Aegon the Conqueror - Chapter 11 - JimboTheDestroyer - A Song of Ice and Fire (2024)

Chapter Text

The cold winds blew hard from the east off of the waters of the vale. Daemon had often used Gulltown as a waystation for his voyages to Braavos and the port of Ibben. He’d drank in their taverns, f*cked in their brothels and broke bread with the sailors there. Now, he sailed to sack the city and burn their ports.

Daemon always hated the cold. When he was young, a harsh winter had frozen blackwater bay solid. Him and his sister had gone out playing on the ice, trying to reach Dragonstone by sled. But as they can in sight of the volcanic island, Daemon had fallen through the ice. His arms and legs seized up in the impossible cold, and he’d thrashed and flailed in the water for what felt like an eternity. Luckily, his sister had brought a rope, managing to pull him back up. He’d spent the rest of the day with his uncle Aerion, shivering under a mountain of blankets. It didn’t feel too different fifteen years later, shivering in his blue scale-mail armour.

Casso, Daemons Ibbenese first mate, was almost enjoying the cold. He was pissing off the side of the ship, one hand on a flagon of wine and another on his co*ck. From all their hair on the man’s body, you couldn’t tell he was completely naked. “Behold, drowned god of Westeros! I give you a water of my bladder, as offering so that I will not drown!”

“The drowned god is more like to take that as an insult!” shouted Falia Pyke, the captain of the neighbouring longship, Merman’s Wife. Her good eye was closed, so she didn’t have to look at Casso’s manhood.

“Well… then he won’t want to take me! If I was a sea god, I would never take a man who would piss in my ocean!” Casso shouted back.

“I don’t think the drowned god, if he exists, cares!” Daemon shouted. “There are probably men pissing into the ocean from Lannisport to Yi Ti!”

“Whatever you say, demon.” Casso said, finishing his piss and redressing himself in his furs. “You seem nervous.”

“Because I am.” Daemon snapped. He knew he was heading into battle but didn’t know against who. The Arryn fleet he could handle. The Arryn fleet augmented with Braavosi ships, he couldn’t. He shouldn’t have been worried. He’d taken his whole fleet, galleys, longships, cogs, even a few whalers to serve as shields, all mounted with scorpion ballistae and catapults, and well over a hundred crossbowmen, bowmen and boarding parties. If it came to it, he had a warhammer to fend off boarding parties.

“Do not worry.” Said Casso, giving Daemon a toothy grin. “Or… worry a bit, to make your senses better. But not so much to blind you.”

Daemon nodded and rubbed his chin. Above him he saw Vhagar, ridden by Visenya, silently gliding high above them in the night. She would be the one to set the Arryn fleet and port ablaze, while he would engage the ships that left port as a distraction.

Then, he saw it. The burning torches of the city of Gulltown, dark behind its large land walls but shining like the sun from port. He fetched his Myrish eye, a great metal-and-glass tube that magnified his vision, to look at the port more closely. He saw dockworkers running around, deckhands unfastening ropes and shouting orders… and he saw the Arryn fleet, hastily assembled from trading vessels converted into warships, as well as a few longboats.

“Alright you filthy mongrels!” Daemon bellowed. “Bring the whalers ‘round the front!”

A flag boy translated his commands into flag signals. The fleet slowed down, with the whalers sailing around the front, powered by what must’ve been a hundred strong Ibbenese oarsmen. They created a line, blocking the Arryn fleet from view.

Daemon smiled. “Catapults! Ready, and loose on my signal!”

The flag boy translated, and the galleys behind him began to load their catapults, covering the rocks in pitch and setting them afire.

NOW!” Daemon bellowed, and soon a dozen flaming rocks flew through the air, over the whalers and into the unseen fleet. He heard the smashing of wood and the yelling of sailors. Daemon’s crew cheered, yelling curses at the Arryn fleet. He also saw bursts of fire from above from Vhagar, diving the Arryn fleet and lighting rows of them on fire.

“Prepare to fire again!” Daemon yelled. “And watch our flanks!”

As the catapults reloaded, a few Arryn longships came spilling out from behind the whalers. “Left! Left!” Daemon shouted, but Falia Pyke and her longships were already there. They rammed the stragglers, with boarding parties butchering the unprepared crews with axes and swords. He saw Falia behead a sailor in a single blow, kicking his severed head into the sea. From the right, scorpion ballistae shot other longships to pieces. And all the while, Vhagar continued to dive and burn.

It was all going so well. Until Casso shouted “CAPTAIN!”

He looked at the Ibbenese man, who was looking through his Myrish eye. “What!”


Daemon snatched the Myrish eye from Casso, and his heart filled with horror.

He saw what looked like two-hundred purple hulled and sailed ships, sailing impossibly fast, from the east. He saw them boarding his catapult galleys, water dancers sneaking up on their crews and cutting their throats. Daemon’s worst nightmare had come true: the bravos were here, and between them and the whalers holding back the Arryn fleet, he was trapped.


“What?!” Casso protested. “My brothers are on those ships!”

“If we don’t burn them, we’ll all be dead!” Daemon shouted. The flag boy was commanding the catapults, until a scorpion bolt shot right through his chest, throwing him overboard to his death. The bravos were getting closer.

“Scatter!” Daemon cried desperately, as more ballista bolts struck his galley and the others around him. “Get the f*ck out of here!”

Judging by the disappearance of Falia Pyke, those who wanted to leave had already gone. “Prepare to be boarded!” He yelled to his men.

He dashed into his quarters, retrieving his spear and a heavy oaken shield, the blue Velaryon seahorse painted on it. Written on the inside were the words of his house, The old, the true and the brave.

He felt the ship turn, like it was trying to escape from the bravos and the Arryn’s. But then he heard yelling and the clash of steel. They were on board. Daemon grabbed his half helm and prepared himself.

To whichever gods are listen. Old, New, Valyrian or Drowned. I’m not old, but now… I ask to strike true… and be brave.

He emerged to find his men clashing with the Braavosi, wielding slender blades and almost dancing with their strikes. One ran towards him, and Daemon smashed him in the face with his great shield. Before the man could get up, he drove his spear through his chest. They’re fast, but I’m stronger. He joined Casso, fending off bravos with an axe and a fur-covered shield. They fended off the water dancers, until one snuck up behind Casso and slit his throat, dark blood spraying everywhere.

Daemon slipped on the deck, now soaked in red, watching the bravos laugh as he struggled to get up. Enraged, he threw his spear into one of their chests, regained his footing, and began to swing his shield wildly, striking bravos with the sound of splintering wood and crushing bone. As he imbedded the shield into a man’s skull, it broke in half. Daemon cursed.

In all of his adrenaline, he didn’t feel the long thin sword of a water dancer find a chink in his armour until he saw it sticking out of his breast. He yelled and whirled around, punching the water dancer square in the face, beating him as his breaths began to grow laboured and he felt weak. The water dancer only laughed, and through his broken teeth and a mouthful of blood. “Valar Morghulis, dragonseed scum!” Daemon took the man’s dagger and slashed his throat.

He stood up and felt dizzy. Breathing felt impossible, and he stumbled around like a drunkard. His heart was beating so fast. He saw the whaling ships burst into flames, which grew ever blurry as he continued to bleed.

I have to get out of here. Daemon thought. Get back to… Driftmark. Back to… Belle, and the boys. Back to…

He felt himself fall from his galley, into the bay of Gulltown. The water was impossibly cold, and he couldn’t move. For a moment, he felt like a boy again, trapped beneath the ice, looking up at the world. But he was oddly fascinated by the bright lights above him. Were they the sun? The moon? Dragons? Boats? Was he a sailor? Where was he from? Did he have a family? It didn’t matter. The lights were pretty, and the others in the water probably thought so too. All of the fire and warmth of life was waving at Daemon as he descended deeper into the watery blackness.

In the end, the battle of Gulltown had been a draw. Both the Arryn and Targaryen fleets wiped each other out in a tide of salt, smoke, fire and blood.

As the sun rose over the narrow sea, Visenya saw the destruction clearly for the first time. The bay was clogged full of destroyed ships, all charred and splintered. The harbour of Gulltown had been completely burned, along with the Arryn fleet and most of their Braavosi auxiliaries. Vhagar had seen to that. She still smelt the stench of burning wood on her flying armour, in her hair and on her hands.

She sat defeated on the beach, far away from the city, watching the tide wash up bodies. She didn’t know why. Maybe she was just hoping that Daemon made it out. I know my cousin, she thought. He’s sailed around the world, battled pirates and krakens and the gods know what else.

But he didn’t come. He didn’t walk up to her, joking and smiling in his blue-scale armour. He was gone, into the deepest depths of the bay, along with hundreds of others, Arryn, Targaryen, Braavosi, all.

But someone did wash up on the beach. A bravo, mumbling in the bastard Valyrian of the free cities. His body was blue and bloated, and his eyes were wild. He crawled on his elbows towards the walls of Gulltown, dragging limp broken legs behind him. Visenya placed her boot on the man’s leg. His breathing quickened, as she kicked him onto his back, groaning in pain. Visenya drew Dark Sister from her sheath, placing it over the man’s heart.

“Valar Morghulis.” Visenya said. All men must die.

The bravo gave a weak smile. “Valar… Dohaeris.” All men must serve.

Visenya nodded, and without a sound or even a scream from the bravo, she thrust her sword down into his heart.

Aegon the Conqueror - Chapter 11 - JimboTheDestroyer - A Song of Ice and Fire (2024)


What does the song of ice and fire mean to Aegon? ›

The prophecy of Aegon's dream is also engraved onto this blade: “From my blood, come The Prince That Was Promised and his will be the Song of Ice and Fire.” This means he believed that a destined savior would come forth from the Targaryen bloodline.

What did Aegon the Conqueror dream about ice and fire? ›

The Song of Ice and Fire prophecy, as outlined by Viserys to Rhaenyra, was that Aegon had seen a great Winter coming down from the far North, that would cover the world in darkness. Only a Targaryen on the Iron Throne could unite the realm against this threat, and so Aegon came to conquer Westeros.

What was Aegon's prophecy? ›

“When this great winter comes, Rhaenyra, all of Westeros must stand against it. And if the world of men is to survive, then a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne. A king or queen, strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark. “Aegon called his dream 'A Song of Ice and Fire.

Is Aegon's Dream in the book? ›

Is Aegon's Dream Canon? Aegon's dream isn't mentioned in George R.R. Martin's Fire & Blood, but it was brought up by Martin himself in a conversation with the House of the Dragon showrunners. In an interview with Polygon, showrunner Ryan J.

What was Viserys' final wish? ›

Sadly, Alicent believes King Viserys' dying wish was to have their son Prince Aegon succeed the throne.

What did Viserys say to Alicent before he died? ›

In the trailer for episode 9, which confirms Viserys' death, Alicent says it out loud: "He told me he wished for Aegon to be king."

Did Daenerys know about Aegon's dream? ›

Game of Thrones' main Targaryens did not know about Aegon's dream of the White Walkers, though that itself makes sense: the Targaryen dynasty ended before Daenerys had even been born, while Viserys himself had only been a small child, and few knew Jon Snow was a Targaryen.

Why is Aegon called the Conqueror? ›

King Aegon I Targaryen, [b] known as Aegon the Conqueror and Aegon the Dragon, was the founder and first king of the Targaryen dynasty who conquered Westeros and united the realm (with the exception of Dorne and the lands beyond the Wall) with three great dragons: Balerion, Vhagar, and Meraxes.

Is Aegon the Conqueror immune to fire? ›

No. Mad king Aerys' father Aegon V, died from fire when he attempted to hatch dragon eggs.

Does daemon know about Aegon's dream? ›

Frankly, Viserys didn't tell Daemon about Aegon's dream because he didn't trust him with it or believe he would give it the dedication it required. It's part of why Viserys never made Daemon his Hand or his heir, as Daemon was far more concerned with personal ambition than his duty to the realm and humanity.

What is the significance of Aegon's dream? ›

It was a dream. Just as Daenys foresaw the end of Valyria, Aegon foresaw the end of the world of men. It is to begin with a terrible winter gusting out of the distant North. Aegon saw absolute darkness riding on those winds, and whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living.

Who is the promised prince of ice and fire? ›

It is implied that Azor Ahai is the name given to the legendary figure, while the Prince That Was Promised is more properly his reincarnation. Melisandre has mentioned the Prince that was Promised and Azor Ahai interchangeably, but tends to use the name Azor Ahai far more often.

Did rhaegar know about Aegon's dream? ›

When held over flames, the dagger reads in High Valyrian, “From my blood come the Prince That Was Promised, and his will be the Song of Ice and Fire.” Rhaegar repeats this line almost verbatim when his son Aegon is born, indicating that when Rhaegar discovered the Prince That Was Promised prophecy, he also learned of ...

Who is Aegon's love interest? ›

Rhaenys is without any doubt the one true love of Aegon's life. He has chosen her even over his intended bride, their older sister Visenya, refusing to marry anyone if he couldn't have her. Loving her dearly, Aegon spends most of his time with her, or at least close to her and they have a very supportive relationship.

What was Aegon's dream of the White Walkers? ›

Prior to the ceremony, Viserys reveals to his daughter that Aegon the Conqueror had a prophetic dream about a great winter coming from the North and bringing a threat that can only be defeated with a Targaryen in place on the Iron Throne.

What does the song of ice and fire represent? ›

A Song of Ice and Fire can refer to multiple things. First and most obvious meaning is the conflict between Others and humans: ice is a symbol of death, whereas fire is a symbol of life. The Others are ice demons, and they utilize revived corpses as main component of their armies.

Did Viserys say Aegon should be king? ›

No, Viserys did not want Aegon to be king in House of the Dragon. Instead, he wanted Rhaenyra to be queen. So why was Aegon named king if this . Alicent thinks King Viserys wished for their son Aegon to be king.

Why was Jon Snow named Aegon Targaryen? ›

So why would Rhaegar give both of his children the name Aegon? Since Jon Snow is a Targaryen, one is that Lyanna chose the name upon her deathbed, wanting to give him a true Targaryen name that she assumed Rhaegar would approve of.

What does ice symbolize in the poem Fire and Ice? ›

The poem "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost is a metaphor for human perceptions of desires and hatred. The fire symbolises burning desires, while the ice, on the other hand, describes ice-cold hatred.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.