2024 Banking Regulatory Outlook (2024)

After a tumultuous 2023, US banking regulators have set forth an ambitious agenda for 2024, including significant proposed changes to capital, resolution planning, consumer compliance, and supervision, among many others. For banks, these supervisory and regulatory changes will further necessitate building and maintaining effective governance, risk management, and control frameworks. At the same time, institutions should closely evaluate how new banking regulation will impact their business model and strategic planning. Explore our 2024 banking regulatory outlook to see what you should expect and ways to prepare for anticipated regulatory change.

Responding to increased regulatory scrutiny

Federal banking regulators have signaled that supervisory scrutiny of financial institutions is expected to increase materially in 2024, with particular heightened attention on untimely remediation of supervisory findings. While larger banks are traditionally the targets of regulatory attention, scrutiny is expanding across the banking industry. Midsize regional banks should prepare for new regulation—including liquidity, debt, and capital requirements—as well as increased governance and risk management expectations. Furthermore, nonbanks—including fintech, payment companies, and big tech firms that are increasingly offering financial products and services—should prepare for an expanded regulatory perimeter. As supervisory scrutiny intensifies throughout the banking sector, institutions will likely need to devote more resources toward addressing legacy issues and building out their governance and risk management frameworks.

Download our report to see how your organization can prepare for banking regulatory changes

Safety and soundness at the forefront

A number of significant proposals designed to improve the safety and soundness of the banking sector are expected to be finalized in 2024. Among the most significant include the finalization of Basel III international standards, commonly called the “Endgame,” as well as new long-term debt requirements for large banking organizations. These regulatory changes will be among the most consequential for the industry in more than a decade, with many smaller banks expected to come under regulatory standards traditionally reserved for the largest, most systematically important institutions. Banks will need to devote significant effort to achieve compliance with these new regulations and understand the impact of these changes to their business model and ability to compete with non-regulated and foreign entities.

Intersection of innovation and consumer protection

Regulators are expected to emphasize consumer protection in 2024. In particular, regulators are likely to scrutinize the potential adverse effects that innovative products, services, and technologies deployed by banks may have on consumers. Aspects such as banks’ third-party risk management programs, fintech partnerships, and the deployment of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and distributed ledger technology (DLT) are likely to come under increased regulatory scrutiny. Federal banking regulators are expected to finalize and modernize several consumer-related regulations in 2024, including fair lending practices and open banking. In response to these regulatory changes, banks of all sizes will need to conduct a thorough evaluation of their technological usage and partnerships and guard against consumer harm.

Get ahead of regulatory change

Proactive measures will be crucial to understanding the impact of banking regulatory changes in 2024. As regulatory priorities are defined and react to current external factors, banking leaders should analyze the impact of emerging trends, as well as proposed and final regulations on legal entity, business, and operational structures. The pace of potential change will stretch to board and senior management’s attention and prompt regulatory change processes to be strategic, not just process-driven. Strategic regulatory management is key.

Thefinancial services industry has much to prepare for in 2024. Discover howfinancial services organizations can integrate regulatory considerations intotheir strategy, keep pace with regulatory changes and enforcement priorities,and anticipate the regulatory impact on their current or future operatingmodel.

2024 Financial Services Regulatory Outlooks
If you are interested in learning more about the banking industry, check out our recently released 2024 banking and capital markets industry outlook here.

Ready to talk?

The conversation doesn’t end here. Connect with our team to see how you can prepare for regulatory shifts and manage your compliance with confidence.

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Based on the provided information, it seems that the article discusses the banking regulatory outlook for 2024 in the United States. The article highlights several key concepts related to banking regulations and their impact on financial institutions. Let's explore these concepts further:

1. Supervisory Scrutiny and Regulatory Changes:

The article mentions that banking regulators in the US are expected to increase supervisory scrutiny of financial institutions in 2024. This scrutiny will focus on untimely remediation of supervisory findings. While larger banks have traditionally been the targets of regulatory attention, scrutiny is expanding across the banking industry. Midsize regional banks should prepare for new regulations, including liquidity, debt, and capital requirements, as well as increased governance and risk management expectations. Nonbanks, such as fintech, payment companies, and big tech firms offering financial products and services, should also prepare for an expanded regulatory perimeter [[1]].

2. Safety and Soundness:

The article mentions that several significant proposals are expected to be finalized in 2024 to improve the safety and soundness of the banking sector. These proposals include the finalization of Basel III international standards, also known as the "Endgame," as well as new long-term debt requirements for large banking organizations. These regulatory changes will have a significant impact on the industry, with smaller banks expected to come under regulatory standards traditionally reserved for larger institutions. Banks will need to devote significant effort to achieve compliance with these new regulations and understand their impact on their business models and ability to compete with non-regulated and foreign entities [[2]].

3. Intersection of Innovation and Consumer Protection:

Regulators are expected to emphasize consumer protection in 2024. They are likely to scrutinize the potential adverse effects that innovative products, services, and technologies deployed by banks may have on consumers. Areas such as banks' third-party risk management programs, fintech partnerships, and the deployment of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and distributed ledger technology (DLT) are likely to come under increased regulatory scrutiny. Federal banking regulators are expected to finalize and modernize several consumer-related regulations in 2024, including fair lending practices and open banking. Banks of all sizes will need to evaluate their technological usage and partnerships to guard against consumer harm [[3]].

4. Proactive Measures and Strategic Regulatory Management:

The article emphasizes that proactive measures will be crucial for understanding the impact of banking regulatory changes in 2024. Banking leaders should analyze the impact of emerging trends, proposed regulations, and final regulations on legal entity, business, and operational structures. The pace of potential change will require the attention of board members and senior management, prompting strategic regulatory management processes to be strategic rather than solely process-driven [[4]].

These are the key concepts discussed in the article regarding the 2024 banking regulatory outlook in the United States. It is important for banks and financial institutions to stay informed about these regulatory changes and take proactive measures to ensure compliance and adapt their business models accordingly.

2024 Banking Regulatory Outlook (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.