8 Favourite Vegan Lunch & Dinner Recipes of 2013 – Oh She Glows (2024)

8 Favourite Vegan Lunch & Dinner Recipes of 2013 – Oh She Glows (1)

Happy New Year! I hope 2014 is being good to you so far. I spent the first day of the year watching the Winter Classic hockey game (so fun!), working on a bonus e-book (details to come), and making a tasty soup recipe with Eric. It was a fun, quiet day…no complaints here!

This past year brought with it many challenges, as they always do. One major work-related challenge for me was juggling recipe creation, writing, and testing for both the cookbook and this blog. Most of the time I felt like I wasn’t accomplishing much on either end, always torn between both demands even though I was working more hours than ever. There were a lot of unexpected stressors that came up along the way. I learned so much from writing a book and I’m so grateful for the experience though. It pushed me way out of my comfort zone and forced me to improve, grow, and learn in many different areas. I like to think of 2012/2013 as recipe creation boot camp. After 2 intense years, I’m eager to start new projects. Oh, and make more time for fun. Who knows what adventures 2014 will bring…

I heard a quote yesterday from Dick Irvin who said something to the effect of, “When life knocks you down, make sure it knocks you forward.” What wise words! It reminds me of my dear grandpa who has been through so many difficult challenges with his health over the past few years. They definitely knocked him forward, I can say with utmost certainty. And not only did his positivity get him through the toughest of times, but he tells my mom what a blessing it has been because it brought out the best in his family. My goal for 2014 is to be knocked forward from whatever challenges may come my way. As luck would have it, I trip on things a lot so hopefully this forward momentum continues!

As I like to do at the beginning of each year, I’ve put together a list some of my favourite vegan recipes from the past year. Since many of us, myself included, tend to be looking for healthy lunch and dinner ideas for the new year, I thought this list would be especially timely. So here they are, my favourite lunch and dinner recipes of 2013! I’ve included the top 3 most clicked entrée recipes at the end of this post in case you are curious which ones got the most hits. And of course, feel free to tell me yours in the comments!

1. Thai Sweet Potato Burgers with Spicy Peanut Sauce

Vegan, gluten-free, soy-free option, refined sugar-free

Bursting with flavour, these Thai-inspired veggie burgers will make your every dream come true! The patties are made with a base of shredded sweet potato and chickpeas and are flavoured with fresh garlic, ginger, cilantro, basil, and a sprinkle of lime juice and sesame seed oil. Oh my lanta, they are good. These burgers are naturally gluten-free and you can make them soy-free by using coconut aminos instead of the tamari (or simply omit the tamari all together).

8 Favourite Vegan Lunch & Dinner Recipes of 2013 – Oh She Glows (2)

2. Roasted Buddha Bowl

Vegan, gluten-free, grain-free, soy-free, sugar-free

Crunchy roasted chickpeas and hearty roasted cauliflower and broccoli are topped with a creamy cashew-based lemon tahini sauce. Try serving it with a base of quiona for a meal that will keep you going for hours. I’ve even heard from a few moms that their young children love this bowl!

8 Favourite Vegan Lunch & Dinner Recipes of 2013 – Oh She Glows (3)

3. Ultimate 4-Layer Vegan Sandwich

Vegan, no bake/raw, nut-free, soy-free, sugar-free

Do I ever love a great sandwich. Toasted sprouted grain bread is slathered with hummus and homemade sun-dried tomato hemp pesto all topped off with sliced avocado, tomato, and red pepper flakes. This is one vegan sandwich that you won’t soon forget! Try it in a wrap if you don’t want to use toasted bread. For a gluten-free option, use gluten-free bread (or wrap) or try serving it wrapped in Bibb lettuce for a grain-free option.

8 Favourite Vegan Lunch & Dinner Recipes of 2013 – Oh She Glows (4)

4. Rad Rainbow Raw Pad Thai

Vegan, gluten-free, grain-free, no bake, refined sugar-free, soy-free option

Ready to feel amazing? This salad is inspired by a raw Pad Thai dish I enjoyed at a restaurant called Marbles in Waterloo. It just might be one of my favourite recipes of all time. It’s hard to rival how energized and happy I feel after eating it! For a soy-free option omit the edamame (you can throw in a bean of choice) and use coconut aminos instead of tamari.

8 Favourite Vegan Lunch & Dinner Recipes of 2013 – Oh She Glows (5)

5. Sundried Tomato, Mushroom, and Spinach Tofu Quiche

Vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free

This was my first time making a tofu quiche and it blew us away! Many of you are loving it too; I’ve had so many rave reviews about this quiche. Enjoy it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack. I’ve made this a few different ways simply by changing up the vegetables used. One version used asparagus (1 cup diced) and broccoli (1.5 cups diced), which was also very nice. The only thing I would advise against is using a high-water vegetable, like fresh tomatoes as it might result in a water-logged quiche. Best of all, it reheats well. Simply place leftover quiche on a baking sheet and pop it in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 350F.

8 Favourite Vegan Lunch & Dinner Recipes of 2013 – Oh She Glows (6)

6. Smoky Butternut Squash Sauce with Pasta and Greens

Vegan, gluten-free, oil-free, soy-free, sugar-free

Creamy comfort food at its finest. This recipe is adapted from my Butternut Squash Mac and Cheeze recipe from 2011. While the former version is a huge hit on the blog, some of you didn’t like how sweet the sauce is. This version I’m sharing today is still quite sweet thanks to the butternut squash and cashews, but I’ve tried to balance it out better with some smoky seasonings like liquid smoke, chili powder, smoked paprika, and some hot sauce for a kick and more depth of flavour. It’s a big hit in this house. This sauce is also great heated up and poured over roasted vegetables and brown rice if you don’t want pasta. Use it any way you see fit! I think you’ll be surprised by how creamy and satisfying it is all without a lick of butter or oil.

8 Favourite Vegan Lunch & Dinner Recipes of 2013 – Oh She Glows (7)

7. Easy Flaked Almond “Tuna” Salad

Vegan, gluten-free, grain-free, soy-free option, no bake

I think this almond “tuna” salad tastes even better than the real thing. The base of this salad is made with plump soaked almonds which are processed until “flaked” in texture. To bulk up the flaked almonds, I added celery, garlic, and green onion for more flavour and crunch. Finally some oil-based mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, and lemon juice brought everything together. The end result is creamy, crunchy, a bit tangy, and seriously, seriously hard to resist. I couldn’t stop eating it straight from the bowl! Try it on top of a salad, in cucumber cups, lettuce wraps, on toasted sprouted-grain bread.

8 Favourite Vegan Lunch & Dinner Recipes of 2013 – Oh She Glows (8)


Vegan, gluten-free, grain-free, soy-free, sugar-free, nut-free

This is the meal to make when you have no idea what to make.

This is the meal to make when you just want to devour a huge plate of nachos and call it dinner.

This plate is a staple in our house because we usually have most of the ingredients on hand. During the months when tomatoes are not in season, I like to use a jar of salsa instead of the cherry tomatoes.

8 Favourite Vegan Lunch & Dinner Recipes of 2013 – Oh She Glows (9)

Here are the 2013 lunch/dinner recipes that had the most page views:

3. Green Powerhouse Pesto Plate

2. Roasted Buddha Bowl

1. Rad Rainbow Raw Pad Thai (<—2013 winner!!)

Did you have a favourite recipe form 2013? Share below!

Wishing you all the best 2014 has to offer.

8 Favourite Vegan Lunch & Dinner Recipes of 2013 – Oh She Glows (2024)


Where did Angela Liddon go? ›

Angela is now focusing her time on The Oh She Glows Recipe App. “I am adding a lot of new recipes for our app users and planning new features.

What foods do vegans eat for lunch? ›

Vegan lunch recipes
  • Vegan leek & potato soup. A star rating of 4.3 out of 5. ...
  • Vegan banh mi. A star rating of 4.8 out of 5. ...
  • Butter bean curry wraps. A star rating of 0 out of 5. ...
  • Tomato & black bean taco salad. ...
  • Vegan salad bowl. ...
  • Roasted teriyaki veg bowl. ...
  • 'Cheesy' vegan scones. ...
  • Vegan chickpea curry jacket potatoes.

Is Angela Liddon vegan? ›

Today her blog Oh She Glows – a food blog full of healthy vegan recipes – receives more than a million visitors each month, but when she first started, Angela Liddon's blogging was just her way of chronicling her road to recovery from an eating disorder.

Is Angela Liddon married? ›

in social-personality psychology, and enjoys helping others find happiness and health through a plant-based diet. Angela and her husband, Eric, live in the greater Toronto area with their quirky cat, Sketchie.

What food is surprisingly vegan? ›

18 Snacks and Foods You Didn't Know Were Vegan
  • Sriracha Mayo. I'm just as surprised as you are that Flying Goose's brilliant sriracha mayo is completely plant-based. ...
  • Hackney Gelato Dark Chocolate Sorbetto. ...
  • Lotus Biscoff Spread. ...
  • Lindt Excellence 70% Dark Chocolate. ...
  • Ritz Crackers. ...
  • Jacob's Cream Crackers. ...
  • Oreos. ...
  • Twiglets.
Jan 11, 2023

What is the most eaten vegan food? ›

Most vegan diets include beans in at least one meal per day, including lentils, chickpeas, black beans, pinto beans and many more. Many vegans consume soy-based proteins such as tofu and tempeh; their mild flavor makes them a great substitute for meat in stir-fries, soups and stews.

What bread is vegan? ›

Vegans can eat bread that does not contain animal products or byproducts. This includes breads that only use some variation on flour, water, yeast, and salt including ciabatta, baguette, focaccia, sourdough, pita, and ezekiel breads.

What does a vegan eat on a typical day? ›

What to Eat on a Vegan Diet
  • Beans.
  • Lentils.
  • Edamame.
  • Soy.
  • Tofu.
  • Nuts, seeds and nut butters.
  • Whole grains (oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, wheat bread)
  • Seitan.
Nov 11, 2023

What do vegans eat for breakfast lunch and dinner? ›

Sample meal plan
  • Breakfast: tempeh bacon with sautéed mushrooms, avocado, and wilted arugula.
  • Lunch: whole-grain pasta with lentil “meatballs” and a side salad.
  • Dinner: cauliflower and chickpea tacos with guacamole and pico de gallo.
  • Snacks: air-popped popcorn, kale chips, and trail mix.
Apr 4, 2019

Can vegans eat bread? ›

The simple answer is yes; vegans can eat bread. However, not all bread is created equal, and it's essential to check the ingredients list or labelling to ensure the bread is vegan-friendly. Some bread contains animal-derived ingredients such as eggs, milk, or honey, which are unsuitable for vegans.

Do they make vegan lunch meat? ›

Vegan lunch meat is an animal-free sandwich stuffer that comes in a wide range of varieties, from classic cold cuts such as bologna, ham, and turkey to fancy flavors like lentil sage and chipotle chili.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.