Holmes Museum to the public in 1990 was an event which should have happened many years before. 221b Baker Street is, after all, the world’s most famous address. People have been writing to Sherlock Holmes and to his friend Doctor Watson for over 100 years but now it is possible to see where and how they lived! The famous study which Holmes and Watson shared for almost 25 years is on the first floor overlooking Baker Street. We know from Doctor Watson’s descriptions that it was quite small; on one occasion, a man entered it who was so large that he almost filled their “little room”. Doctor Watson’s bedroom was on the second floor and it overlooked an open yard. Today it is used as an exhibit room where visitors can browse through literature, paintings, photos and newspapers of the period. The Museum’s interesting souvenir shop is located on the third floor where the maids used to live. Here you will find a unique collection of gifts, figures, prints, books, playing cards, tee-shirts etc. – all available exclusively to Museum visitors.

Task 2

Woman: Did you enjoy the meal? Man: Well, I don’t want to be over-critical, but the steak was a bit tough, the sauce tasted sort of strange, and I don’t think the pastry was quite cooked enough. In addition, the whole dish should have been kept in the oven for another couple of minutes. W: Was there anything you liked at all? M: Well, let’s say the salad was all right. They couldn’t spoil it, perhaps that’s why. W: Oh dear, I’m sorry to hear that. You should have had what I had. The chicken was lovely and that Chinese sweet-and-sour sauce was really something. Why can’t you be more adventurous? I mean you


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A HANGANYAG SZÖVEGÁTIRATA always keep to what you are used to, and if you don’t get exactly what you expect, you get an unpleasant surprise. M: Don’t nag, please. Didn’t I eat up everything in the end, eh? Perhaps that’s the problem. My stomach hurts, it’s so full. By the way, talking of unpleasant surprises, I’m wondering what the bill’s going to come to. Did you look at the prices when you gave your order? W: Please, please, don’t be so mean for once. This is our wedding anniversary after all, isn’t it? You should have looked where we were going before we came in. M: Believe me I did look, but I saw in your eyes that you liked the place and I simply wasn’t in the mood for walking in the rain any longer. (To the waiter) Could we have the bill, please? W: Anyway, there is no point in worrying about the bill now. It wouldn’t have been so much if we’d ordered that house wine, but no, you had to have champagne. M: It’s our wedding anniversary after all, isn’t it? Waiter: Your bill, sir. M: Thank you. Oh no! I wish we hadn’t come here. Task 3

Earthquakes are among the worst of natural disasters. One of the most devastating of all was the one that hit Tokyo in 1923. Almost a hundred thousand people were killed and half a million homes destroyed in the quake itself and in the fires that started following the tremours. The earthquake began at 11.45 when the inhabitants were cooking their midday meals. Thousands of stoves were overturned as soon as the earth began to shake violently. As a result, small fires broke out everywhere and quickly spread. The fire engines were prevented from going to help because hundreds of roads had cracked open. It was impossible to use fire-fighting equipment as most of the water pipes had burst. Consequently, over 90 per cent of the damage was caused by fire rather than by the sudden collapse of buildings. About 80 per cent of those who died were not killed in the earthquake itself but in the fires which followed. If the earthquake had occurred at night while people were sleeping, far fewer would have lost their lives.


SHOPPING FOR CHRISTMAS In contrast with the noisy New Year’s Eve celebrations, Christmas Eve has always been the symbol of family intimacy. Even noisy city life calms down for a few hours, with public transport stopping and streets becoming quiet. The scene is dominated by the coloured lights of Christmas trees by the windows. The problem is that we seem to have to pay a high price for these quiet hours. What I have in mind is the crazy rush for presents for weeks. As early as mid-November, TV advertisements, giant posters and shopping centre brochures start an attack against our money. And of course we fall for it. We set up long lists of names including relatives we hardly ever talk to during the rest of the year, spend long hours struggling our way through the crowded streets, push over shop counters, trying to catch the eyes of exhausted and impatient assistants. Finally we end up going home with both hands full of huge boxes and carrier bags. Then on Christmas Day there is the big family gathering with in-laws and even more distant uncles and aunts. From under the tree you collect the boxes and when you have opened them you see what you


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A HANGANYAG SZÖVEGÁTIRATA have expected to get: enough shaving foam, after-shave lotions and roll-on deodorants for the whole coming year again. Task 2

Man: Good morning, Ms Simons. My name is Wilson. How do you do. Do take a seat. Woman: Thank you. M: You had no trouble getting here I hope? W: No. As a matter of fact, I live just a few blocks away and I thought I’d better walk rather than take the bus, which doesn’t run frequently, or a taxi, which always gets stuck in traffic jams. M: I agree. Now … I have your letter and CV here ... yes ... so you’ve got previous experience in selling, I see. W: Yes, I worked for three years as a sales executive of a company that sells office equipment – actually, the first job I took since I left school. M: Any special reasons for leaving them? W: Practical reasons really. They’re based in a provincial town and I’ve moved to the capital recently. M: I see. Well, we’re looking for a sales executive who’s good at talking to people, to make new contacts and, of course, who is able to sell our products well. W: Yes, I realise that. M: Good. You know, we’ve got contacts in Western Europe – erm, less so in Eastern Europe – as well as overseas, especially in South America, so I’m sure you’ll have to work pretty hard. How about languages? Your English seems to be fluent. W: I took the intermediate level exam in German and the advanced in Spanish. I can also get by on my Russian but I’m only just planning to take an exam in this language. M: Right. Well, now I’m sure you’ve also got a lot of questions to ask. Go ahead. W: Thank you. First, may I ask you about the hours? M: Well, in this job the hours are fairly flexible – it’s by far not a typical nine-to-five job you know – but you’ll have to work hard if you want to make a success of it. W: I see. Erm ... I’m sure the job includes a lot of travelling. M: Oh yes, quite a lot. You wouldn’t mind that, would you? W: No, no, not at all. And ... I hope you don’t mind me asking about the salary ... M: No, of course not. For a start it will be thirteen thousand pounds, which I think is quite fair. W: Yes, I think it is. M: Oh, just a routine question. You can drive, can’t you and you have a current driving licence? W: Oh yes. M: Good! Do you think you could start tomorrow? Task 3

In this week’s issue, our film critic discusses the etiquette of cinema going, and the audiences who prefer chewing hot dogs, drinking, gossiping and making a noise with crisp packets to actually watching the film. It’s the munchers and talkers, not those who complain about them, who spoil other people’s pleasures. Junk food and popcorn, when eaten in a crowded space, demand living space. They spread themselves about – usually onto other people’s clothes. Crisps and peanuts make a lot of noise, first when being unpacked, then when being chewed. These are definite irritations, especially if you yourself are not eating.


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A HANGANYAG SZÖVEGÁTIRATA However, the worst nuisance is not the eating but the talking. People talk in the cinema as they do at home while they are watching the telly. Those who have seen the film before tell everyone sitting nearby what is going to happen next. And those who have not seen the film before wonder, also in a loud voice, what might happen next. Now let’s be clear about this: films are best seen in cinemas. And if everyone showed a little consideration, going to the pictures could again be a pleasure for us all and not just for those who regard the cinema as a place to hold picnics or catch up with the latest gossip. Is that too much to ask?


For most people the only aim of advertising is to sell goods. But we often forget about the fact that the market it creates keeps prices down. If goods were not advertised they would be more expensive. Also, advertising is a source of information: it introduces us to new products or tells us more about the ones we know. We must not forget, either, that newspapers and radio and TV companies could hardly exist without the money spent by advertisers. Perhaps the most useful kind of advertising is the “small ads”, which perform a useful service: we can find a job, buy or sell a car, or a house, and announce important events. It is true, however, that advertising has bad effects as well. It is an aggressive way of forcing us to buy things we do not need. Since a lot of advertising is the same, it suggests the uniformity of life. Also, there is no escape from ads since they interrupt TV programmes. In addition, there is a lot of unfair advertising, which makes people think that good products do not have to be advertised at all.

Task 2

Salesperson: Yes, madam, can I help you? Customer: I’m afraid I have a complaint. It’s this sweater. I bought it from you during the autumn sales. I’ve only had it for three weeks and it’s already worn out. S: May I see it? C: Here you are. Look at the sleeves. They’re terribly worn out. S: Do you have the receipt? C: Yes, here you are. S: Thank you. Well, this is strange. We haven’t had any complaints with this make so far. C: Well, I’m sorry, but it isn’t my fault it’s already worn out. S: I’m sure it isn’t. The only problem is that you bought it at a reduced price. C: Why is that a problem? S: Because we don’t normally exchange goods sold at special prices during the sales. C: But sales don’t mean that the goods should be faulty, do they? And I don’t remember seeing any notice saying that the special price referred to faulty articles, either. S: Could you wait a minute, please? I’ll talk to the manager to see what we can do for you. >


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A HANGANYAG SZÖVEGÁTIRATA S: The manager says we can either exchange the faulty article for a new one or we can make out a credit slip for you or you can get a refund. C: What’s the credit slip good for? S: You can buy anything you like with it in this store, at the price of the faulty article. C: Well, I’d prefer to have my money back, if you don’t mind. S: That’s all right. Let me fill this form in, and you’ll get the money at the cashier. C: Thank you. Task 3

A PERFECT “NINE” You’ve heard of the Weight Watchers diet. Here, for the first time, is the Antonio Banderas diet. It starts every morning with fried eggs and bacon, cooked by Banderas himself. “I have to do the right amount of oil,” he says. “That greasy thing allows you to start singing in the morning.” He also eats a lot of potato chips. On the other hand, cheese and milk are out. Does this all help? Not really. To save his voice for his Broadway debut in the musical “Nine”, Banderas doesn’t talk at all during the day. However, he has no reason for complaint. For one thing, he acts with so many beautiful women in “Nine” that it’s a wonder his wife, Melanie Griffith, let him do the job. For Banderas, giving up cheese has been the easy part. “I had to overcome the fact that it was going to be in front of 1,300 people every night, talking in a language that is not mine and doing something I’ve never done before.” In fact, Banderas has no reason to worry as he is wonderful in “Nine”. Banderas is expecting thirty friends and relatives from Spain for his opening night, including his parents. “They know how special this is,” he says. “And they are theatre enthusiasts. They know what they are watching.”


Half of Britain’s motorists believe they would fail if they had to take the new driving examination again. A possible number of 13 million failures driving around was published yesterday in a report. The yearly Lex report on Motoring found that 81 per cent of drivers supported the introduction of the new test. However, although drivers are sure the practical test still ensures the delivery of safe drivers, 59 per cent think they would fail the current test if they were to take it again. It means that if the Government considered compulsory re-testing, there would be much less traffic on the roads while drivers were refreshing their road knowledge. As part of the report, people were asked three questions from the written test. A quarter got all the questions wrong, 49 per cent got only one question right, and only 5 per cent got three correct. The Government yesterday said there would be strict laws for newly qualified drivers. John Bowis, the transport minister, said that new drivers will lose their licence if they collect six penalty points within two years. At present drivers lose their licence if they collect 12 penalty points over a three-year period.


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Receptionist: Falcon Crest Hotel, can I help you? Agent: Good morning. I’m a travel agent and I’m organizing a tour in Britain for a tourist group. According to the scheduled programme, they would stay overnight in Coventry. I wonder if it’s possible for them to stay at your hotel. R: What’s the date? A: The thirtieth of July. R: Well, let me see. We do have vacancies on the thirtieth, but what’s the size of the group? A: Forty. R: Forty? That may be a problem, I’m afraid. You know, this is rather a small hotel and ... A: We wouldn’t mind having to share two-bedded rooms, if this helps. R: As a matter of fact, the problem is that the capacity of our hotel is rather limited. However, there’s another hotel of the same category next door. We could arrange for some people to be put up there, if it’s all right by you. A: OK, that’ll be fine. Now about the room rates. How much do you charge per person with breakfast included? R: Eighteen pounds. A: That sounds reasonable. What kind of breakfast is it, continental or full English? R: Continental. You can, of course, have English breakfast, but there’s an extra charge for it. A: I see. R: Anything else you’d like to know sir? A: Oh, yes. Do the rooms have a private bath or shower? R: Well, some of them. But guests put up in rooms without these facilities have access to the baths in the corridors free of charge. A: Good. Well, I think I’ll make an advance reservation. Is it all right if I send it over to you by fax later today? R: Yes, that’ll be fine. Do you know our fax number? A: Yes, it’s here on the brochure. Thank you very much. Bye. R: Bye-bye.

Task 3

The way we move the whole eye may be very revealing. We are all highly skilled in using our eye movements to show our partners that we are angry or happy, or that we are attracted to them, or even that we have a strong urge to dominate them. Our eye movements also operate in a less obvious way to regulate and maintain contact with another person. When for example, X is talking, he may not look directly into Y’s eyes. Eye movements of this kind, too, play an important part in controlling the level of closeness which two people allow to develop. If at any moment closeness seems to be getting too great, the couple look away from each other. If more closeness seems welcome, then a fixed look into each other’s eyes will be permitted. For most ordinary contacts, however, there seems to be a normal level of closeness which is controlled by this kind of eye contact as well as by other factors such as physical closeness, the topic of conversation, and even tone of voice. When any one of these is changed – for example by two people in conversation being pushed close


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A HANGANYAG SZÖVEGÁTIRATA together in a lift – then there will be a change to restore the old level: the eyes of both parties will be suddenly turned away and conversation suddenly stopped.


Well, this picture shows a strange version of a famous American painting I saw in a museum in the States. I’m sure the original wasn’t painted with the purpose of advertising anything. The people – well, they’re very simple. Oh yes, the man’s holding a pitchfork, so I think they’re farmers. They must be hard-working people and their life may not be easy. The house behind them – well, it looks typically American with the verandah. For me this painting is somehow symbolic – perhaps the painter wanted to symbolize American values. I’m also sure that the original picture was painted a long time ago, perhaps in the 19th century, because today farmers don’t look like this. And that’s one reason why the badge is very unusual on the man’s jacket. Even if I could imagine that the original picture also shows a bottle with glasses – why, Jim Beam whisky can also be traditionally American, – the badge is definitely out of place. Task 2

Kate: Well, Tom, what do you think we should do today? Tom: You mean during the day or in the evening? K: Could be either. It depends on the programmes. Pete: Let’s see. How about going to the museum? T: No, Peter, I don’t want to go to the museum. It’s a beautiful day outside. P: OK, then let’s go to the Academy of Music. They’re going to play works by Chopin. T: Oh, that’s too cultural. I’d only go there if I could read a good book … K: Oh, come on, Tom! P: Then there is a new musical on. It’s got great reviews. K: Yeah, but I think it’s very expensive. We don’t have that much money. T: How much is it? K: I don’t know. The ad doesn’t say. T: I’d rather go to a baseball game. It’s on tonight. P: Oh no, I don’t want to go to those boring baseball games with the fans moving more around than the players. And I don’t want to sit on those hard benches. K: Then why don’t we all go folk dancing? T: Oh no, that’s out of the question. I don’t mind the music but I can’t dance at all. Why don’t we just sit back and watch a film? K: Movie in the middle of the day? And anyway, what movie are we going to see, Kitty Cat? You want to see a movie with such a stupid title like Kitty Cat? T: Then we can’t agree an anything. K: Wait, I’ve an idea. Why don’t you call up the theatre and see if there are any discount tickets available? The only problem may be that it’s too expensive for us. P: Well, let me call up and if it’s more than ten dollars a ticket I’ll pay the difference. Is that OK by you? K: Anything, anything, let’s just decide!


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Mr Winter gave his wife twenty pounds for her birthday so Mrs Winter went shopping. She queued for the bus, got on and sat next to an old lady. After a while, she noticed that the old lady’s handbag was open. Inside it, she saw pound notes exactly like hers. She quickly looked into her bag – the notes had gone! Mrs Winter was sure the old lady had stolen them. She thought she would call the police but as she disliked getting people into troble, she decided to take back the money and say nothing more about it. She looked round to make sure nobody was watching, then she carefully took the notes and put them into her own bag. When she got home that evening, she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought. ‘How did you pay for it?’ he asked in surprise. ‘With the money you gave me for my birthday, of course,’ she replied. ‘Oh? What’s that, then?’ he asked, pointing to the pound notes on the table.


Situated in the Mediterranean at the gates of Africa and the East, Malta has preserved its extraordinary past. Malta is 246 km2 and its sister islands are also small. It has 355,000 inhabitants. The capital is Valetta, which was founded in the 16th century. The country became independent from Britain in 1964 and it has been a republic since 1974. The official languages are Maltese and English. The climate is Mediterranean. The summer is long and hot, and one does not realise when autumn comes. Most of the population is Catholic; there is a different church to attend each day of the year – they have as many as 365 churches and temples on the island! Mdina, Malta’s ancient capital is considered to be one of the most beautiful examples of an inhabited medieval citadel in Europe. The colossal temples on the sister island Gozo were built around 4 000 BC and are dedicated to the Mother Goddess. The Knights of St John settled in Malta in 1530. They spent almost 200 years there, during which they built monuments any great country would be proud of. Malta is still a very special island. It is an inviting place thanks to the warmth of its people, who live the typical Mediterranean way of life. Task 2

Reporter: We’re having lunch today with world champion tennis player Pam Scriver. Pam, with all the travelling you do it must be a challenge to keep fit. Pam: It can be. Well, I have a way I … R: You know when you’re living out of a suitcase what can you do, jog in the hotel room? P: Not a bad idea. But what I do is … R: And all that time on airplanes … P: Actually, I sort of exercise on aeroplanes … R: And I suppose you exercise in restaurants too. P: Yes, in a way. R: Mm, like leg lifts under the table? P: Let me show you how I keep fit. R: Here?


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A HANGANYAG SZÖVEGÁTIRATA P: Waiter! Another glass of milk, please. Narrator: To play championship tennis all over the world ten months a year you’ve got to keep your body fit. Milk helps. With calcium, vitamins and less than four percent fat. Milk. It’s fitness you can drink. Task 3

A guitarist who played pop music in a club lived in a block of flats in the centre of London. He always used to get home very late at night. He was so tired when he got back that he would sit on his bed, take off his shoes and throw them on the floor and say, ‘Thank God, another day is over.’ He would then get into bed and fall fast asleep. But the poor man who lived in the flat under the guitarist’s was woken up each night by the noise that the two shoes made as they landed on his ceiling. Finally, he couldn’t stand it any more and went to complain to the guitarist. Of course, the guitarist was very upset and promised that, in the future, after taking off his shoes, he would put them down as quietly as possible. The next day he got home at about one o’clock in the morning, took off one shoe and threw it on the carpet. He was just about to do the same with the other when he suddenly remembered the promise he had made the day before. So with great care he put the second shoe down silently. Then he fell fast asleep. An hour later, he was woken up by a violent knocking on his door. It was the man who lived in the flat just under his. ‘Please, please, please,’ the man asked, ‘drop the other shoe. I’ve been waiting for a whole hour for you to drop it. As soon as you do I can go to sleep.’

8. FELADATSOR Task 1 The Fish And The Lamp is a popular story in Texas. There are many versions of it. Some of them may even be 150 years old. A group of men came together at a drugstore in a small town built on the Pecos River. One of them said that just the day before he had caught a fish that was the biggest ever caught in the river. “How big was it?” someone asked. “More than a hundred pounds,” the fisherman answered. Someone else said, “I’ve been fishing the Pecos all my life but I’ve never heard of a fish that big.” “Well,” the first man said, “Believe me or not, I’m telling the truth.” An old rancher standing there said, “You know my place is where the Pecos makes a turn. I keep a fishing line there all the time. And last week when I checked that line, I saw it was hung up on something at the bottom. I thought it was a rock, so I pulled it hard till it broke free. Well, when it came up, I saw there was something on the hook. It was an old lamp. And would you believe it, it was still burning.” The first man got angry. “If I didn’t know you,” he said, “I’d think you were calling me a liar.” “No, I wouldn’t do that,” said the old rancher. “But I’ll tell you what I’ll do. If you’ll take fifty pounds off your fish, I’ll blow out my lamp.” Task 2 Reporter: Statistics say that about 10 million people visit Blackpool each year. However, the city council wants to attract a lot more, is that right? Page: Yes, that’s correct. R: How do you plan to do that?


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A HANGANYAG SZÖVEGÁTIRATA P: Well, first of all we are going to rebuild the city centre. New hotels, shops and restaurants are planned as well as a supermarket on a site near the train station. In addition, public buildings are being renovated. R: That’s nice, but you are also supposed to be offering something more special I think. P: Yes, definitely. We’re using social networking sites to attract holidaymakers. And a new YouTube film with a lovely French accent will introduce Blackpool as an inviting place. R: Why are you concentrating on the French? P: Well, we often get French visitors – they like to do London, Stratford and Edinburgh and then stop at a seaside town on the way. We hope that this will make them come to Blackpool. R: I see. And what are the features of the film that will make people choose Blackpool? P: Well, in the video, a couple – a French woman and her English boyfriend – enjoy the town’s attractions. The 90-second-long film, titled Blackpool, je t’aime, shows the town’s tower, trams and fairground. The basic idea is that, at first sight, watchers may think the Blackpool Tower is the Eiffel Tower, and the English skyline is France, but it will soon be clear that it’s a joke. The filmmakers hope that the film will be a hit online. R: Ms Page, thank you for the interview. P: You’re welcome.

Task 3 The Belgian city of Ghent is about to become the first in the world to go vegetarian at least once a week. Starting next month there will be a regular day each week without meat, when civil servants and members of the city council will choose vegetarian meals from the menu. Ghent seriously means to recognise the effect of farm animals on the environment. The UN says they are responsible for nearly one-fifth of greenhouse gas emissions. That’s why Ghent has declared a regular “veggie day”. Public officials and politicians will be among the first to give up meat for one day a week. Schoolchildren will follow them with their own day, from September. It is hoped that it will contribute to the success of Ghent’s attempt to make people lose weight. Around 90,000 so-called “veggie street maps” are now being designed to help people find the city’s numerous vegetarian eateries.

9. FELADATSOR Task 1 If you want to see what Europe looked like when history began, go to the high mountains of Switzerland. In the Swiss National Park you can study conditions that existed 5,000 years ago. No trees are cut down and no animals hunted. Mountain goats and wolves have come back to the region, and so has the bear. Rangers have counted twelve of them so far. Environmental protection is traditional in Switzerland. As early as 1914, the nation created the first national park in Central Europe. And the tradition continues with the creation of twenty new national parks across the country. This is even more impressive if you consider the size of the population in relation to the size of the country – the figure is 176 people per square kilometre. Switzerland has harmonised the needs of its people and the needs of its wildlife. “You can swim in any of our lakes, and turn on any tap to drink water with pleasure,” says environmentalist Peter Fricker. Why such love of Nature? One explanation begins with history and the importance of the Alpine landscape. The four original cantons (areas) that first formed the Swiss nation in the 13th century include beautiful mountain landscapes. “The Alps are part of our mythology,” says Peter Fricker. “It is where Switzerland was born.” As early as in 1958 Parliament first passed laws to protect Alpine regions. Care for the environment is written into the Constitution. On the environment, this nation isn’t standing still.


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A HANGANYAG SZÖVEGÁTIRATA Task 2 Reporter: Tyra, when did you first realise that you liked standing in front of the camera? Tyra: Well, my mother was a photographer and she often took pictures of me in her studio. When I look at those pictures, I can see I am posing. That was when I was about nine. R: I see. And what made you think about becoming a model? T: At high school a girl came up to me and said, “Have you ever thought about modeling?” I thought she was crazy, but I decided to try it. R: As a beauty queen at the age of 16 – no wonder ... T: I didn’t think about it because I was beautiful. It was because I looked like a model. R: Could you then tell our listeners what models look like? T: Well, they are tall, their chin is small, they have full lips – and I knew I had that look. R: But … why did you go to college when you were number one at a modeling agency? T: Because I wanted to be a TV producer. But a model agent from Paris saw my picture and said, “That’s the only girl I want.” R: Aha, so you went to Paris. What was your life like there? T: Well, I didn’t know how to look after myself. When my mother came to visit me, she taught me how to shop and cook. R: Did you make a lot of friends there? T: No, not really. Modeling is very lonely, you know. Actresses or singers travel with their hair and makeup people and tour managers, but models are alone. R: Still, you spent 15 years as a model before you decided to step down – why? T: Because I never lost the dream of being in TV. When I hit 30, I said, “I’m leaving this industry before it leaves me.” I wanted to leave on top. R: I see. And can you make use of your experience as a model in TV? T: I think I can. I use it to show my talent in front of the camera. R: You are always very critical of yourself. What would you say about your career in TV? T: I’m satisfied with it. I have a lot of popular TV shows. R: Tyra, thank you so much for the interview. T: You’re welcome. Task 3 Excalibur was a magic sword that Uther, King of England, got from the Lady of the Lake with the help of Merlin the Wizard. Uther died in battle but before he died he pushed Excalibur into a rock. The man who would pull it out would be the next king of England. Merlin made Uther’s young son Arthur a servant. He hoped that this way the boy would learn to be a good king. For many years, knights from all over the country tried to pull Excalibur from the rock, but they failed. When Merlin thought Arthur’s time had come, he led him to the rock. Arthur pulled Excalibur out and said, “With this sword I will unite England in peace again.” Arthur ruled England from his castle called Camelot. He and his knights sat at the Round Table, the symbol of the country’s unity. His favourite knight was Sir Lancelot, who had saved his queen’s life. Another knight, Sir Gawain, didn’t like Lancelot because of this. He made the king believe that Lancelot was in love with the queen. Arthur told Lancelot to leave the country. When the knights sat at the Round Table the next time, Merlin said, “The magic circle is broken because Lancelot’s seat is empty. I see the future: England will once again be at war.” So it happened and Arthur was killed in battle. Lancelot arrived too late to save him. With his last words Arthur asked him to throw Excalibur back into the lake. Lancelot did so. As Excalibur was flying through the air, he saw a woman’s hand reach out of the water and pull the sword below. He knew that no one in his lifetime would unite England again.


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ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG 1. feladat I. Összefoglaló táblázat az értékelési szempontokról

Értékelési szempontok A feladat teljesítése és a szöveg hosszúsága Szókincs, kifejezésmód Nyelvhelyesség helyesírás Összesen

Maximális pontszám 5 3 3 11

Amennyiben a dolgozat „A feladat teljesítése és a szöveg hosszúsága” értékelési szempont alapján 0 pont, akkor a többi szempont alapján nem értékelhető, az összpontszám 0 pont. II. Az értékelési szempontok kifejtése • A feladat teljesítése és a szöveg hosszúsága Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó megvalósította-e a kommunikációs szándékot, azaz megfelelően dolgozta-e ki a témát; megfelelő hosszúságú szöveget hozott-e létre. • Szókincs, kifejezésmód Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó által használt szókincs megfelel-e a témának, a szituációnak és a közlési szándéknak; hogy a szóhasználat a középszintnek megfelelő változatosságot mutat-e. • Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó által létrehozott szöveg megfelel-e a mondattan, az alaktan és a helyesírás normáinak; hogy az esetlegesen előforduló nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hibák mennyiben akadályozzák az olvasót abban, hogy a szöveget első olvasásra teljes egészében megértse.

III. Értékelési skála 1. A feladat teljesítése és a szöveg hosszúsága 5 pont

A vizsgázó megvalósította a kommunikációs célt. Valamennyi irányító szempontot megfelelően dolgozta ki.

4–3 pont

A vizsgázó nagyrészt megvalósította a kommunikációs célt. Az irányító szempontok közül kettőt megfelelően dolgozott ki, a harmadikat csak részben (4 pont), illetve egy irányító szempontot megfelelően, a többit csak részben (3 pont).

2–1 pont

A vizsgázó részben valósította meg a kommunikációs célt; Az irányító szempontok közül egyet megfelelően dolgozott ki, ezen kívül még egyet részben, a harmadikat egyáltalán nem (2 pont), illetve két irányító szempontot csak részben, és egyet egyáltalán nem (1 pont).

0 pont

A vizsgázó nem valósította meg a kommunikációs célt; – félreértette, illetve nem megfelelően dolgozta ki a feladatot.

Amennyiben a létrehozott szöveg terjedelme meghaladja a 150 szót, A feladat teljesítése és a szöveg hosszúsága szempont pontszámából 1 pontot le kell vonni. A feladat teljesítése és a szöveg hosszúsága szempont alapján adott pontszám 0 pont, ha a szöveg 40 szónál rövidebb. 2. Szókincs, kifejezésmód 3 pont

A szöveget a B1 szintnek, témának és a közlési szándéknak megfelelő, változatos szókincs jellemzi.

3. Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás 3 pont

A szöveg a terjedelemhez képest kevés (4-5) nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hibát tartalmaz, amelyek azonban nem befolyásolják a megértést. (Kivéve, ha ezek szerepelnek a táblázat alatti megjegyzésben.)


2 pont

A szöveget a B1 szintnek, a témának és a közlési szándéknak megfelelő szókincsre való törekvés jellemzi. A szókincs korlátai miatt előfordul ismétlés. Néhol nem megfelelő a szóhasználat, ez azonban nem befolyásolja a szöveg megértését.

2 pont

A szöveg 6-8 (ismétlődő) nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hibát tartalmaz, amelyek azonban a megértést nem befolyásolják; VAGY csak 3-4 nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hibát tartalmaz, amelyek azonban kis mértékben nehezítik a szöveg megértését.

1 pont

A szöveget kevésbé változatos, a B1 szintnek nem teljesen megfelelő, helyenként leegyszerűsített, de még a téma és a közlési szándék szempontjából elfogadható szókincs jellemzi. Sok a szóismétlés. A nem megfelelő szóhasználat néhány helyen megnehezíti a szöveg megértését. 1 pont

A szövegben 10-nél több olyan nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hiba van, amely a megértést nem befolyásolja, valamint 4-5, a megértést jelentősen nehezítő nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hiba is előfordul benne.

0 pont

A szövegben felhasznált szókincs nem felel meg a B1 szinten elvárhatónak, leegyszerűsített, nem a témának és a közlési szándéknak megfelelő. A nem megfelelő szóhasználat több helyen jelentősen megnehezíti a szöveg megértését.

0 pont

A szöveg a nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hibák miatt több helyen nem érthető.

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ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG Amennyiben az alábbi nyelvhelyességi hibák ismétlődően előfordulnak a dolgozatban, még ha nem nehezítik is a szöveg megértését, a Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás szempont alapján maximális pontszám nem adható: • Az ezen a szinten elvárható igeidők (ld. Részletes követelményrendszer) alakjában vagy használatában elkövetett hibák • A létige elhagyása azokban a mondatokban, amelyek magyarul igétlen mondatok • A kérdő és tagadó mondatokban elkövetett hibák (szórend, kettős tagadás stb.) • A mondaton belüli egyeztetés hibái (szám, személy) 2. feladat I. Összefoglaló táblázat az értékelési szempontokról

Értékelési szempontok A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése Hangnem, az olvasóban keltett benyomás Szövegalkotás Szókincs, kifejezésmód Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás Összesen

Maximális pontszám 6 2 4 5 5 22

Amennyiben a dolgozat „A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése” értékelési szempont alapján 0 pont, akkor a többi szempont alapján nem értékelhető, az összpontszám 0 pont.

II. Az értékelési szempontok kifejtése • A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó hogyan valósította meg a kommunikációs célt; hány irányító szempontra tért ki és megfelelő részletességgel tárgyalta-e őket; a szöveg hossza megfelel-e a megadott szószámnak. • Hangnem, az olvasóban keltett benyomás Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó által létrehozott szöveg hangneme és stílusa megfelel-e a közlési szándéknak valamint az írásmű szerzője és olvasója közötti viszonynak; hogy az olvasóban a szerző szándékának megfelelő benyomást kelti-e. • Szövegalkotás Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy logikus-e az irányító szempontok elrendezése és a szöveg gondolatmenete, megfelelő-e a gondolati tagolás, azaz van-e bevezetés és befejezés, vannak-e bekezdések; hogy a vizsgázó hogyan alkalmazza a szövegösszefüggés tartalmi és nyelvi elemeit (előre- és visszautalás eszközei, névmások, kötőszók stb.). • Szókincs, kifejezésmód Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó által használt szókincs megfelel-e a témának, a szituációnak és a közlési szándéknak; hogy a szóhasználat a középszintnek megfelelő változatosságot mutat-e. • Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás Ezen a szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó által létrehozott szöveg megfelel-e a mondattan, az alaktan és a helyesírás normáinak; hogy az esetlegesen előforduló nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hibák mennyiben akadályozzák az olvasót abban, hogy a szöveget első olvasásra teljes egészében megértse. III. Értékelési skála 1. A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése 6-5 pont

A vizsgázó megvalósította a kommunikációs célokat. Valamennyi irányító szempontot megfelelően dolgozta ki (6 pont). Egy irányító szempontot csak részben dolgozott ki, a többit maradéktalanul (5 pont).

4-3 pont

A vizsgázó többnyire megvalósította a kommunikációs célokat. Az irányító szempontok közül legalább kettőt megfelelően dolgozott ki, a többit csak részben (4 pont), illetve egy irányító szempontot megfelelően, az összes többit csak részben (3 pont).

2-1 pont

A vizsgázó részben valósította meg a kommunikációs célokat. Az irányító szempontok közül egyet megfelelően dolgozott ki, ezen kívül még egyet részben, a többit egyáltalán nem (2 pont), illetve valamennyi irányító szempontot csak részben, és van olyan is, amelyet egyáltalán nem (1 pont).

0 pont

A vizsgázó nem valósította meg a kommunikációs célokat, mert: – félreértette a feladatot, – az irányító szempontok közül egyet sem dolgozott ki megfelelően, csak néhányat részben, és van olyan is, amelyet egyáltalán nem.

Amennyiben a létrehozott szöveg terjedelme meghaladja a 180 szót, A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése szempont pontszámából 1 pontot le kell vonni. A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése szempont alapján adott pontszám 0 pont, ha a szöveg 50 szónál rövidebb.


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ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ • ÍRÁSKÉSZSÉG 2. Hangnem, az olvasóban keltett benyomás 2 pont

A szöveg a szövegfajtának és a szerző és az olvasó közötti kapcsolatnak megfelelő hangnemben íródott, az olvasóban a szerző szándékának megfelelő benyomást kelt.

3. Szövegalkotás

4 pont

A szöveg felépítése, az irányító szempontok elrendezése logikus. A gondolati tagolás megfelelő, elkülönül a bevezetés és a befejezés. Bekezdéseket alkalmaz. A mondatok szervesen kapcsolódnak egymáshoz.

4. Szókincs, kifejezésmód 5 pont

A szöveget a B1 szintnek, a témának és a közlési szándéknak megfelelő, változatos, viszonylag bő szókincs jellemzi.

5. Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás 5 pont

A szöveg a terjedelemhez képest kevés (6-8) nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hibát tartalmaz, amelyek azonban nem befolyásolják a megértést. (Kivéve, ha ezek szerepelnek a táblázat alatti megjegyzésben.)

1 pont

A szöveg hangneme következetlenséget mutat, az olvasóban nem mindig a szerző szándékának megfelelő benyomást kelt.

3-2 pont

0 pont

A szöveg hangneme nem megfelelő, az olvasóban nem a szerző szándékának megfelelő benyomást kelt.

1 pont

A szöveg felépítése, az irányító szempontok elrendezése a kisebb aránytalanságok ellenére logikus. A vizsgázó törekszik a gondolati tagolásra. Bekezdéseket alkalmaz. (3 pont) Külön bekezdésben elkülöníti legalább a bevezetést vagy a befejezést; VAGY a hibátlan gondolati tagolás vizuálisan nem jelenik meg, nem alkalmaz bekezdéseket. (2 pont). A mondatok általában szervesen kapcsolódnak egymáshoz.

A mondanivaló nem mindenütt logikus elrendezésű. A vizsgázó nem törekszik a gondolati tagolásra, hiányzik a bevezetés és a befejezés. Nem alkalmaz bekezdéseket. A mondatok több helyen nem kapcsolódnak egymáshoz.

4-3 pont

2-1 pont

0 pont

A szöveg tagolatlan és áttekinthetetlen, összefüggéstelen mondatokból áll. A szöveg annyira rövid, hogy szövegként nem értékelhető.

0 pont

A szöveget a szintnek, a témának és a közlési szándéknak megfelelő szókincs jellemzi. A szókincs korlátai miatt előfordul ismétlés. Néhol nem megfelelő a szóhasználat, ez azonban nem vagy csak kis mértékben nehezíti a szöveg megértését.

A szöveget kevésbé változatos, helyenként egyszerű, de még a téma és a közlési szándék szempontjából elfogadható szókincs jellemzi. Sok a szóismétlés (2 pont). A nem megfelelő a szóhasználat néhány helyen jelentősen megnehezíti a mondanivaló megértését (1 pont).

A szövegben felhasznált szókincs nagyon egyszerű, nem a témának és a közlési szándéknak megfelelő. A nem megfelelő szóhasználat több helyen jelentősen megnehezíti a szöveg megértését.

4-3 pont

2-1 pont

0 pont

A szöveg több (ismétlődő) nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hibát tartalmaz, amelyek azonban a megértést nem befolyásolják (4 pont); csak néhány nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hibát tartalmaz, amelyek azonban nehezítik a szöveg megértését (3 pont).

A szöveg nyelvi szintje nem mindenhol felel meg a B1 szinten elvárhatónak (ld Részletes követelményrendszer); sok olyan nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hiba található benne, amely a megértést nem befolyásolja (2 pont); több, a megértést nehezítő nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hiba is előfordul benne (1 pont).

A szöveg nyelvi szintje alatta marad a B1 szinten elvárhatónak, és a gyakori (ismétlődő) nyelvi (mondattani, alaktani, helyesírási) hibák miatt több helyen nehezen, vagy egyáltalán nem érthető.

Amennyiben az alábbi nyelvhelyességi hibák ismétlődően előfordulnak a dolgozatban, még ha nem nehezítik is a szöveg megértését, a Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás szempont alapján maximális pontszám nem adható: • Az ezen a szinten elvárható igeidők (ld. Részletes követelményrendszer) alakjában vagy használatában elkövetett hibák • A létige elhagyása azokban a mondatokban, amelyek magyarul igétlen mondatok • A kérdő és tagadó mondatokban elkövetett hibák (szórend, kettős tagadás stb.) • A mondaton belüli egyeztetés hibái (szám, személy)


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MINTALEVELEK 1. FELADATSOR Task 1 Mintafeladat 1/1

Az 1/1 mintadolgozat értékelése A feladat teljesítése és a szöveg hosszúsága



Szókincs, kifejezésmód



Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás







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MINTALEVELEK Mintafeladat 1/2

Az 1/2 mintadolgozat értékelése A feladat teljesítése és a szöveg hosszúsága



Szókincs, kifejezésmód



Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás







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MINTALEVELEK Mintafeladat 1/3

Az 1/3 mintadolgozat értékelése A feladat teljesítése és a szöveg hosszúsága



Szókincs, kifejezésmód



Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás







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MINTALEVELEK Task 2 Mintafeladat 2/1


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MINTALEVELEK A 2/1 mintadolgozat értékelése A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése



Hangnem, az olvasóban keltett benyomás






Szókincs, kifejezésmód



Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás







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MINTALEVELEK Mintafeladat 2/2

A 2/2 mintadolgozat értékelése A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése



Hangnem, az olvasóban keltett benyomás






Szókincs, kifejezésmód



Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás







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MINTALEVELEK Mintafeladat 2/3

A 2/3 mintadolgozat értékelése A feladat teljesítése, a megadott szempontok követése



Hangnem, az olvasóban keltett benyomás






Szókincs, kifejezésmód



Nyelvhelyesség, helyesírás







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Bemelegítô beszélgetés

Nincs értékelés

1. Társalgási feladat: – három témakör – interakció kezdeményezés nélkül

Feladatonként értékeljük: • Jártasság a témakörökben • Szókincs, kifejezésmód • Nyelvtan

4 pont 3 pont 3 pont

2. Szituációs feladat: interakció a vizsgázó és a vizsgáztató között meghatározott feladat megoldása érdekében

Feladatonként értékeljük: • Kommunikációs cél elérése • Szókincs, kifejezésmód • Nyelvtan

4 pont 3 pont 3 pont

3. Önálló témakifejtés vizuális segédanyagok alapján: két kép összevetése elôre megadott szempontok alapján

Feladatonként értékeljük: • Összefüggô témakifejtés • Szókincs, kifejezésmód • Nyelvtan

4 pont 3 pont 3 pont

A három feladat megoldása után együttesen értékeljük: • Beszédtempó, kiejtés, hanglejtés

3 pont

Összesen 33 pont


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ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Részletes értékelési szempontok ELSÔ FELADAT (Társalgás) Az értékelési szempontok részletes kifejtése A témakörökben való jártasság és az interakció megvalósítása Ezen az értékelési szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy

• a vizsgázó megérti-e a hozzá intézett beszédet; • a vizsgázó mondanivalója tartalmilag megfelel-e a feladatnak, és kellô mennyiségû információt tartalmaz-e;

• a vizsgáztatónak kell-e segítô kérdéseket feltennie; • a vizsgázó képes-e kommunikációs stratégiák alkalmazására. Szókincs, kifejezésmód Ezen az értékelési szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó

• szókincse megfelel-e a témának, a szituációnak és a szerepnek; • szóhasználatában megfigyelhetô-e a szintnek megfelelô igényességre törekvés; • képes-e a célnyelvi udvariasság és a megfelelô stílus alkalmazására. Nyelvtan Ezen az értékelési szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó

• a szintnek és a mondanivalójának megfelelô nyelvtani eszközöket alkalmaz-e; • törekszik-e a szintnek megfelelô igényes nyelvhasználatra (például gondolatait összekapcsolja-e, használ-e igényesebb szerkezeteket);

• produkciójában elôfordulnak-e értést akadályozó nyelvtani hibák.

MÁSODIK FELADAT (Szituációs feladat) Az értékelési szempontok részletes kifejtése A kommunikációs cél elérése és az interakció megvalósítása Ezen az értékelési szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó

• • • •

eléri-e a feladatnak megfelelô kommunikációs célt; aktívan részt vesz-e a feladatmegoldásban; megfelelôen reagál-e a vizsgáztató kérdéseire, javaslataira, megjegyzéseire; képes-e kommunikációs stratégiák alkalmazására.

Szókincs, kifejezésmód Ugyanaz, mint az elsô feladatnál. Nyelvtan Ugyanaz, mint az elsô feladatnál.


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ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG HARMADIK FELADAT (Önálló témakifejtés vizuális segédanyagok és megadott szempontok alapján) Az értékelési szempontok részletes kifejtése A mondanivaló önálló, részletes és összefüggô kifejtése Ezen az értékelési szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy

• • • •

a vizsgázó elég részletesen fejti-e ki a témáját; a vizsgázó elég logikusan rendezi-e el a mondanivalóját; a vizsgázó összefüggôen fejti-e ki a mondanivalóját; a vizsgáztatónak kell-e feltennie segítô kérdéseket.

Szókincs, kifejezésmód Ugyanaz, mint az elsô feladatnál. Nyelvtan Ugyanaz, mint az elsô feladatnál.

A HÁROM FELADAT UTÁN EGYÜTTESEN ÉRTÉKELJÜK Beszédtempó, kiejtés, hanglejtés Ezen az értékelési szemponton belül azt értékeljük, hogy a vizsgázó

• beszéde tisztán érthetô-e; • hangképzése, hangsúlyai általában helyesek-e és nem akadályozzák-e az értést; • helyesen használja-e a hanglejtést és a mondathangsúlyt mondanivalója kifejezése érdekében.


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ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG 1. Értékelési skála a középszintû társalgási feladathoz A témakörökben való jártasság és az interakció megvalósítása

pont 4 4pont

3–2 pont 3–2 pont

pont 1 1pont

pont 0 0pont

– teljes mértékig megérti a hozzá intézett beszédet, a kérdésekre megfelelôen válaszol. – mondanivalója tartalmilag teljes mértékig megfelel a feladatnak, és kellô mennyiségû információt tartalmaz. – aktívan vesz részt a beszélgetésben, és megfelelôen alkalmazza a kommunikációs stratégiákat.

– lényegében megérti a hozzá intézett beszédet, bár néha újra kell neki fogalmazni a kérdést. – mondanivalója túlnyomórészt megfelel a feladatnak, kiegészítô kérdésekre megfelelô mennyiségû információt ad. – túlnyomórészt aktívan vesz részt a beszélgetésben, és általában megfelelôen alkalmazza a kommunikációs stratégiákat.

– csak hiányosan érti meg a hozzá intézett beszédet, de a kommunikációt még fenn tudja tartani némi segítséggel. – mondanivalóját csak gyakori segítô kérdésekkel és hiányosan tudja a feladatnak megfelelôen elmondani. – a beszélgetésben a vizsgázó nehézkesen vesz részt. – a kommunikációs stratégiákat kevésbé, illetve nem megfelelôen alkalmazza.

– nehezen vagy egyáltalán nem érti meg a hozzá intézett beszédet. – mondanivalója alig vagy egyáltalán nem felel meg a feladatnak, illetve nem tartalmaz kellô mennyiségû információt. – nagyon nehezen vagy nem képes a beszélgetésben részt venni, a kommunikációt megvalósítani.

pont 33 pont

pont 22 pont

pont 11 pont

pont 00 pont

– a témának megfelelô szókincset használ és törekszik arra, hogy igényesen fejezze ki magát. – ritkán keresi a szavakat. – megfelelôen alkalmazza a célnyelvi udvariasság alapszabályait.

– túlnyomórészt a témának megfelelô szókincset használ. (A szókincs korlátai miatt néha elôfordul ismétlés.) – szóhasználata esetenként nem megfelelô, ami azonban nem nehezíti jelentôsen a mondanivaló megértését. – többször keresi a szavakat. – túlnyomórészt megfelelôen alkalmazza a célnyelvi udvariasság alapszabályait.

– túlnyomórészt egyszerû szókincset használ. – szóhasználata többször nem megfelelô, ami esetenként jelentôsen megnehezíti a mondanivalója megértését. – sokszor keresi a szavakat. – többször megsérti a célnyelvi udvariasság szabályait.

– szókincse szegényes, a nem megfelelô szóhasználat többször akadályozza a megértést. – feltûnôen keresi a szavakat. – nem veszi figyelembe a célnyelvi udvariasság alapszabályait.

vizs gá...zó AA vizs gázó


Szókincs, kifejezésmód

vizs AA vizs gázógá...zó ...

Nyelvtan (mondattan, alaktan)

pont 33 pont

pont 22 pont

pont 11 pont

pont 00 pont

– szintjének és mondanivalójának megfelelô változatos nyelvtani eszközöket használ. – kevés hibát ejt, amelyek a megértést nem akadályozzák.

– szintjének és mondanivalójának megfelelô, kellôen változatos nyelvtani szerkezeteket használ. – számos hibát ejt, de azok nem, vagy csak kevéssé nehezítik a megértést.

– szintjéhez és mondanivalójához képest egysíkú nyelvtani szerkezeteket használ. – sok olyan hibát ejt, amelyek a szöveg megértését jelentôsen megnehezítik.

– mondanivalója a nyelvtani hibák miatt nem érthetô.

vizs AA vizs gázógá...zó ...


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ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG 2. Értékelési skála a középszintû szituációs feladathoz Komunikációs cél elérése és az interakció megvalósítása

4 pont 4 pont

3-2pont pont 32

1 pont 1 pont

0 pont 0 pont

– teljes mértékig eléri a feladatban meghatározott kommunikációs célját, szándékait világosan kifejezi, és beszélgetôpartnere megnyilatkozásaira megfelelôen reagál. – aktívan vesz részt a beszélgetésben, és megfelelôen alkalmazza a kommunikációs stratégiákat.

– a feladatban meghatározott kommunikációs célját eléri, szándékait általában világosan kifejezi, és beszélgetô partnere megnyilatkozásaira általában megfelelôen reagál. – túlnyomórészt aktívan vesz részt a beszélgetésben, és általában megfelelôen alkalmazza a kommunikációs stratégiákat.

– a feladatban meghatározott kommunikációs célját részben eléri, szándékait többségében értelmezhetôen ki tudja fejezni, és beszélgetô partnere megnyilatkozásaira többségében megfelelôen reagál. – nehézkesen vesz részt a beszélgetésben, a kommunikációs stratégiákat kevésbé, illetve nem megfelelôen alkalmazza.

– a feladatban meghatározott kommunikációs célját nagyon hiányosan vagy egyáltalán nem éri el. – nagyon nehezen vagy nem képes a beszélgetésben részt venni, a kommunikációt megvalósítani.

pont 3 3pont

pont 2 2pont

pont 1 1pont

pont 0 0pont

– a témának megfelelô szókincset használ és törekszik arra, hogy igényesen fejezze ki magát. – ritkán keresi a szavakat. – megfelelôen alkalmazza a célnyelvi udvariasság alapszabályait.

– túlnyomórészt a témának megfelelô szókincset használ. (A szókincs korlátai miatt néha elôfordul ismétlés.) – szóhasználata esetenként nem megfelelô, ami azonban nem nehezíti jelentôsen a mondanivaló megértését. – többször keresi a szavakat. – túlnyomórészt megfelelôen alkalmazza a célnyelvi udvariasság alapszabályait.

– túlnyomórészt egyszerû szókincset használ. – szóhasználata többször nem megfelelô, ami esetenként jelentôsen megnehezíti a mondanivalója megértését. – sokszor keresi a szavakat. – többször megsérti a célnyelvi udvariasság szabályait.

– szókincse szegényes, a nem megfelelô szóhasználat többször akadályozza a megértést. – feltûnôen keresi a szavakat. – nem veszi figyelembe a célnyelvi udvariasság alapszabályait.

pont 2 2pont

pont 1 1pont

pont 0 0pont

– szintjének és mondanivalójának megfelelô, kellôen változatos nyelvtani szerkezeteket használ. – számos hibát ejt, de azok nem, vagy csak kevéssé nehezítik a megértést.

– szintjéhez és mondanivalójához képest egysíkú nyelvtani szerkezeteket használ. – sok olyan hibát ejt, amelyek a szöveg megértését jelentôsen megnehezítik.

– mondanivalója a nyelvtani hibák miatt nem érthetô.

A vizsgázó ...

A vizsgázó …

Szókincs, kifejezésmód

vizs gá...zó ... AA vizs gázó

Nyelvtan (mondattan, alaktan)

pont 3 3pont

vizs gá...zó AA vizs gázó


– szintjének és mondanivalójának megfelelô változatos nyelvtani eszközöket használ. – kevés hibát ejt, amelyek a megértést nem akadályozzák.


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ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG 3. Értékelési skála a középszintû önálló témakifejtéshez A mondanivaló önálló, részletes és összefüggô kifejtése 4 pont

32 pont

1 pont

0 pont

– a képi információ és az irányító szempontok felhasználásával megfelelô mennyiségben tárgyalja a témát, egy szempontra nem tér ki kellôen. – segítô kérdés felhasználásával képes a téma további kifejtésére. – törekszik arra, hogy mondanivalóját logikusan és összefüggôen mondja el.

– túl röviden tárgyalja a témát. – segítô kérdésekre válaszolva is csak részben képes a téma további kifejtésére. – mondanivalójának elrendezése rendszertelen, témakifejtése akadozó.

– nem képes önállóan kifejteni a témát, csak egy két irányító szempontot tárgyal felületesen. – nem tud válaszolni a segítô kérdésekre. – mondanivalója rendezetlen. – összefüggéstelen, izolált mondatokat használ.

2 pont

1 pont

0 pont

– túlnyomórészt a témának megfelelô szókincset használ. A szókincs korlátai miatt néha elôfordul ismétlés. – szóhasználata esetenként nem megfelelô, ami azonban nem nehezíti jelentôsen a mondanivaló megértését. – többször keresi a szavakat. – túlnyomórészt megfelelôen alkalmazza a célnyelvi udvariasság alapszabályait.

– túlnyomórészt egyszerû szókincset használ. – szóhasználata többször nem megfelelô, ami esetenként jelentôsen megnehezíti a mondanivalója megértését. – sokszor keresi a szavakat. – többször megsérti a célnyelvi udvariasság szabályait.

A vizsgázó … – a képi információ és az összes irányító szempont felhasználásával részletesen és megfelelô mennyiségben tárgyalja a témát. – témakifejtése önálló, nem nagyon van szüksége segítô kérdésekre. – mondanivalóját logikusan és összefüggôen adja elô.

Szókincs, kifejezésmód 3 pont A vizsgázó ... – a témának megfelelô szókincset használ és törekszik arra, hogy igényesen fejezze ki magát. – ritkán keresi a szavakat. – megfelelôen alkalmazza a célnyelvi udvariasság alapszabályait.

– szókincse szegényes, a nem megfelelô szóhasználat többször akadályozza a megértést. – feltûnôen keresi a szavakat. – nem veszi figyelembe a célnyelvi udvariasság alapszabályait.

Nyelvtan (mondattan, alaktan) 3 pont

2 pont

1 pont

– szintjének és mondanivalójának megfelelô, kellôen változatos nyelvtani szerkezeteket használ. – számos hibát ejt, de azok nem, vagy csak kevéssé nehezítik a megértést.

– szintjéhez és mondanivalójához képest egysíkú nyelvtani szerkezeteket használ. – sok olyan hibát ejt, amelyek a szöveg megértését jelentôsen megnehezítik.

0 pont

A vizsgázó ... – szintjének és mondanivalójának megfelelô, változatos nyelvtani eszközöket használ. – kevés hibát ejt, amelyek a megértést nem akadályozzák.

– mondanivalója a nyelvtani hibák miatt nem érthetô.


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ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ • BESZÉDKÉSZSÉG Értékelési skála a három feladat utáni együttesen értékeléshez Beszédtempó, kiejtés, hanglejtés

pont 4 4pont

vizs gá… zó AA vizs gázó


– beszédtempója folyamatos, természetes szüneteket tart. – beszédét könnyû megérteni. – helyesen képzi a hangokat, és megfelelô hangsúlyokat használ. – sokféle intonációt használ, így mondanivalóját hatásosan tudja közölni.


3-2pont pont 32

pont 1 1pont

pont 0 0pont

– idônként szüneteket tart, hogy idôt nyerjen a nyelvi megformáláshoz. – beszédét egy-két kivételtôl eltekintve könnyû megérteni. – idônként helytelen hangsúlyt használ, vagy helytelenül képzi a hangokat, ami némileg zavarja a megértést. – intonációja többnyire változatos és kifejezô.

– beszédének megértése némi erôfeszítést igényel. – többször helytelenül képzi a hangokat, és nem megfelelô hangsúlyokat használ, így közlésének megértése nehézkes. – intonációjába erôsen belejátszik az anyanyelvi intonáció.

– lassan, szaggatottan beszél, beszédtempója valamint kiejtése és hanglejtése akadályozza a megértést.







Vizsgarészek összpontszáma:

Beszédtempó, hanglejtés, kiejtés


2 1






Összefüggô témakifejtés Szókincs, kifejezésmód Nyelvtan (alaktan, mondattan) Összesen:


Kommunikációs cél elérése Szókincs, kifejezésmód Nyelvtan (alaktan, mondattan) Összesen:


Jártasság a témában, interakció Szókincs, kifejezésmód Nyelvtan (alaktan, mondattan) Összesen:


Vizsgázó neve:_____________________________________________

Vizsgázó tételszáma:_________________

Vizsgáztató aláírása:






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SEGÍTÔ KÉRDÉSEK, SZEMPONTOK A SZÓBELI VIZSGÁZTATÓNAK 1. feladatsor, Task 2 Don’t you think I should (cook / drive)? What about Hungarian specialities? Let’s think about bad weather, shall we? Remember that he / she doesn’t speak Hungarian. 1. feladatsor, Task 3 Reading a criminal story and / or watching it on the video – differences? / Which is better? Can computer games teach you anything? (your experience) Any “serious” computer programs you know / you can learn from? How can a computer program help you learn English? 2. feladatsor, Task 2 Just because your friends have it? Isn’t it expensive? / Who’ll pay the bill? Isn’t it dangerous? (crossing the street / driving) People will always find you – is it really good? 2. feladatsor, Task 3 Think about your place – would you show it by night or in the day? Why? A picture you could imagine between these two (not too bright – not too dark) What do you do for your environment at home? 3. feladatsor, Task 2 Little space – too much furniture no good Colours – bright better than dark Modern furniture – better than heavy, traditional furniture 3. feladatsor, Task 3 What to develop in the area (roads / the railway [station] / guest houses / restaurants / shops) Really good for local people? (too many tourists / cars / buses – noise, trash) The good side of it (publicity / more money / job opportunities for local people) 4. feladatsor, Task 2 Think about the dangers! (getting lost / falling out of the boat / getting hurt) What about clothing (outfit)? Living in a tent? Ugh! I haven’t done anything like that before. 4. feladatsor, Task 3 How this scene is similar to / different from your birthday celebration A famous person you would invite for your birthday – why? People (in your family / others) you like spending the time with. 5. feladatsor, Task 2 It’s just enough to sit at the desk for long hours I can see enough of my classmates anyway I’m not sportsmanlike / skilled enough – they will laugh at me It takes time away from study – parents will not like it 5. feladatsor, Task 3 Prices at a big shopping centre – really cheaper? Wasting money? (they make you buy things you don’t really need) Is there a “plaza feeling”? – what does it mean? Traditional shops – for elderly people? / new, modern malls – for young people?


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SEGÍTÔ KÉRDÉSEK, SZEMPONTOK A SZÓBELI VIZSGÁZTATÓNAK 6. feladatsor, Task 2 Daytime is just enough for shopping At least you move – don’t sit in front of the computer all the time Sparing money? Must be more expensive I like to see the real thing, not only the picture (it may look better than it really is) What if the item is faulty? 6. feladatsor, Task 3 Travelling with a rucksack: Freedom / mobility / independence / getting to know local people and the country advance booking: risky; if no advance booking, you may not find a place where you can sleep You can’t take everything that’s necessary You may be robbed Luxury holiday: Snobbish people around Program fixed (no independence) Wasting money on unnecessary things Less / no chance to get to know local people and the country 7. feladatsor, Task 2 Not an easy child – you will have a hard time May be looking for parents all the time Aren’t you too young to deal with a small child? Changing nappies, eh? 7. feladatsor, Task 3 “Typical” men’s sports and women’s sports? Your favourite sports (watching? – doing?) Sports you do – seriously or just for fun Doing sports and studying well – is it possible? 8. feladatsor, Task 2 Lack of regular work schedule / presence at school (no day-to-day timetable etc.) • Chatting / Social networking / Skyping with classmates instead of learning • Attention taken away from schoolwork by all kinds of distractions (TV / friends etc.) • Students are not mature enough to take responsibility / enjoy such freedom. 8. feladatsor, Task 3 Think of your own place of living – are there alternative routes / cycle tracks? • What do you think of events like “critical mass” days? Are they effective? • What is your friends’/family members’ attitude to cars/alternative ways of travel? 9. feladatsor, Task 2 Showing distinctive features will make a country attractive for foreigners • In an age of globalisation it’s even more important to keep traditions • Being up-to-date shouldn’t mean throwing out the values of the past • Why not give a contrastive image of old and new with the pictures – any ideas? 9. feladatsor, Task 3 There must be order and discipline in a school, otherwise there will be chaos • How students (the student council) can be partners in running life at school • What do you think of alternative schools where students have more freedom? • Any ideas of how to change the existing system of education in Hungary?


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1: cím 2: 1. feladatsor, Task 1 instrukció 3: Task 1 szöveg 4: Task 2 instrukció 5: Task 2 szöveg 6: Task 3 instrukció 7: Task 3 szöveg

Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr

32: 6. feladatsor, Task1 instrukció 33: Task 1 szöveg 34: Task 2 instrukció 35: Task 2 szöveg 36: Task 3 instrukció 37: Task 3 szöveg

Tr 8: 2. feladatsor, Task 1 instrukció Tr 9: Task 1 szöveg Tr 10: Task 2 instrukció Tr 11: Task 2 szöveg Tr 12: Task 3 instrukció Tr 13: Task 3 szöveg

Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr

38: 7. feladatsor, Task 1 instrukció 39: Task 1 szöveg 40: Task 2 instrukció 41: Task 2 szöveg 42: Task 3 instrukció 43: Task 3 szöveg

Tr 14: 3. feladatsor, Task 1 instrukció Tr 15: Task 1 szöveg Tr 16: Task 2 instrukció Tr 17: Task 2 szöveg Tr 18: Task 3 instrukció Tr 19: Task 3 szöveg

Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr

44: 8. feladatsor, Task 1 instrukció 45: Task 1 szöveg 46: Task 2 instrukció 47: Task 2 szöveg 48: Task 3 instrukció 49: Task 3 szöveg

Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr

20: 4. feladatsor, Task1 instrukció 21: Task 1 szöveg 22: Task 2 instrukció 23: Task 2 szöveg 24: Task 3 instrukció 25: Task 3 szöveg

Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr

50: 9. feladatsor, Task 1 instrukció 51: Task 1 szöveg 52: Task 2 instrukció 53: Task 2 szöveg 54: Task 3 instrukció 55: Task 3 szöveg

Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr Tr

26: 5. feladatsor, Task1 instrukció 27: Task 1 szöveg 28: Task 2 instrukció 29: Task 2 szöveg 30: Task 3 instrukció 31: Task 3 szöveg


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 9789631981353 [PDF] - VDOC.TIPS (2025)
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Article information

Author: Neely Ledner

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Views: 5967

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.